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3 weeks ago

Zachtronics games now free for schools

Cor, kids have it easy nowadays. Sure, they're inheriting a polluted hellhole teetering on the brink of ecological and economic ruin, but look at all the neat games they get to grow up with. Thanks to Zachtronics announcing they're giving away (nearly) all their games to schools, some of them even get to muck about with fabulously inventive puzzle boxes during their pretend workday. Imagine…

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8 months ago

Feature: Stick a PIN in it

The 10 best hacking, coding and computing games

This is the hAcKeR collective {{Synonymous Bosch}}. We have taken control of this aRt1cLe. Three years ago it was written by the untalented and scurrilous “journalist” Brendan Caldwell, a man lacking in both knowledge and substance. But we have gained access in order to correct his egregious errors. It’s a hack of a hack! Ha ha ha. We had our best joke cell work on…

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9 months ago

Exapunks hacks its way out of early access, GIF’d for bragging rights

If there's three things Zachlikes have become known for, it's programming-inspired puzzling, histograms and animated victory recordings to gloat over on Twitter - now Exapunks has all three. After a brief tour of early access, grungy retro-cyberpunk hacking sim Exapunks is free to rampage across the internet. While no patch notes have rolled out for the official version 1.0 release, a patch a few days…

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10 months ago

Exapunks is jacking out later this month

Look at you, hacker. No, really look at you, look at that gorgeous scarf. And those sunglasses are simply sublime. I hope your code tampering is as good as your fashion sense, because spidery hacking sim Exapunks is coming out later in October. It’s been in early access, yup, but now it’s jacking out completely. Free from the system, man.

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We can now all play Exapunks players’ in-game games for free

Not everyone can hang with the console cowboys in cyberspace; some of us can merely gaze in wonder and astonishment at what keyboard wizards accomplish in Zachtronics games. But if you're not a kewl enough d00d to hack and program in Exapunks, the latest Zachlike, you can now at least play people's created in-game games for free. Zachtronics last night released the TEC Redshift Player,…

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Exapunks adds 9 more puzzles about dirty hackers

Matthew Broderick simulator Exapunks got a sizeable update yesterday, adding nine more puzzles to the code scribbling hack ‘em up. Developers Zachtronics are calling this a bonus campaign, since it focuses not on the AI pal who features in the main story, but on the hacker pals who appear in a chatroom between levels. In short, you’ll be helping your hackmates do dodgy stuff. “Like…

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11 months ago

Feature: "I'm in"

How Exapunks represents hacking without limits

It’s pretty obvious that the excellent Exapunks is a game about hacking. Specifically, it’s a game about programming viruses and sending them into networked systems to monkey around with data, set in a great alternative 90s Wired cyberworld of PC cases flashed with black and red decals and zines set in Apple Garamond. For its makers, though, Exapunks is a game about limitations. Its format…

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Exapunks players remake Asteroids and Pong inside a fictional Game Boy

Johnny Lee Miller simulator sim Exapunks is the newest puzzle game from the makers of Opus Magnum. I’ve already told you how cool and hard it is. But I thought I’d pop by to show you the neat things players are making within this code-drenched alternative 1990s. Y’see, there’s an in-game handheld console called the Red Shift, and since Zachtronics are known for their frighteningly-detailed…

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Feature: EXA decimal

Exapunks is a difficult and satisfying hack ‘em up

To borrow a wise Klaxian proverb: It is the nineties and there is time for hacks. Exapunks is the latest hack ‘em up from Zachtronics. It’s set in the year 1997, which is a very pleasing year to say out loud. The same studio gave us the alchemical gadgeteering of Opus Magnum only ten months ago, but they’ve already returned with a programming puzzler that’s…

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12 months ago

Zachtronics’s alternate 90s hacking sim Exapunks is out in early access

It's time to learn a whole new programming language, and then use it to commit (virtual) crimes. Exapunks, latest from puzzle-creating megabrain Zach Barth (Spacechem, Infinifactory, Opus Magnum, etc), is out today, albeit in early access. In Exapunks, players get to write virtual viruses and set them loose across a strange, alternative (and far more cybepunk) 1990s world to do our sinister bidding. Oh, and…

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1 year ago

Hack the planet in Exapunks from Opus Magnum & Shenzhen I/O studio Zachtronics

Exapunks is the next game from prolific puzzle-meister Zach Barth and his little studio Zachtronics, creators of the likes of Opus Magnum, Infinifactory and Spacechem. Set in an alternate 1997, Exapunks is about cyberpunk hacking, programming viruses called EXAs (EXecution Agents) to carry out your will, whether that's tweaking a game on an alt-history Game Boy or robbing a bank. It's hitting early access on…

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