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Naval History and Heritage Command

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  • Civil War 1861-1865
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Signals for the Use of the Navy of the Confederate States

Image of the title page.
for the use of
of the

Enquirer Book and Job Press.
Tyler, Wise & Allegre.

Confederate States Signal Book, page 3.
Confederate States Signal Book, page 3.


4. ACT     at your discretion.
5. ACTION     prepare for.
6.   Action   commence.
7.   Action   close.
12.   Action   withdraw from.
21.   Ahead   go and look out for danger. Having the signal for danger bent to let it be known.
44.   Anchor   run in and.
75. ASSENT     or yes.
82. ASSISTANCE     in want of.
128. BOARD     the enemy.
136.   Boats   cover, or protect.
138.   Boats   recall your.
129.   Boats   send one to commander-in-chief. If another ship, her pendant or number will be shown.
146.   Boats   send, to chase.
170.   Boilers   are damaged. The number will be shown by next signal, in numerals, if necessary.
171.   Boilers   are leaky.
172. BOOKS     signal, send, on board the commander-in-chief. If on board, send for. (See no. 1056.)
183. BRIG     the strange sail is.
184. BRING-TO     on the starboard tack.
185.   Bring-to   on the port tack.
186.   Bring-to   to repair damages.
186.   Bring-to   the van and centre till the rear closes.
188.   Bring-to   the van till the centre closes.
Confederate States Signal Book, page 4.
Confederate States Signal Book, page 4.



BUSINESS     or enterprise, have you completed that, which you were directed to do.
211.   Cast off   the ship or ships that you are towing.
222. CEASE     firing.
282. CHASE     the strange sail at your discretion. If separated from the fleet, rejoin as soon as possible.
283.   Chase   to discontinue.
300. CHASED     I have been.
308.   Close   to hailing distance.
320. COAL     I am in want of.
329. COLORS     show your.
353.   Communications   I have, for the commander-in-chief.
    Communications   make, by telegraph.
357. North.      
358. N. by E.      
359. N.N.E.      
360. N.E. by N.      
361. N.E.      
362. N.E. by E.      
363. E.N.E.      
364. E. by N.      
365. East.      
366. E. by S.      
367. E.S.E.      
368. S.E.by E.      
369. S.E.      
370. S.E. by S.      
371. S.S.E.      
372. S. by E.      
373. South.      
374. S. by W.      
375. S.S.W.      
376. S.W. by S.      
377. S.W.      
378. S.W. by W.    
Confederate States Signal Book, page 5.
Confederate States Signal Book, page 5.


379. W.S.W.    
380. W. by S.    
381. West.    
382. W. by N.    
383. W.N.W.    
384. N.W. by W.    
385. N.W.    
386. N.W. by N.    
387. N.N.W.    
388. N. by W.    
389. By the wind on the starboard tack.
390. By the wind on the port tack.
391. Before the wind.  
392. One point.    
393. Two points.    
394. Three points.    
395. Four points.    
396. Five points.    
397. Six points.    
398. Seven points.    
399. Eight points.    
400. Nine points.    
  Note.- Whenever it is intended to make quarter-point compass signals, it will be done by repeating the same signal, continuing to the right hand.
423. COURSE   steer as will be shown by compass signal.
      Note.- If rate of sailing or steaming per hour is necessary, it will be shown in knots by numerals.
424.   Course steer the same, as the commander-in-chief.
    Cover the boats. (See No. 136.)
434. COVERED   that all the lights of the fleet are to be kept perfectly, during the night.
448.   Damage is repaired.
  DAMAGED   by shot holes between wind and water.
      (See No. 494.)
Confederate States Signal Book, page 6.
Confederate States Signal Book, page 6.


490.   Disabled or Damaged   is, the engine.
491.   Disabled or Damaged   is, the propeller.
492.   Disabled or Damaged   are, the paddle wheels.
494.   Disabled or Damaged   having a dangerous shot between
        wind and water
502.   Discovering the enemy. Compass signal will show
          the direction, and the number of, afterwards
          by numerals if necessary.
503.   Discovering strange ships. Compass signal will show the
          direction, and the number of, if necessary.
504. DISEMBARK     your force.    
534. EMBARK     your forces.    
541. ENEMY     have you seen; direction, number, and
        character, give.
542.   Enemy   how are they steering.
543.   Enemy   I have seen.
546.   Enemy   is at anchor.
550.   Enemy   is getting underway.
569. ENEMIES     the strange ship or ships in sight are sus-
        pected to be.
570.   Enemies   the strange ship or ships in sight are posi-
    Engine   is disabled. (See No. 490.)
579.   Engine   is in good order.
580.   Engine   is there anything wrong with your.
583. EXAMINE     the strange ship or ships you are in chase
        of, or that are passing through or near the
        fleet. If suspicious, bring them to
        the commander-in-chief; if not, obtain
        what intelligence you can, and return to
        your station as soon as possible.
609.   Fire   this ship is on.
613. FIRES     keep up. If in a particular number of fur-
        naces, it will be shown by numerals.
615.   Fires   keep banked in furnaces.
Confederate States Signal Book, page 7.
Confederate States Signal Book, page 7.


