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United States. Department of the Navy. "Submarine Activities Connected with Guerrilla Organizations." Prepared by the Intelligence Center, United States Seventh Fleet. Located in Type Commands 1945, World War II Command File, Record Group 38, Modern Military Records Branch, National Archives and Records Administration, College Park, MD.

  • Boats-Ships--Submarine
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  • Primary Source Document
  • Publication
Wars & Conflicts
  • World War II 1939-1945
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Submarine Activities Connected with Guerrilla Organizations


CONFIDENTIAL [Declassified]


Subject:   Submarine Activities Connected with Guerrilla Organizations.

After the formal surrender early in 1942, the few Americans who escaped Prisoner of War or Internment Camps hid in remote parts of the Philippine Archipelago where there was no rapid dependable means of sending our forces any information they might get. Accordingly, it was decided to test the feasibility of making landings by submarine, supply small communication and coast watcher units in the Philippines. The first attempt was made on 14 January 1943, when the Gudgeon landed 6 men and 2000 pounds of equipment and supplies on the island of Negros. This was followed by the Tambor landing a small party with about 2 tons of supplies at Labangan, Mindanao on 5 March 1943. Thereafter, at about 5 week intervals, small parties of personnel with about 2 tons of stores each were landed at various points in the central and southern Philippines by special submarine missions carried out during their regular war patrols.

The cooperation of the natives in the southern part of the Philippines area was extremely good and, under the direction of General Headquarters, Southwest Pacific an organization of guerrilla forces was set up along recognized military lines. Efficient functioning


of this organization was dependent to a great extent on the possibility of supplying it with a modicum of arms, ammunition, medical supplies and funds. Where the requirements of this supply, plus the expansion of the coast watcher and communications net, mounted to figures which could not be handled by submarines on war patrol a special supply unit was organized in October, 1943. The Narwhal, Nautilus, Seawolf and Stingray were assigned the primary duty of carrying out supply and evacuation missions in the Philippines Area. That these efforts were highly successful was proved by the rapid growth of an efficient net of coast watchers, weather observers and aircraft spotters. At the time of our initial landings in Leyte, these completely covered the central and southern Philippines,with additional but incomplete coverage of Luzon. This intelligence net employed a total of 120 small radio stations while the Navy manned and operated two control stations in Mindanao to screen this guerrilla traffic and pass on to SEVENTH Fleet units the items of operational importance. The military supplies brought in by the submarines played no small part in the organization of the natives into effective combat and reconnaissance units until, at the time of the Blue landings on Leyte there were an estimated 65,000 organized guerrilla troops in the Philippines south of 12° N. Lat. They rendered valuable service during the campaign.

After January 1943, a total of 18 submarines carried out 39 supply and evacuation missions in the Philippines. During these missions, 1325 tons of supplies and equipment were landed and delivered


to the guerrillas. Less than 50 tons of supplies were lost or not delivered, and it is believed that none fell into the hands of the enemy. No missions were completely unsuccessful and only three were not wholely successful. During these operations, 327 persons were landed and 466 were evacuated. All this was accomplished with the loss of only one submarine, the Seawolf, in October, 1944.

After the campaign in the Philippines, the need and desirability of submarine supply in that Area rapidly decreased. Aircraft and small surface vessels took over the job of getting supplies to guerrilla forces not within the immediate sphere of the operations. The special submarine supply unit was dissolved and any special missions in the Southwest Pacific Area were thereafter handled by submarines assigned to war patrols.



Involving Delivery of Supplies to, and Personnel to and from,
The Philippine Islands by SUBMARINES

Period covered: Approximately 1 February 1943 to 23 January 1945.

