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Selected Pre-1700 Imprints in the Navy Department Library

This exhibit of selected pre-1700 imprints in the Navy Department Library incorporates materials spanning the years 1536-1699. These imprints, maintained in the library's Rare Book Room, were published in Great Britain and France and written in English, French, or in some cases Latin. The majority of imprints shown here are works of naval or military science, maritime law, or travel histories.


1. Baïf, Lazare de (d.1547). Lazari Bayfii Annotationes in L.II. De Captivis, et Postliminio Reversis. in Qvibvs Tractarvr De Re Navali. Eivsdem Annotationes in Tractatvm De Auro & Argeto Leg. Quibus, Vestimentoru & Vasculorum Genera Explicantur. Antonii Thylesii De Coloribus Libellus, a Coloribus Vestium Non Alienus. Parisiis: Ex officina Rob. Stephani, 1536. [8], 168, [8], 203, [13] p., illus., 22 cm.

Image - page 13 - caption: Alia ratio biremium, quae fortaffe antiquior.
Image - page 13 - caption: Alia ratio biremium, quae fortaffe antiquior.
Image - page 37 - caption: Hepteres, quae septem ordinum nauis erat.
Image - page 37 - caption: Hepteres, quae septem ordinum nauis erat.
Image - page 21 - caption: Triremis.
Image - page 21 - caption: Triremis.


2. Baïf, Lazare de (d.1547). Lazari Bayfii Annotationes in Legem II De Captiuis & Postliminio Reuersis, in Quibus Tractatur De Re Nauali, per Autorem Recognitae. Eivsdem Annotationes in Tractatum De Auro & Argento Legato, Quibus Vestimetoru & Vasculoru Genera Explicatur. His Omnibus Imagines ab Antiquissimis Monumentis Desumptas ad Argumenti Declaratione Subiunximus. Item Antonii Thylesii Decoloribus Libellus, a Coloribus Uestium Non Alienus. Basileae: [Apvd Hier. Frobenivm et Nic. Episcopivm], 1537. 299, 305-323, [8] p., illus., 21 cm.

Image - pages 20-21 - captions: Fiebant & biremes hoc pacto [and] Etiam tali modo depictas biremes vidimus.
Image - pages 20-21 - captions: Fiebant & biremes hoc pacto [and] Etiam tali modo depictas biremes vidimus.

3. Dolet, Etienne (1506-1646). Stephani Doleti de re na Vali Liber ad la Zarvm Bay Fivm. Lvgdvni: Apvd Seb. Gryphivm, 1537. [14] 1eaves, 189, [3] p., 21 cm.

Image of title page.
Image of title page.

4. Sacro Bosco, Joannes de (fl.1230). Sphera Volgare Novamente Tradotta, con Molte Notande Additioni di Geometria, Cosmographia, Arte Navicatoria, et Stereometria, Proportioni, et Qvantita Delli Elementi, Distanze, Grandeze, et Movimenti di Tvtti li Corpi Celesti, Cose Certamente Rade et Maravigliose. Avtore M. Mavro Fiorentino Phonasco et Philopanareto. A Messer Giovan' Orthega di Carion Burgense Hispano, & Dino Compagni Patritio Fiorentino, Mathematici. [Venetia: B. Zanetti, 1537]. [112] p., illus., diagrams, 21 cm.

Image of title page verso.
Image of title page verso.
Images from Chapter Four.
Images from Chapter Four.
Image from Introdutiore di cosmographia, et de chapter;
Image from Introdutiore di cosmographia, et de chapter; captions: Diagramma, ouer figura della sphera, & cerchi di quella [and] Diagramma ouer descrittione & figura della palla cosmographia, a terrestre & cerchij di quella.


5. Medina, Pedro de (1493?-1567?). L'arte del Navegar: in Laqval si Contengono Lere gole, dechiarationi, secreti, & auisi, alla bona nauegation necessarij. Composta per l'Eccel. Dottor M. Pietro da Medina & tradotta de lingua Spagnola in volgar Italiano, aa Beneficio, & Vtilita de Ciascadun Nauigante. In Vinetia: Ad instantia di Gioanbattista Pedrezano, 1554. [11], cxxxvii p., illus., maps, diagrams, tables, 21 cm.

