Traveler's Health Videos

CDC-TV Videos: Way to Go: Many Healthy Returns (4:00)

Way to Go: Many Healthy Returns (4:00)

International travel is usually very safe but there are things you should do to stay safe and healthy. Experts show you how to avoid problems when traveling in developing nations. This includes being cautious about the food you eat, the water you drink, and to be aware of vehicles and road conditions to prevent problems.

CDC-TV Videos: Way to Go: Passport To Health (4:17)

Way to Go: Passport To Health (4:17)

Each year more Americans are travelling overseas. Health experts suggest that you take several key steps to be proactive, prepared, and protected against injury or illness while outside of the United States, especially in developing nations. This includes packing a health kit, bringing necessary medications, and getting the right immunizations for safe and healthy travel.

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Page last reviewed: March 30, 2017