Getting involved

There are lots of different ways you can get involved in Great Ormond Street Hospital – from having your say in how we run the hospital to helping our children and families by becoming a volunteer.

Nominate a staff member or team you believe should receive wider recognition - put them forward for a staff award.

Foundation Trust

Help us improve our services by giving us your views. Learn all about how to become a Foundation Trust member and have your say.


Find out how you can make a difference by volunteering at Great Ormond Street Hospital.

Become a friend today

Find out more about our charity membership scheme for people with a close connection to the hospital who want to donate.

Staff awards

Nominate a staff member or team who you believe should get wider recognition for our monthly staff awards.

GOSH Children's Charity

Help us continue the vital work we do by donating to our charity, fundraising or hosting an event.

Young People's Forum
Get involved and help us improve Great Ormond Street Hospital for teenagers by joining our Young People's Forum (YPF).