Total No. of Missions 41
No. of Submarines Taking Part 19
Names No. Missions   Names No. Missions
Bowfin   1       Gar   2  
Narwhal   9       Blackfin   1  
Angler   1       Gunnel   1  
Crevalle   1       Hake   1  
Harder   1       Ray   1  
Redfin   2       Gudgeon   2  
Nautilus   6       Grayling   1  
Seawolf   2       Tambor   1  
Stingray   5       Trout   2  
Cero   1              


Missions involving apparent attack by enemy 4
      1 with complete success (Seawolf)
      3 without damage to our subs
Missions involving attacks upon enemy 5
      3 with complete success
      2 without success
Missions -- unsuccessful -- partially only 3
      1 all personnel and 60% cargo delivered
      1 all personnel and virtually all cargo delivered
      1 missions as modified, accomplished. No supplies delivered. Returned to Australia.
Mission -- unsuccessfully completed (Sub lost or presumed lost) 1
Missions involving delivery of important mail 4
      This in addition to personnel and cargo delivery.
Missions involving pickup of important captures or secret documents of intelligence value 7
In addition to above, personal gear, equipment, food, cigarettes, toilet articles, etc., belonging to officers and men of all submarines were freely given to Guerrilla land forces and natives.


Submarine: USS Gudgeon (SS-211)
Commanding Officer: W. S. POST, Jr.
Date and Location of Sailing:  January, 1943.
Mission: To land one echelon upon the south coast of Mindanao to establish a secret radio station; to transport remaining members of party to Panay and there to land medicines, ammunition and supplies.
Results and Remarks: Mission modified enroute and accomplished 14 Jan 1943 to following extent: One landing made on Negros Occidental. No ammunition nor medicines were landed -- returned to Australia.

Submarine: USS Tambor (SS-198)
Commanding Officer: S. H. AMBRUSTER
Date and Location of Sailing:  Freemantle, 18 February 1943.
Mission: To deliver funds, ($10,0000.), supplies, (2 tons approximately) and party in charge of Lt. Cmdr. PARSONS at designated point at Lagangan, Pagadian Bay, Mindanao.
Results and Remarks: Mission accomplished 5 March 1943.

Submarine: USS Gudgeon (SS-211)
Commanding Officer: W. S. POST, Jr.
Date and Location of Sailing:  Freemantle, 15 April 1943.
Mission: To deliver a party of one officer and three men with 3 tons of equipment to designated spot on Island of Panay (4.3 miles east of Pucio Point -- near Libertad).
Results and Remarks: Special mission accomplished 30 April 1943.

Submarine: USS Trout (SS-202)
Commanding Officer: A. H. CLARK
Date and Location of Sailing:   
Mission: To deliver a party of six or seven men, funds ($10,000.) and 2 tons of equipment and supplies to designated spot on Basilon Island for purpose of establishing secret intelligence unit in Sulu Archipelago and Zamboanga area; to establish coast watcher net in area and for surveying purposes, and to arrange for delivery of extra supplies to guerrilla units.
Results and Remarks: Mission accomplished 26 May 1943.

Submarine: USS Trout (SS-202)
Commanding Officer: A. H. CLARK
Date and Location of Sailing:   
Mission: To land a party of two officers and three men, together with supplies and ammunition off Labangan, Pagadian Bay, on the South Mindanao Coast.
Results and Remarks: Mission accomplished 12 July 1943. In addition to above, Trout picked up Lt. Comdr. PARSONS and four U.S. Naval officers and reconnoitred area southeast of Olutanga Island (South Coast of Mindanao, P.I.).

Submarine: USS Grayling (SS-209)
Commanding Officer:  
Date and Location of Sailing:  Perth, 31 July 1943.
Mission: To deliver 2 tons of cargo (supplies and equipment) at designated spot Pucio Point, (near Libertad) Pandau Bay, Panay.
Results and Remarks: Special mission completed 23 August 1943.

