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8 months ago

Feature: Stick a PIN in it

The 10 best hacking, coding and computing games

This is the hAcKeR collective {{Synonymous Bosch}}. We have taken control of this aRt1cLe. Three years ago it was written by the untalented and scurrilous “journalist” Brendan Caldwell, a man lacking in both knowledge and substance. But we have gained access in order to correct his egregious errors. It’s a hack of a hack! Ha ha ha. We had our best joke cell work on…

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10 months ago

Feature: Listen or count calmly to ten

Podcast: What makes you panic?

 Whoa whoa, calm down, breeeathe. Now, explain it to me slowly. The RPS podcast did what? They talked about the games that make them panic? Hm. That does sound like something those scoundrels of the Electronic Wireless Show would do. They’d probably talk about Subnautica and Duskers and SpyParty. Okay, well stay calm. That’s right. Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale. There’s no need to –…

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11 months ago

Feature: In space... no one can hear you pillage

Video: You Should be Playing… Duskers (and some other recommendations, too)

Have you checked in on the Rock Paper Shotgun Video Department recently? We’ve been slowly populating the YouTube channel with previews, lists, and terrible bus company management. But we’ve also been sowing the seeds of a new series as we went... so quietly in fact, I’m fairly sure it passed a lot of you by. But now, as in Matthew and I’s Stardew Valley shenanigans,…

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2 years ago

Feature: Games about hacking, coding and computing

The 10 Best Hacking, Coding, Computing Games

As anyone who watches their feeds knows, we live in a constantly evolving cyberpunk dystopia. They're connecting toilets to the internet, for heavens sake. If this Gibsonist world is just too REAL for you, we have put together the ten best videogames about hacking, programming and computing so you can escape into meta-dystopia. Which I'm sure is a much better place.

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Feature: Independent Games Festival

The Electronic Wireless Show – IGF Special #1: Sci-fi

It's time to use to our radio voice. The RPS Electronic Wireless Show has historically been our not-very-regular podcast where we gather to tell each other how wrong we are about videogames. But this month it has mutated into something different. In the lead-up to this year's Independent Games Festival, we interviewed a whole bunch of developers, all of whom have been nominated for some…

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3 years ago

Feature: Drone warfare

RPS Advent Calendar, Dec 19th: Duskers

The next door on the Advent Calendar might be dangerous...or, to be more precise, what's behind it might be. We haven't examined the contents yet and would advise that you do not approach it until it's been fully scanned. Why not send in a drone to open the door while you hide in the bedroom. That way if anything terrible emerges, you'll be safe, hiding…

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Feature: Explore derelict spaceships with a squad of chirping robots

Have You Played… Duskers?

Have You Played? is an endless stream of game retrospectives. One a day, every day of the year, perhaps for all time. I tend not to like games with obtuse interfaces, even those which have chosen those interfaces for deliberate affect. Duskers is that rare exception. You use a command line-stlye interface to control a small fleet of robots in order to explore and scavenge…

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Feature: Trend of an era

The 10 most intriguing PC gaming trends of 2016

As December approaches like a runaway sled and we prepare to say our goodbyes to 2016, it's natural to reflect on the year as a whole. Those reflections could easily take the form of laments but we're keeping our focus firmly on the world of PC games, where we've identified ten trends that may not have defined 2016, but have certainly helped to shape it.…

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Salvaged is Duskers with camera-wearing space soldiers

There’s a famous scene in Aliens where Ripley and the company men watch as the marines make their way through a derelict colony base, giving orders and eventually seeing them succumb to untold numbers of xenomorphs over their helmet cams. Salvaged [official site] is that idea extracted and put into a videogame. You play a commander who controls and observes AI soldiers as they sweep…

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Feature: The terror of the command line

How Typing Heightens Duskers’ Deep-Space Horror

This is The Mechanic, where Alex Wiltshire invites developers to discuss the inner workings of their games. This time, Duskers [official site]. That atmosphere. That rising tension. That emergent puzzle-solving. That moment in Duskers when deliberate planning turns to hell, and you sit, impotent, as your team of unswerving drones are fried by radiation, pulled into the vacuum of space, or are torn into scrap…

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Feature: Our 13 personal faves

Buy These Games: Our Picks From The Steam  Sale

Dark days for the world. Maybe videogames can save us? Haha yes of course they can haha. Here are some really good videogames, though. They'll take you to a better place for a while. These are the RPS team's 13 personal favourites from the current Steam Summer Sale: we believe in these games, and we believe that you should play them too.

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Feature: A bonus bestest best!

The Bestest Best Games Of 2016 So Far

We usually do our enormous GAMES OF THE YEAR posting fest at the end of the year (as would seem logical) but because it seems silly to reserve praise for special occasions we're doing a Games Of The Half Year collection to tell you about everything we've loved playing so far. It can double as a summer holiday recommendations list too! We've listed ours in…

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Feature: A better Alien game than any official Alien game

Duskers review

After nine months in the womb of early access, Duskers has finally been born. Out it comes, snarling and writhing like the science fiction nightmare it is, covered in slime and engine oil. Congratulations, game developers! It's beautiful. No, really, it is. And here's Brendan to tell you why.

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Drone Zone: Command Line ‘Em Up Duskers Released

The command line terrors of sending drones into derelict (but... not empty) spaceships delighted us in Duskers [official site] even when it was in Early Access. Marsh Prematurely Evaluated it with great vigour, and Brendan declared it one of the best computer-y games. After nine months in Early Access, Duskers is now done and properly launched today.

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4 years ago

Feature: Drone Alone

Premature Evaluation: Duskers

Each week Marsh Davies pulls apart the fritzing hulks he discovers drifting through the lifeless void of Early Access and comes back with any stories he can find and/or accidentally flushes himself out of an airlock. This week he’s been tentatively probing Duskers, a space-set roguelike in which you remotely operate a crew of drones as they strip derelicts of resources and attempt to uncover…

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Drones, Derelicts And Survival Horror: Duskers

Late last year, I reviewed a game called Deadnaut, which follows gangs of expendable fools exploring derelict vessels in space. Then they die. It wasn't a big release and its combination of well-pitched glitchy graphics and palindromic doom mood only carried it so far, but I'm glad to have played it. Duskers looks like it'll be exploring similar territories - murky, poorly lit ship interiors,…

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