Fees & Classifications

Our fee models are designed to provide the broadest possible access to scholarship and ensure that this access will be available for future generations. Fees for JSTOR collections have remained unchanged since 1997, even though additional content is added each year with the “moving wall.”


Fees to purchase access to books in the Books at JSTOR program are available upon request. You can request fees for individual titles or subject collections. You can also request information on the fees to participate in the Demand Driven Acquisition (DDA) model or the Evidence Based Acquisition (EBA) model.

Books at JSTOR offers savings off the publishers' list prices according to your classification. Your quote will include information about your eligible savings.

Institutions participating in the Books at JSTOR program may also be subject to an annual platform fee. Contact JSTOR to determine if the Annual Platform Fee will apply to your institution.

Contact Us

Current Journals

The JSTOR Journal Hosting Program integrates the most recent issues of journals with archival journals and ebooks on JSTOR. Fees for current issues are set by participating publishers. Some publishers offer pricing tiered according to JSTOR classifications. Orders can be placed directly with JSTOR or via your subscription agent. Fees for each of our 2020 titles are available via the 2020 price list.

Ordering & Renewing Directly with JSTOR

Calculate and submit subscription fees for your selected titles using the price list and price calculator. Submit your order to px@ithaka.org.

JSTOR Fulfillment staff will contact you to verify your prices, add any applicable tax and shipping costs, and send you the subscription order form.

New JSTOR participants will need to complete and submit the subscription order form and the JSTOR participation agreement. Please email or fax the completed documents to JSTOR Fulfillment at px@ithaka.org or 212–358–6491.

Ordering & Renewing via a Subscription Agent

Submit your order to the subscription agent.

New JSTOR participants will need to complete and submit a JSTOR Participation Agreement.

Please email or fax the completed documents to JSTOR Fulfillment at px@ithaka.org or (212)-358-6491 or, to your subscription agent.

Tax & Shipping

Orders are subject to applicable state and local taxes. Canadian orders may be subject to the Goods and Services Tax (GST). Orders for institutions in the European Union may be subject to the VAT. If your institution has tax exempt status, please indicate your Federal ID or VAT Registration Number on your renewal statement to avoid unnecessary charges.

Orders for print and electronic (P+E) subscriptions may be subject to shipping charges for print copies. For a list of shipping charges per title, please refer to our 2020 price list.

Print-only subscriptions, where available, may be ordered directly from the publisher.