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Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2

2 weeks ago

Feature: Throwback Thursday

Why are so many old games coming back? We asked developers why they chase nostalgia

Remember that thing you like from 10 years ago? It’s probably getting a sequel. Shenmue 3. Evil Genius 2. Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines 2. The calendar of upcoming games is packed with throwbacks that will revisit the worlds we left behind over a decade ago. Oddworld: Soulstorm is heading back to the strange homeland of Abe the skinny green freedom farter. Mechwarrior 5 is booting…

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3 weeks ago

Feature: Separating the chaff grenades from the wheat... grenades

The most promising upcoming stealth games

It’s a bit tricky to knock together a list of the best upcoming stealth games, because it’s a bit tricky to say what a stealth game even is anymore. Stealth is more frequently looking like a playstyle or bulletpoint rather than the crux of an entire game. Even the best stealth games in recent memory - yer Invisible Incs, Ian Hitmans, Alien: Isolations - have all…

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1 month ago

Feature: Embrace death

Bloodlines 2 release date, trailers, gameplay, everything we know about the new Vampire: The Masquerade

Do you hide in the shadows, or become fear itself? That's the eternal question whenever a new vampire goes through the Embrace. The team at Hardsuit Labs know all too well that it is a big deal that Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2 - the follow up to one of the cult classics of the early 2000s, is being made at all. The original…

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Feature: The games that excited us

The best games of E3 2019

We've been drowned by E3 2019 this past week, but maybe you only waded into the river of game reveals and new trailers up to your ankles. If you didn't get your hair wet, there might be some gems among the flotsam and jetsam that you missed. That's what this post is for: we've rounded up our picks for the best games of E3, based…

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Feature: She's got all her own teeth

I love you, scary lady of the latest Bloodlines 2 demo

The Bloodlines liker has, as they say, logged on. Paradox and Hardsuit labs have released a new gameplay trailer for Bloodlines 2. Excellent. It’s a smaller mouthful than the taste I had at GDC last year, but it’s a slightly different one. An amuse-bouche, we might say. Made of blood pudding, or something else all vampire-y. Brendy saw an extended demo, and has thoughts about…

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E3 2019 games – every game confirmed

They just keep coming don't they? A lot of games were announced at E3 2019, things that we didn't know about, as well as stuff that's previously announced, or expansions to already released games. Now, to the casual outsider, what we're doing might seem absolutely nuts, but we thought we'd put together an alphabetical list of all the PC games that have been confirmed to…

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Feature: Bite me

Bloodlines 2’s vampires are scrappy fighters and goofy dancers

Press X to dance. It’s not the first demonstration of demonic prowess I expected to see during my brief hands-off playthrough of Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines 2. But it is one of the very first things developers Hardsuit Labs show off. Our character has just been sauntering through the streets of Seattle. Sewer grates pump steam into the air, the lights of the city glare…

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2 months ago

Feature: Now with added Cyberpunk 2077, Watch Dogs: Legion and Call of Duty

All the Nvidia RTX ray tracing and DLSS games confirmed so far

The number of confirmed ray tracing games for [block id="640017" title="Nvidia RTX"] and selected GTX graphics cards has just got a little bit longer. With E3 2019 in full swing, Nvidia have confirmed that Cyberpunk 2077, Watch Dogs Legion and the upcoming Call of Duty: Modern Warfare will also be getting full ray tracing support, and in the case of Call of Duty, adaptive shading…

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Watch Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines 2’s first gameplay video

I'm still not entirely convinced that Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2 is a real game that's really coming, given its tortured history, but watching the first gameplay video today is starting to turn me around. It appears to show some of a newly-bitten vampire's first nights in Seattle, running errands for the warring powers that be, and I want to believe. Original Bloodlines storyman…

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Every E3 2019 news story that matters on PC

Trying to keep up with E3 2019 is a fool's errand, and the foaming river of content streaming down the internet's face doesn't always make it easier. So here's a round-up of every news story from the show we think matters to you, with links to our full stories (and bantful liveblogs) where relevant. We'll be updating this hourly, so keep coming back.

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Feature: Listen now and know all the things

Podcast: What’s happening at E3 2019?

 E3 is getting started this weekend, otherwise known as the Encredible Electricity Experience, or sometimes simply “Hellweek”. It’s a very busy and exciting time to be a videogame liker, but you might need some help. Allow the RPS podcast, the Electronic Wireless Show, to be your digital sherpa through this storm of fictional bullets and lightsabers. Let’s talk about what we’re looking forward to…

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Feature: Surprise!

Malkavians confirmed for Bloodlines 2: we talked to Brian Mitsoda on the new clan reveal

“I actually wish we had started with Malks," said Brian Mitsoda, "Because honestly the number one thing I think people ask is, 'Are malkavians in the game?'” I had a chat with Mitsoda, narrative lead on Vampire: The Masquerade -- Bloodlines 2 and lead designer on the original Bloodlines, for the new Clan reveal. Yup, the Malkavians are back, baby. There will be comments.

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3 months ago

Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines 2 explains (un)life as a Thinblood

Paradox and Hardsuit Labs aren't quite ready to show us any of Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2 in motion yet, but they've got plenty to say. During a developer stream today, they explained the opening part of the game in more detail  including the kind of choices you get to make during character creation and what being a 'Thinblood' vampire entails. Players start at…

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4 months ago

Feature: Listen two years from now and it'll be good

Podcast: What games did we change our minds about?

 I heard you don’t like our podcast, the Electronic Wireless Show. But have you listened to 76 hours of it yet? Honestly, mate, it opens up after that. The 76-hour mark, that’s when it “clicks”. But I understand if you don’t have the time. Just skip ahead to this week’s episode, in which we’re talking about games about which we changed our minds. Listen…

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Feature: "This is the sequel you have been waiting for"

Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines 2 is happening! It’s real!

Imagine, dear reader, my delight upon learning that Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2, a game about which I have said “...but it’ll never happen” several times, is, in fact, happening. More than that, I have seen, hands off, the first half an hour of it and have spoken to senior writer Cara Ellison (late of this RPS parish), as well as Hardsuit Labs co-founder…

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5 months ago

Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines sequel might be sneaking up on us at GDC

The blood moon rises. The elders at RPS have reported feeling twinges in their necks and a mild taste of iron in their mouths. In other words, a sequel to early 2000s neckbiter RPG Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines might be announced at the Game Developers Conference next month. The heavy teasing of an alternate reality game has been traced back to Paradox Interactive (the…

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6 months ago

Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines follow-up teased by Paradox with ARG

Either Paradox, who these days own Vampire: The Masquerade & World of Darkness publisher White Wolf, are getting into the Netflix & Chill game, or they're they're gearing up to reveal a long-awaited follow-up to the legendary Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines. They've come up with Tender, ostensibly a dating site. Whose metadata just so happens to read "Whether you’re looking for meaningful friendships, true love…

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