Image of title page for Chapter Three.
Image of title page for Chapter Three.
Image of title page for Chapter Four.
Image of title page for Chapter Four.
Image of title page for Chapter Six.
Image of title page for Chapter Six.
Image of title page for Chapter Eight.
Image of title page for Chapter Eight.


6. Zeno, Niccolo (1515-1565). De I Commentarii del Viaggio in Persia di M. Caterino Zeno il K. & delle guerre fatte nell'Imperio Persiano, dal tempo di Vssuncassano in qua. Libri Dve. Et Dello Scoprimento dell'Isole Frislanda, Eslanda, Engrouelanda, Estotilanda, & Icaria, fatto sotto il Polo Artico, da due fratelli zeni, M. Nicoloil K. e M. Antonio. Libro Vno. Con vn Disegno Particolare di tutte le dette parte di tramontana da lor Scoperte. Venetia: Per Fancesco Marcolini, 1558. 58 leaves, map, genealogical table, 16 cm.


7. Cuningham, William (b. 1531). The Cosmographical Glasse: Conteinyng the Pleasant Principles of Cosmographie, Geographie, Hydrographie, or Nauigation. Compiled by VVilliam Cuningham Doctor in Physicke. Excussum Londini: In officina Ioan. Day topographi, 1559. [8] 202, [8] p., illus., diagrams, maps, tables, 28 cm.


8. Contarini, Giovanni Pietro (16th century). Historia delle cose svccesse dal principio della gverra mossa da Selim ottomano a'Venetiani, fino al di della gran Giornata Vittoriosa contra Turchi, descraitta non meno particolare che fedelmente da M. Gio. Pietro Contarini Venetiano. Con privilegio. In Venetia: appresso Francesco Rampazetto, 1572. 4, [56] p., map, 20 cm.


9. Nicolay, Nicolas, de (1517-1583). Le Navigationi et Viaggi Nella Tvrchia, di Nicolo de Nicolai del Delfinato Signor d'Arsevilla, Cameriere & Geografo Ordinario del Re di Francia, con diuerse Singolarita in quelle parti dall'Autore viste & osseruate: Nouamente tradotto di Francese in uolgare, da Francesco, Flori da Lilla, Arithmetico. Con Sessanta Figure al naturale si d'huomini Come di Donne, Secondo la varieta delle nationi, i loro portamenti, gesti, habiti, leggi, riti, costumi & modo di viuere, in tempo di pace & di Guerra: Con Varie Belle & memorande historie nel nostro tempo auenute. Anversa: Appresso Guiglielmo Siluio, 1577. [8] leaves, 328 [i.e. 408] p., [15] leaves, illus. (incl. 60 woodcuts), 21 cm.

Image of Mercante Greco [Greek merchant], page 327.
Image of Mercante Greco [Greek merchant], page 327.
Image of page 170, caption: Habito & modo antico de Peichi D' Lachai del gran Signore [soldier in uniform running].
Image of page 170, caption: Habito & modo antico de Peichi D' Lachai del gran Signore [soldier in uniform running].
Image of page 64, caption: Donna Morescali Tripoli in Barbaria [woman with child].
Image of page 64, caption: Donna Morescali Tripoli in Barbaria [woman with child].


10. Cataneo, Girolamo. Avvertimenti, et Essamini Intorno a Qvelle Cose, Che Richiedono a vn Perfetto Bombardiero: Cosicirca All'Artiglieria, come anco a' Fuochi Arteficiati. In Vinegia: Presso Altobello Salicato, 1580. [4], 39 leaves, illus., 20 cm.


11. Caracciolo, Ferrante, conte di Biccari. I Commentarii delle Gverre Fatte co' Turchi da D. Giovanni d'Austria, Dopo Che Venne in Italia; Scritta da Ferrante Caracciolo Conte di Biccari. In Fiorenza: Appresso Giorgio Marescotti, 1581. [8], 137, [11] p., 22 cm.

Image of title page.
Image of title page.