Submarine: USS Bowfin (SS-287)
Commanding Officer: J. H. WILLINGHAM, Jr.
Date and Location of Sailing:  On patrol--about 2 September 1943.
Mission: To deliver supplies, officer messenger mail, stores and money, as well as to evacuate 9 persons, at a specific site (cover west of Binuni Point) Mindanao.
Results and Remarks: Special mission successfully accomplished 30 September 1943 and stores, ammunition, cigarettes, clothing, etc., which could be spared, were left for forces ashore.

Submarine: USS Narwhal (SS-167)
Commanding Officer: F. D. LATTA.
Date and Location of Sailing:  Cape Moreton, 23 October 1943.
Missions: (a) To deliver 46 tons of cargo, ammunition and stores and party in command of Lt Comdr. PARSONS and party in charge of Major L. H. PHILIPPS, AUS., to west beach of Pulaua Bay, Mindoro.
(b) To deliver 46 tons cargo ammunition and stores to Nasipit, Mindanao.
Results and Remarks: Mission (a) successfully accomplished 13 November 1943.
Mission (b) successfully accomplished 14 November 1943. 32 evacuees taken aboard, including 8 women, 2 children and one baby. Lt. Comdr. PARSONS left ship at Nasipit.

Narwhal returned to Darwin and all evacuees disembarked. During missions, which lasted 30 days, Narwhal made 6 enemy surface contacts and made one torpedo attack on convoy without success.

Submarine: USS Narwhal (SS-167)
Commanding Officer: F. D. LATTA
Date and Location of Sailing:  Port Darwin, 25 November 1943.
Missions: (a) To deliver 90 tons of ammunition and stores and party of two Army officers and nine enlisted men, Butuan Bay, Cabadaran, Mindanao.
(b) To pick up evacuees at Alubijid, Masacalar.
Results and Remarks: Mission (a) accomplished 2 December 1943, and picked up Lt. Comdr. PARSONS and 7 evacuees consisting of 2 soldiers, 3 civilian men, one woman and an eight-year-old girl.

Mission (b) accomplished 5 December 1943 and evacuees consisting of DeVries family taken aboard and second load consisting of 2 men, 3 women and 4 children.

Discharged 16 evacuees and Lieut. Comdr. PARSONS at Darwin.

During mission, Narwhal attacked unescorted AP Omi-Maru class, 3390 tons, with gun fire. Enemy ship sunk, no survivors.

Submarine: USS Narwhal (SS-167)
Commanding Officer: F. D. LATTA
Date and Location of Sailing:  Darwin, 26 January 1944
Mission: (a) To deliver 45 tons of ammunition and cargo to designated point off Libertad, Panay.

(b) To deliver 45 tons of cargo at designated spot, Balatong Point, Negros.

Results and Remarks: Mission (a) completed 5 February 1944. 6 evacuees taken aboard, including 5 servicemen and one British subject.

Mission (b) completed 7 February 1944. 28 evacuees taken aboard consisting of 8 women, 9 children, 5 men, 6 servicemen.

Discharged 34 passengers Darwin, 15 February 1944.

Submarine: USS Narwhal (SS-167)
Commanding Officer: F. D. LATTA
Date and Location of Sailing:  Darwin, 16 February 1944.
Mission: (a) To deliver ammunition and stores and 2 Naval officers, 1 AUS Officer and 4 Filipino enlisted ratings of AUS at designated spot on Mautabuan Island (05-00N, 120-30E).

(b) To deliver 70 tons of ammunition and stores at designated spot, Cababaran, Butuan Bay, Nasipit, Mindanao.

(c) To deliver remaining cargo to designated spot of Bohi Gansa, Tawi Tawi Island.

Results and Remarks: Mission (a) not accomplished. No security signals, 22 February 1944, nor 23 February 1944.

(b) Mission (b) accomplished 2 March 1944. Received 28 passengers, 20 servicemen, 8 civilians, including 2 women.

Mission (c) partially accomplished 5 March 1944. Received 8 passengers. Departed before complete unloading because of presence of unfriendly warships and forces. Jettisoned balance of unloaded cargo remaining on deck. After departure found two unauthorized passengers aboard. Disembarked 38 passengers to Royal Australian tug Chinampa and moored Port Darwin to unload balance of cargo, 11 March 1944.

