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Question: The Cape buffalo is as tall as an elephant.
Answer: The Cape buffalo is not very tall—it stands only 51–59 inches (130–150 centimeters) tall and has relatively short legs—but it is massive, weighing 937–1,918 pounds (425–870 kilograms).
Question: Most yaks live in desert lowlands.
Answer: The yak lives on high land, mostly in Tibet, China.
Question: A bison is a type of buffalo.
Answer: Although the North American bison is often called a buffalo, true buffalo come from warmer lands in Asia and Africa.
Question: There is no such thing as a wild cow.
Answer: Cattle live almost everywhere in the world. Domestic, or tame, cattle often live on farms or ranches. In Asia and Africa there are both wild and domestic cattle.
Question: The European bison is larger than the American bison.
Answer: The European bison is both taller and larger than the American bison. Both animals, however, are quite large, reaching weights of more than 2,205 pounds (1,000 kilograms).
Question: India raises more cows than any other place in the world.
Answer: India raises more cows and water buffalo than any other country in the world.
Question: Yaks are known for their shaggy coats.
Answer: Yaks have long, coarse hair and a dense woolen undercoat to keep them warm.
Cattle. Cow. Bovine. Livestock. Farm animals. Pregnant brown and white dairy cow.

Bovine: Fact or Fiction?

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