Healthy Living Videos - Healthy Eating

CDC Video: A Plate Full of Color

A Plate Full of Color (8:09)

Introduces Miss Rabbit and the boys’ friends, Little Hummingbird and Simon. Miss Rabbit teaches the value of eating a variety of colorful and healthy foods.

CDC Video: Finding Balance

Finding a Balance (4:18)

More than one third of U.S. adults are obese. Weight gain occurs when you consume more calories than your body uses. Reaching and maintaining a healthy weight will help you prevent and control many diseases and conditions. The key is “Finding a Balance” in your lifestyle that includes healthy eating and regular physical activity.

CDC Video: Hidden Sodium

Hidden Sodium (1:03)

Reducing sodium intake by knowing what to eat and main sources of sodium in the diet is important for a healthy lifestyle. Most sodium consumed is in the form of salt, and the majority of that is consumed in processed and restaurant foods. Too much sodium is bad for your health and can increase your blood pressure and your risk for a heart attack and stroke. Watch this short, fun, informative video and learn how to live a healthier life.

CDC Video: Healthy Snacking in Philadelphia

Making Health Easier: Healthy Snacking in Philadelphia, PA (1:50)

Access to healthy food throughout the workday can be a challenge. Find out how one Philadelphia resident incorporated healthier snacking habits into her daily routine thanks to new healthy vending machines.

CDC Video: A Grocery Store's Healthy Options

Making the Business Case for Prevention: A Grocery Store’s Healthy Options (2:45)

Learn how the owner of a grocery store chain is helping improve his bottom line, and the health of his customers, by dedicating a checkout aisle to healthy treats; placing and promoting healthy food and drinks throughout the store; and encouraging kids to be more active by stocking toys that promote physical activity.

CDC Video: Healthy Corner Stores

Making the Business Case for Prevention: Healthy Corner Stores (2:48)

Providing fresh fruits and vegetables is a win-win for two corner store owners in Louisville, Kentucky and their local customers. Learn how sales of healthy items are soaring in neighborhoods where store owners chose to make healthy living easier for their customers, improving community health and increasing store profits at the same time.

Other versions:
CDC Video: Preserving Choice, Protecting Health

Salt Matters: Preserving Choice, Protecting Health (4:30)

Excessive salt intake has proven to be a major contributor to heart attack and stroke, the first and third leading causes of death in the United States. More than three-quarters of Americans’ daily salt intake comes from foods consumed in restaurants and purchased in grocery stores. Our “Salt Matters: Preserving Choice, Protecting Health” video outlines ways to help Americans make healthier food choices with lower salt content.

CDC Video: Tricky Treats

Tricky Treats (10:50)

Introduces the character of Coyote, a trickster, and shows children the difference between healthy snacks and sweet treats.

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Page last reviewed: February 1, 2015