Submarine: USS Angler (SS-240)
Commanding Officer: Commander F. G. Hess.
Date and Location of Sailing:  On patrol--about 20 March 1944.
Mission: To contact and evacuate some 50 U.S. citizens, including women and children from West Coast Panay (1 mile east of Libertad, Pandan Bay, Panay -- 11-45N, 121-56E.
Results and Remarks: Mission completed 21 March 1944. 58 persons evacuated and aboard on return trip to Darwin.

Submarine: USS Crevalle (SS-291)
Commanding Officer: F. D. WALKER, Jr.
Date and Location of Sailing:  On patrol--(returning) 7 May 1944 at 2300.
Mission: To pick up captured documents believed of highest value at site on south coast of Negros, near Tolong, together with 25 U.S. evacuees.
Results and Remarks: Special mission accomplished 11 May 1944 and 40 persons evacuated, including 28 women and children. Passengers disembarked at Darwin 19 May 1944. Incident to mission a limited amount of food, ammunition and canteen supplies were transferred to forces ashore. While in Molukka Passage, Crevalle on return trip was subjected to severe depth charging.

Submarine: USS Narwhal (SS-167)
Commanding Officer: F. D. LATTA
Date and Location of Sailing:  Darwin, approximately 14 May 1944.
Mission: (a) To deliver twenty-three men and twenty-five tons of supplies to a designated spot ALUSAN Bay, Samar (12-14N, 125-29E.)

(b) To contact vicinity Sanco Point, Mindanao (08-15N, 126-28E), to deliver mail pick up evacuees and captured documents.

(c) To deliver sixteen men and twenty-five tons of supplies to a designated spot Tukuran, Mindanao (07-50N, 123-34E)

Results and Remarks: Mission (a) Accomplished 28 May 1944.
Mission (b) No contact for two (2) nights.
Mission (c) Accomplished 1 June 1944. Two male evacuees aboard for planning purposes [of] future missions.

Submarine: USS Redfin (SS-272)
Commanding Officer: M. H. AUSTIN
Date and Location of Sailing:  Freemantle -- 26 May 1944 at 1315.
Mission: To land a party of six (6) Filipino enlisted men of the U.S. Army under command of First Sergeant Amado S. CORPUS, together with 5,000 pounds of supplies of Ramos Island, Philippine Island (08-07'N, 117-03E).
Results and Remarks: Mission completed 8 June 1944 after practice disembarkations were held in Exmouth Gulf on 29 May before departure on 30 May for landing point. Personnel and 6,500 pounds (actual weight) of supplies successfully unloaded in three hours.

Submarine: USS Nautilus (SS-168)
Commanding Officer: CAPT. GEO. A. SHARP.
Date and Location of Sailing:  Darwin, 29 May 1944.
Mission: To discharge a full cargo of supplies (approximately 92 tons) and Lt. John D. SIMMONS, USNR, at a designated spot off Tukuran, Illana Bay (07-50'-30"N, 123-34-30E) Mindanao.
Results and Remarks: Special mission accomplished 5 June 1944. Nautilus returned Darwin 11 June 1944.

Submarine: USS Narwhal (SS-167)
Commanding Officer: F. D. LATTA.
Date and Location of Sailing:  Darwin, June 10, 1944.
Mission: To discharge party of four (4) enlisted men and full cargo aboard at rendezvous off north shore Lipata Point (11-28N, 122-03E).
Results and Remarks: Mission accomplished on or about 20 June 1944. 14 evacuees including one (1) woman aboard.

