woman at desk cartoon

Known unknowns: How to communicate certainly in an uncertain world

Three Identical Strangers: Was the twin separation study ethical?

Shocking evidence shows people in vegetative states may be conscious


Questions on post-its

We jump to conclusions even when it pays to wait for the facts

man resting

Our brains replay experiences when we rest to help us make decisions

neural network

Miniature brains grown in the lab have human-like neural activity

Boy attacks girl while others watch

Bystander effect: Famous psychology result could be completely wrong


Our astonishing brain is hard to figure out – and that's fantastic

brain scan

Explaining consciousness and the other biggest mysteries of your brain



Fate vs free will: A new book clarifies the determinism debate

Colourful illustration

How people with extreme imagination are helping explain consciousness

couple and child

The parenting myth: How kids are raised matters less than you think

Sophie Scott

Neuroscientist Sophie Scott on why we laugh and a love of thermostats

High Life’s sex and black holes sci-fi intrigues without satisfying

High Life’s sex and black holes sci-fi intrigues without satisfying

Colin Clive and Boris Karloff

How sci-fi like Frankissstein helps us face our fears of the future