620. FLOATS   unship. If unshipped, ship.
622. FOLLOW   the motions of the commanding officer.
623.   Follow do not, the motions of the commanding officer.
624.   Follow your instructions.
665.   Go ahead.  
666.   Go ahead slow.
667.   Go ahead faster.
668.   Go ahead at full power.
675.   Guns are or have been heard in the direction to
      be shown by compass signal, if necessary.
  HARBOR . . . . . run into, and anchor. (See No. 44.)
  HEAVE   to. (See Nos. from 184 to 188.)
710. INFERIOR   are the enemies' ships, to the whole fleet.
746. KEEP   all fast.
747.   Keep underway.
    Keep within signal distance.
761.   Land I see.
773. LIGHTS   carry one, during the night.
778. LOOK   into the harbor and reconnoitre.
792. MAKE   the best of your way into your intended port,
      or in the execution of your orders.
797. MERCHANTMEN, are the vessels in sight.
  PADDLEWHEELS are disabled. (See No. 492.)
845. PART   company.
846.   Part company, you may not.
864. PILOT   boat or boats in sight.
866.   Pilot I am in want of one.
874. POSSESSION   take, of the chase or enemy.
877. PREPARE   for battle.
879.   Prepare to board.
892. PRIZE   abandon.
896.   Prize destroy.
902.   Prize take in tow.
903 PROCEED   on the service assigned to you.
Confederate States Signal Book, page 8.
Confederate States Signal Book, page 8.
938. RECONNOITRE   the enemy, and make known to the com-
      ander-in-chief his force, number, &c.,
      as soon as possible
988. REPEAT   signals.
1019.   Sail to make.
1024.   Sail to make, or carry all possible, consistent
      with safety.
1029.   Sail and steam together, keep under.
1034. SAILS   to furl.
1051.   Ship is the strange sail in sight.
1057.   Signal distance, keep within.
1061. SINKING   this ship is.
1063. SLIP   and make sail.
1065. SLOOP-OF-WAR   is the strange vessel.
1067.   Smoke I see, that of a steamer. Direction will next be
      shown by compass signal, if necessary.
1101.   Steam I am unable to use.
1105.   Steam keep under, only.
1106. STEAMER   is, the vessel in sight.
1124.   Strange sail, do not suffer to approach.
1125.   Strange vessel is a friend.
1136. SUPERIOR   are the enemy's ships, to the whole fleet.
1147. TACK   ship.
1148.   Tack or wear at discretion.
1164. TACKED   that the strange or enemy's ship or ships have, and
      are steering as will next be shown by compass signal.
1191. TOW   this ship, or the ship whose pendant or number
      will be shown next.
1192. Tow   prepare to be taken in. If by a particular
      vessel, her pendant or number
      will next be shown. When ready to be taken in tow,
      the "preparatory" pendant to be hoisted at the fore.
1198. TOWLINE   additional one, send, to the vessel you
      are towing.
Confederate States Signal Book, page 9.
Confederate States Signal Book, page 9.


1218. UNDERWAY   to get.
1230.   Underway that the strange or enemy's fleet, ship,
      or ships, are.
1231. UNEQUAL   that I am, to the contest.
1243.   Want that I am in, of a medical officer.



No. Number of Guns Interval in No. of guns or  
  or Whistles. minutes. whistles.  
1 [2] [3] [1] ACT at your
3 [2] [3] [3] ANCHOR.
Confederate States Signal Book, page 10.
Confederate States Signal Book, page 10. Shows 21 flags in color: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0, cornet, guard, 1st. rep., 2nd. rep., 3rd rep., answer, prep., int., numeral, meal and church.
Confederate States Signal Book, page 11.
Confederate States Signal Book, page 11.

The guard signal hoisted over the following numbers is to indicate that those numbers are there employed as distinguishing pennants.

The private signal of the squadron is the answering pennant over the ensign at the mast head.

No. 4 - Act at discretion
5-Action prepare for
6- " commence
7- " close
12- Withdraw from
13- Act as already ordered-
15 - Action continues
21 - Ahead go and look out for danger - having the signal for danger bent, to let it be known

Confederate States Signal Book, page 12.
Confederate States Signal Book, page 12.