Submarine: USS Nautilus (SS-168)
Commanding Officer: Capt. Geo. A. SHARP.
Date and Location of Sailing:   
Mission: To discharge party of four (4) Filipino EM and full load of cargo aboard at rendezvous off Island of Negros (off Balatong Point -- 09-24-08N 122-36E)
Results and Remarks: Special mission accomplished 22 June 1944. Sixteen (16) evacuees aboard including one German Prisoner of War, 4 women, 2 children. Nautilus returned to Darwin and in addition to passengers listed above, had aboard 18 Malayan natives.

Submarine: USS Nautilus (SS-168)
Commanding Officer: Capt. Geo. A. SHARP.
Date and Location of Sailing:   
Mission: (a) To discharge party of one (1) officer and 22 men, together with approximately ten (10) tons of supplies, at rendezvous off mouth of Amaay River, Mindoro (12-57-5N 120-45E).

(b) To discharge two (2) Philippine Army enlisted men and approximately thirty (30) tons of supplies at rendezvous off Canayaon Bohol (09-33N, 125-11E).

(c) To discharge two (2) U.S. enlisted men and approximately thirty (30) tons of supplies at rendezvous off Lagoma, Leyte (10-33N, 125-11E).

Results and Remarks: Mission (a) accomplished 9 July 1944.
Mission (b) cancelled because of enemy occupation in force of Bohol.
Mission (c) accomplished 14 July 1944. In addition to above, Nautilus directed to make pick up of important captured documents at designated spot Balatong Point, Negros (09-25N, 122-36E). Extra special mission accomplished 16 July 1944.

Submarine: USS Seawolf (SS-197)
Commanding Officer: Capt. A. M. BONTIER.
Date and Location of Sailing:  1800 hours, 1 August 1944 -- Darwin.
Mission: (a) To deliver a party of one officer (Lt. Konglain Teo) and five men (radio operators and one weather man) together with 14,538 pounds of supplies to Tawi Tawi to reinforce and Intelligence party at the site headed by Capt. Young, ETA 7 August 1944 at 1600 hours.

(b) To land a party of one NCO (1st Sgt. CABIAS) and five men (radio and weather men) and 7,153 pounds of supplies at a new site on northern Palawan, to set up a coast watcher intelligence station. ETA 9 August 1944 at 1600 hours.

Results and Remarks: Mission completed without undue incident. CTF 72 "Well done Seawolf for snappy work on first two jobs."
Upon completion of mission, returned to Darwin 17 August 1944 and then to Brisbane for refit and overhaul 25 August 1944.

Submarine: USS Stingray (SS-186)
Commanding Officer: Lt.Com. S.C. LOOMIS, Jr.
Date and Location of Sailing:  Darwin, 16 August 1944.
Mission: To discharge party of one Filipino officer, 14 men and 10 tons of supplies at site off northeastern coast of Luzon (Saddle Rock, Mayraira Point, N Luzon -- 19-38N 120-49-7E).
Results and Remarks: Special mission successfully accomplished 27 August 1944 after undergoing depth charge attacks and being lightly worked over while reconnoitering designated spot. Landed all personnel and 60% of supplies. Forced to depart after 24 assorted Jap armed sea trucks passed spot. Stingray routed to Darwin and enroute our own planes apparently kept sub down. No other incidents except on 31 August 1944 sub picked up 1 officer and 3 rated men claimed to have been from Jap cruiser Natori, sunk morning of 18 August 1944.

Submarine: USS Narwhal (SS-167)
Commanding Officer: F. D. Latta.
Date and Location of Sailing:  Darwin, 21 August 1944.
Mission: (a) To discharge party of two Filipino officers and eighteen enlisted men, with approximately ten (10) tons of supplies, at site within Dibut Bay, east Coast of Luzon (15-40.30N, 121-36.15E).

(b) To discharge party of five Filipino officers and eighteen enlisted men, and approximately ten (10) tons of supplies, at site off mouth of Masanga River, east coast of Luzon (15-01.15N, 121-32.30E).

