Artstor Digital Library

The Artstor Digital Library provides access to more than 2.4 million high-quality images for teaching and research in a wide variety of disciplines, all rights-cleared for educational use. This resource includes powerful tools for viewing, zooming, comparing, sharing, and downloading images, as well as expert-created teaching resources and curated image groups.

View our public collections and try our basic features: View and download approximately 1 million freely accessible images, videos, documents, and audio files from Artstor’s public collections at Search and browse library special collections, faculty research, and institutional history materials, as well as hundreds of thousands of open access images from the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Request a free trial to access the core collections and use our full suite of tools.

High-quality content: Collections range from The Metropolitan Museum of Art, MoMA, and the Louvre to more specialized content from the Bodleian Library at Oxford University, Harvard’s Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, and the Magnum Photos agency. Every image is accompanied with authoritative metadata.

Powerful teaching and research tools: Enlarge, pan, rotate, and compare images with our IIIF viewer. Create image groups and share them with others at your institution, write group descriptions, build presentations, generate citations, and more. Download images and details individually, in groups, or as PowerPoint presentations. And the Artstor Digital Library is mobile-friendly!

Useful resources for the classroom: Instantly download PowerPoint presentations curated by experts or created by you, all prefilled with full caption information. Artstor also provides teaching resources such as Curriculum Guides, subject surveys, and case studies for use in interdisciplinary teaching, all ready for download. And students can prepare for tests with our Quiz mode.