Contact us

Please read this page carefully so that the most appropriate person can deal with your query as quickly as possible.

Hospital address

Great Ormond Street Hospital
Great Ormond Street

Main switchboard phone number

020 7405 9200

Where to find the information you need

The links below will direct you to information on the following:

Appointments and referrals

All appointments must be made via a referral from a local hospital, community paediatrician, or in some circumstances a GP.

Queries regarding existing outpatient appointments, including cancellations, should be directed to the appointments centre. Telephone number: 020 7829 8880.

Please note that the above outpatient appointment telephone line will be open from 9am to 5pm and no longer open to 6pm.

Inpatient appointment queries should be directed to individual clinical specialities. All clinical specialties have their own set of sections on the website, including contact details.

If you are a health professional looking for referral information please visit our section on how to refer a patient

If you are a parent and would like to find out more about getting a referral, please see our section on how to get referred.

International and private patient appointments must be made directly to our Harris International Patient Centre.

Jobs and placements

All our current job vacancies, including application forms, are advertised on this website.

Various placements are available at GOSH. For more information on specific placements please use the relevant links below:

Medical records

Copies of medical records can be requested only by a patient, a person with parental responsibility for the patient, a third party appointed by the patient, or a third party appointed by a court. Requests should be made to our medical records department.

We are unable to answer queries or offer advice about specific patients and/or their conditions through this website.

Please do not send medical or other confidential information via this website - it is not secure.

Family accommodation

For information about accommodation at GOSH or for a list of hotels nearby please phone:

Freedom of Information (FOI) requests

For full information on FOI requests access our FOI page.

All requests for information will be handled centrally by the Trust’s FOI team.

Great Ormond Street Hospital Children's Charity

If you want to contact a team at Great Ormond Street Hospital Children's Charity, visit the charity's Contact us page.

All other enquiries

Please note we are unable to answer queries or provide advice about specific patients or their conditions through this website.

Before sending an enquiry via the form below, please revisit the information at the top of this page to ensure the answer to your query is not available elsewhere on this website.

Data protection

For more information about how the data you submit will be used please refer to the Trust's privacy policy 

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