(c) To make pickup of one FIlipino officer and mail off San Roque, Cateel Bay, east coast of Mindanao (07-55.0N, 126-22.2E).

Results and Remarks: Mission (a) accomplished 30 August 1944.

Mission (b) accomplished 1 September 1944. Four U.S. enlisted men evacuated.

Mission (c) ???

Submarine: USS Redfin (SS-272)
Commanding Officer: M. H. Austin
Date and Location of Sailing:  23 August 1944 at 2100 while on patrol west of Balabac Island.
Mission: Rescue of 8 survivors from the SS Flier and 9 other persons marooned at Sir John Brookes Point on Palawan Island, Philippine Islands.
Results and Remarks: Mission completed 31 August 1944, proceeded to Darwin. Rescued 8 survivors of USS Flier; 2 Army enlisted men; one naval enlisted man from PATWING 10; 4 British subjects; one (1) American civilian and one (1) Finnish citizen. Quantities of small arms, ammunition and sundry stores and miscellaneous items, which could be spared, were landed for use by Coast Watcher Group ashore as authorized. One sea truck (Jap) was sighted and attacked by the Redfin immediately after completion of mission, but with unsuccessful results.

Submarine: USS Stingray (SS-186)
Commanding Officer: Lt. Comdr. S. C. Loomis, Jr.
Date and Location of Sailing:  Darwin, 10 September 1944.
Mission: To land armed reconnaissance party of approximately eight (8) men and an officer on either Majoe or Tifore Island. After one day's reconnaissance, pick up this party and land a four (4) men air warning party.
Results and Remarks: Special mission completed and landing made on Majoe Island on 15 September 1944.

Submarine: USS Narwhal (SS-167)
Commanding Officer: F. D. Latta.
Date and Location of Sailing:  Darwin, 14 September 1944.
Mission: (a) To discharge a party of forty-five (45) men and thirty-five (35) tons of cargo at selected spot southwest coast of Mindanao Island (off Kiamba--05-58N, 124-36E).

(b) To discharge a party of three (3) men and twenty (20) tons of cargo at a selected spot on the north coast of Mindanao Island (off Balingasag--08-44.5N, 124-45E).

(c) To pick up POW Langoyan Point (08-20N, 122-55E) (Sindangan, Mindanao).

Results and Remarks: Mission (a) accomplished 23 September 1944.

Mission (b) accomplished 27 September 1944.

Mission (c) accomplished 29 September 1944.

80 passengers, 4 badly wounded, taken aboard. Narwhal routed to Woendi.

Submarine: USS Seawolf (SS-197)
Commanding Officer: Capt. A. M. BONTIER.
Date and Location of Sailing:  21 Sept 1944 -- Brisbane.
Mission: To discharge a party of seventeen (17) men and six (6) tons of cargo at a designated spot on the east coast of Samar, Philippine Islands, and to pick up Major Sabarre and eleven (11) men to be landed in and undetected landing on Batan Island together with 9 tons of cargo. ETA, 6 Oct. 1944.
Results and Remarks: Overdue since 6 Oct. 1944. "Attendant circumstance are such that she must be presumed lost. Official investigation of loss conducted.

Submarine: USS Stingray (SS-186)
Commanding Officer: Lt. Cmdr. S. C. LOOMIS, Jr.
Date and Location of Sailing:  Darwin, 21 September 1944.
Mission: (a) To discharge 35 tons of cargo at a designated point on the east of Mindanao Island (spot one).

(b) To land three (3) officers with equipment off Suluan Island, Philippines (spot two).

Results and Remarks: (a) Spot One -- special mission completed 27 September 1944.

(b) Spot Two -- special mission completed 30 September 1944.

Stingray returned to Brisbane for refit.

Submarine: USS Nautilus (SS-168)
Commanding Officer: Captain George A. Sharp.
Date and Location of Sailing:   
Mission: (a) To discharge 25 tons of cargo and about 20 drums of gasoline and 2 drums of oil at designated spot, CEBU (09-34N 123-28E).

