About CDC 24-7

Pregnant woman getting a check up by medical doctor.

Vital Signs: Pregnancy-Related Deaths

Learn what CDC is doing to help save women's lives before, during and after delivery.

Legionnaire's Disease

The Role of Water Management to Prevent Legionnaires' Disease

Watch the May session of Public Health Grand Rounds here.

I Am CDC - Meet the Staff

Our mission is to advance nursing knowledge, educate and engage CDC nurses, and promote leadership. I’m Kim Newsome, I’m Loretta Jackson-Brown, I’m Commander Shauna Mettee Zarecki. We’re nurses and we ARE CDC!

CDC Works for You 24-7

CDC is the nation’s health protection agency, working 24/7 to protect America from health and safety threats, both foreign and domestic. CDC increases the health security of our nation.

Page last reviewed: June 10, 2019