22 Act as the Commander-in chief
23 Act as already ordered
24 Action _________ continue
25 Anchor ______ I am in want of
26 Anchor & Keep up steam
27 Anchor ________ weigh
28 Anchor _______ let go
29 Assistance send to this vessel or the one whose pennant or number shall be shown
44 - Anchor, run in and
45 - " I am in want of
49 - Anchor, and keep up steam
77 Ammunition I am in want of
78 Ammunition I have none
54 - Anchor with spring on cable

Confederate States Signal Book, page 13.
Confederate States Signal Book, page 13.

133 Barque the strange sail is
55 - Anchor
56 - Anchor
57 -Anchor on starboard beam of immediate Senior
58 - " " port " " " "
59 - " " Starboard. Quar. " " " "
60 - " " port " " " "
330 Comd'ng Officers come on board
331 Cover this ship or the ship whose pennant or number
" " " " " is shown.
332 Come within hail.
544 Engage the nearest of the enemys [sic] ships
545 Engage the largest of the enemy
" ships
547 Engage the smallest of the enemys
" ships
548 Engage the enemy at long range
549. Engage the enemy at short range
561 Entice the enemy under our guns
61 - Anchor ahead of immediate Senior
62 = " astern do do do
75 - Assent or Yes
77 - Ammunition -- I am in want of
82 - Assistance in want of

Confederate States Signal Book, page 14.
Confederate States Signal Book, page 14.

83-- Assistance give to vessel in distress
84 - send to vessel whose no. will be shown
128 - Board the Enemy
129 - Boat send to Comdg-in-Cheif [sic] of another
ship her no will be shown
610 Fuel I am in want of
611 Frigate the strange sail is.
612 Form the line of battle on the starboard tack.
614 Form the line of battle on the port tack.
616 Form the first order of steaming.
626 Form the 2nd order of steaming.
627 Form the 3rd order of steaming
628 Form in the order already agreed to
629 Fires start.
630 Fires put out.

136 Boats cover or protect.
680 Hulled this ship is.
137 Boats
138 Boats recall
146 Boats send to chase
170 Boilers are damaged
171 " " leakey [sic]

Confederate States Signal Book, page 15.
Confederate States Signal Book, page 15.

767 Launches the strange boats are
171 Books, signal, send on board the Comd. in Cheif [sic] if on board
send for (See No. 1056)
175. Board the enemy
762 Leaking this vessel is faster than
the pumps can clear her.
182. Barque the strange sail is
183 Brig " " " " 
880 Prepare to anchor.
184 - Bring to on the Starboard tack
185 - " " " " Port "
186 - " " " to repair damages
187 - " " the van and centre till the rear closes
188 Bring to the van till the centre closes
195 - Business or Enterprise- have you completed that you have been directed to do
211 Cast off the ships or ship you are towing
222 Cease firing.
282 Chase the strange sail at your discretion. If separated from the fleet - rejoin it as
soon as possible
283 - Chase discontinue
300 - Chased I have been

Confederate States Signal Book, page 16.
Confederate States Signal Book, page 16.

320 - Coal I am in want of

329 - Colours, show your
330 - Comd-Offs. or Comdg. Off. whose no. is shown come on board
331 Come within hail

438 Danger

990 - Return to your position
1018. - Safety seek your own

Confederate States Signal Book, page 17.
Confederate States Signal Book, page 17.

880 - Prepare to anchor
680 Hulled this ship is

Confederate States Signal Book, page 18.
Confederate States Signal Book, page 18.


450. - Detention what causes.
438. - Danger.
581. - Exercise the guns.
990. - Return to your position.
1236. - Understand I do not, the signal.
890. - Prepare to sail.
1018. - Safety seek your own.
1059. Shore run your vessel on.

Confederate States Signal Book, Flyleaf.
Confederate States Signal Book, Flyleaf.

13 - Act as already ordered.
15 - Action continue.
22 - Act as the Comdr. in chief.
24 - Action continue
27 - Anchor weigh.
28 - Anchor let go.
29 - Assistance send to this vessel, or the one whose pennant or number shall be next shown.
45 - Anchor I am in want of ,
49 - Anchor and keep at steam.
54 - Anchor with a spring on cable.
57 - Anchor on Starboard beam of immediate Senior.
58 - Anchor on Port beam of immediate Senior.
x17 - Ammunition I am in want of.
133 - Barque the strange sail is.
175 - Board the enemy.
183 - Barque the strange sail is.
330 - Comdg. Officer come on board.
332 - Cover this ship, or the vessel whose pennat [sic] on number is shown.
331 - Come within hail.
438 - Danger.
544 - Engage the nearest Enemy.
548 - Engage the Enemy at long range.
580 - Exercise small arms.
581 - Exercise the gun.
610 - Fuel I am in want.
629 - Fires start.


Published: Mon Nov 27 15:21:24 EST 2017