(b) To discharge 75 tons of cargo and about 70 drums of gasoline and 4 drums of oil at designated spot, PANAY (11-45.3N 121-56.2E).

(c) To discharge 5 tons of cargo and about 5 drums of gasoline and 1 drum of oil at designated spot, NORTH PANDAN ISLAND (12-52N 120-45E). Spot later changed to POLA RIVER (13-03N 120-44E).

Results and Remarks: Mission (a): Mission accomplished on 25 September 1944. Nautilus ran aground on shoal, lightened ship, burned secret matter and otherwise made preparations to demolish equipment, blow up ship and evacuate crew when final attempt resulted in her getting under way 26 September 1944.

Mission (b): Mission accomplished 30 September 1944 and remaining cargo of 20 tons of supplies landed and 47 evacuees taken aboard for return trip, consisting of 7 servicemen, 25 children, 10 women and 5 civilian males.

Mission (c): Mission cancelled and ship directed to return to Woendi and did so on 6 October 1944.

Submarine: USS Nautilus (SS-168)
Commanding Officer: Captain George A. Sharp.
Date and Location of Sailing:  Woendi, 10 October 1944.
Mission: (a) To discharge party of twelve (12) men and twenty (20) tons of cargo in selected spot on northeastern coast of Catanduanes Island (14-02.1N 124-15.8E).

(b) and (c) To discharge a party of twelve (12) men and twenty (20) tons of cargo in each of two selected spots on the east coast of Luzon (15-40.6N 121-36.5E and 15-01.5N 121-32.5E).

Results and Remarks: Mission (a) cancelled and eliminated.

Mission (b) accomplished 27 October 1944.

Mission (c) accomplished 23 and 24 October 1944.

While enroute from mission to Woendi, Nautilus directed to undertake destruction of SS Darter, aground on Bombau Shoal (09.26N 116-56E) with 6 inch gun fire. This additional special mission effectively accomplished by 55 six-inch hits, resulting in destruction of Darter on 31 October-1 November 1944.

Submarine: USS Narwhal (SS-167)
Commanding Officer: F. D. Latta.
Date and Location of Sailing:  Woendi, 11 October 1944.
Mission: (a) To discharge a party of six (6) men and fifty (50) tons of cargo at a selected spot on the southwest coast of Negros Island (off Calipapa--09.28.3N, 122-33.5E) (second rendezvous).

(b) To discharge ten (10) tons of cargo at a selected spot on the northwest coast of Tawi Tawi (off Tongehatan Point (05-20.7N, 120-10.4E) (first rendezvous).

Results and Remarks: Mission (a): Accomplished 19 October 1944. 20 women and children, Nautilus mess boy and 5 prospective mess boys.

Mission (b): Accomplished 17 October 1944. Narwhal arrived Brisbane 2 November 1944.

Submarine: USS Cero (SS-225)
Commanding Officer: Commander E. F. Dissette
Date and Location of Sailing:  Woendi, 17 October 1944.
Mission: To discharge 14 men and 20 tons of supplies at a designated spot on the west coast of Luzon, Philippines.
Results and Remarks: Mission completed 2 November 1944 by landing personnel and unloading supplies off Masanga River (15-10.5N, 121-32.5E), east coast of Luzon after arriving Spot One (Darygayos Inlet, west coast Luzon -- 16.49.4N, 120-19E) on 25 October 1944, where no contact was made on the 25, 26, 27 and 28 October 1944, and after arriving Spot Two (Santiago Cove, west coast of Luzon -- 17.17.2N, 120-24.5E) on 29 October 1944, where no contact was made on the 29 and 30 October 1944. Two navy pilots and two U.S. evacuees aboard on return to Pearl via Saipan. Important urgent G-2 sketches for ComSouWesPac and documents containing Philippine Intelligence for Com 7th Fleet brought back and disseminated to proper authorities.

