I like the paper just disappointed you did not mention 9.11 on 9.11 and your front page instead was ...about "The Creek we thought we knew ". The importance of this day was diminished or forgotten by this state paper and that is sad. Review other state and national newspapers and see how this day is remembered and how it made headlines, cover page. Maybe next 9.11 your story will be about the importance of this day or how teens today for the first time in history are learning about this tragic events in their history class... Or even the lessons we all have learned because of this day and even a possible story on how the world is different in a bad way and or in a good way because of this tragic event. Missed opportunity reporting for sure, this day is important and should be remembered. You have the power to help others understand and learn and instead someone even the editor decided it was okay to forget and move on. Please don't forget Veterans Day that is another upcoming important day in our history and news like this does sell papers. See more
This a fabulous local newspaper run by real people who love their community. It features local stor...ies, interviews, sports reporting, and stories about professional as well as amateur (many of them young) athletes. The newspaper is fun, factual, and designed to make Columbia a better city. One of the best ways to support local media and our community is to pick up a copy today and share with your friends. See more
Excellent Newspaper with a focus on local Stories and Business features.
Lake Katherine #SCFlood2015 Video by John Tobias