Submarine: USS Ray (SS-271)
Commanding Officer: Commander Kinsella.
Date and Location of Sailing:  26 October 1944 -- Woendi.
Mission: (a) To discharge party of three (3) men and two (2) tons of cargo off town of Mamburao (03-13N 120-34E) west coast Mindoro.
Results and Remarks: Mission completed 1 November 1944. Mail for MacArthur transferred to USS Nautilus. Returned with 2 aviators and 3 escaped prisoners aboard. Sank 2 2500 ton tankers with 3 hits and unable to sink floating mine sighted during mission.

Submarine: USS Gar (SS-206)
Commanding Officer: Lieutenant Commander M. Ferrara
Date and Location of Sailing:  Woendi, 13 November 1944.
Mission: (a) To deliver five (5) tons and personnel at selected spot on the west coast of Mindoro.

(b) To deliver twenty-five (25) tons and 16 personnel at selected spot off Darigayos Inlet west coast Luzon, Philippine Islands.

Results and Remarks: Spots designated compromised and alternate spot (Santiago Cove (17-17.2N, 120-24.5E) designated, together with document pickup on north coast of Mindoro (13-29.3N, 120-46.8E). Both missions completed 23 November 1944. Returned to Woendi.

Submarine: USS Blackfin (SS-221)
Commanding Officer: G. H. LAIRD, Jr.
Date and Location of Sailing:  On patrol -- 14 November 1944.
Mission: To pick up captured cryptographic and other secret documents plus technical equipment at designated site west of Camurong River on north coast of Mindoro. (12-29.3N, 120-46.8E)
Results and Remarks: Mission completed 18 November 1944 and Corvette rendezvoused off Morotai for transfer of documents which were then transported by air through facilities of COMAF 13 [Commander 13th Air Force] to SEFIC, Hollandia.

Submarine: USS Gunnel (SS-253)
Commanding Officer: Lieutenant Commander G. E. O'Neil, Jr.
Date and Location of Sailing:   
Mission: To pick up night 2-3 December, 1944, rendezvous position 10-18N, 119-43E. (10 miles bearing 117° true from Flechas Point, Palawan) eleven rescued aviators on Palawan.
Results and Remarks: Mission of successfully accomplished 2 December 1944 at 2000 and Gunnel directed to proceed to Pearl. All supplies available turned over to forces ashore.

Submarine: USS Gar (SS-206)
Commanding Officer: Lieutenant Commander M. Ferrara
Date and Location of Sailing:  Woendi, 4 December 1944.
Mission: To deliver 35 tons supplies to designated spot off Darigayos Inlet (16-49.4N, 120-19E) and after completion of mission operational control shifted to ComSubPac for routing instructions to Pearl.
Results and Remarks: Mission completed 11 December 1944 with added stop Santiago Cove (17-17.2N, 120-24.5E) for dawn pickup of intelligence and Jap documents of utmost secrecy to GHQ. One naval officer passenger aboard on return trip.

Submarine: USS Hake (SS-256)
Commanding Officer: Commander F. E. Hayler.
Date and Location of Sailing:  On patrol -- about 5 December 1944.
Mission: Pick up night of 5-6 December 1944, position 11-45N, 121-55E to evacuate 19 or more persons, including fliers, and furnish all possible supplies, arms and ammunition, which can be spared to Guerrillas at Libertad, Panay.
Results and Remarks: Special mission accomplished 5 December 1944 and all evacuees returned to Perth.

Submarine: USS Stingray (SS-186)
Commanding Officer: Commander S. C. Loomis, Jr.
Date and Location of Sailing:  Woendi, approximately 18 December 1944.
Mission: To load 35 tons of supplies and deliver off Tongehatan Point north coast Tawi (5-21.2N, 120-10.2E).
Results and Remarks: Special mission completed 1 January 1945.


Published: Thu Nov 02 16:49:59 EDT 2017