12. Consulate of the Sea. Il Consolato del Mare: Nel Qvale Si Comprendono Tutti Gli Statuti, & Ordini: Disposti da gli Antichi, per Ogni Caso Di Mercantia & Di Nauigare: Cosi a Beneficio Di Marinari, Come Di Mercanti, & Patroni Di Naue, & Nauilii. Con l'Aggivnta Delle Ordinationi Sopra l'Armate Di Mare, Sicurta, Entrate, Vscite: & con il Portolano del Mare. Di Nuouo Con Quella Piu Accurrata Diligentia, Che s'e Potuto Corretto & Ristampato. Con Vna Nvova Tavola de I Capitoli. Venetia: Appresso gli heredi di Francesco Rampazetto, 1584. 8, 230, 38 p., 20 cm.


13. Osorio, Jerbonimo (1506-1580). Histoire de Portvgal: Contenant les Enterprises, nauigations, & Gestes Memorables des Portugallois, Tant en la conqeste des Indes Orientales par eux descouuertes, qu'es guerres d'Afrique & autres exploits, depuis l'an mil quatre cens nonante six, sous Emmanuel I. Iean Ill & Sebastian I. du nom. Paris: Chez Gvillavme de la Nove, 1587. [7], 680, [1], [20] leaves, 18 cm.


14. Burghley, William Cecil, Baron (1520-1598). The Copie of a Letter Sent out of England to Don Bernardin Mendoza Ambassadour in France for the King of Spaine: Declaring the State of England, Contrary to the Opinion of Don Bernardin, and of all his Partizans Spaniardes and Others: This Letter, Although it was sent to Don Bernardin Mendoza, yet, by Good Hap, the Copies Therof Aswell in English as in French, were Found in the Chamber of one Richard Leigh a Seminarie Priest, who was Lately Executed for High Treason Committed in the Time that the Spanish Armada was on the Seas: Whereunto are Adioyned Certaine late Aduertisements, Concerning the Losses and Distresses happened to the Spanish Nauie … London: imprinted by I. Vautrollier for Richard Field, 1588. [2], 38, [24] p., 18 cm.

15. Tartaglia, Niccolo (1500-1557). Three Bookes of Colloquies Concerning the Arte of Shooting in Great and Small Peeces of Artillerie, Variable randges, measure, and waight of leaden, yron, and marble stone pellets…Written in Italian…by Nicholas Tartaglia… and now translated into English by Cyprian Lvcar… Also the Saide Cyprian Lvcar hath annexed unto the same three bookes of Colloquies a Treatise named Lvcar Appendix, London: Imprinted for Iohn Harrison, 1588. 80 p., illus., diagrams., tables, 27 cm.

Image of folded leaf between pages 34 and 35 in appendix.
Image of folded leaf between pages 34 and 35 in appendix.
Image at bottom of page 2 of the Firft Booke of Colloquies, caption: A peece lying leuell.
Image at bottom of page 2 of the Firft Booke of Colloquies, caption: A peece lying leuell.
Image at bottom of title page of appendix; caption: Scientia non habet inimicum prater Ignorantem.
Image at bottom of title page of appendix; caption: Scientia non habet inimicum prater Ignorantem.
Image at bottom of page 3 of First Book of Colloquies; caption: A peece mounted at 6.points or 72.minutes.
Image at bottom of page 3 of First Book of Colloquies; caption: A peece mounted at 6.points or 72.minutes.
Image of folded leaf between pages 100 and 101 in appendix; caption: The type of a long Stater.
Image of folded leaf between pages 100 and 101 in appendix; caption: The type of a long Stater.


16. Beale, Robert (1541-1601). A Declaration of the Cavses, which Mooved the Chiefe Commanders of the Nauie of Her Most Excellent Maiestie the Queene of England, in their Voyage and Expedition for Portingal, to Take and Arrest in the Mouth of the Riuer of Lisbone, Certaine Shippes of Corne and Other Prouisions of Warre Bound for the Said Citie, Prepared for the Seruices of the King of Spaine, in the Ports and Prouinces within and About the Sownde, the 30. Day of Iune, in the Yeere of Our Lord 1589. and of Her Maiesties Raigne the One and Thirtie. London: Imprinted by the Deputies of Christopher Barker, Printer to the Queenes Most Excellent Maiestie, 1589. [2], 11 (i.e., 21) p., coat of arms, 18 cm.


17. Schips-Rechten ende Ordonnantien : Gheordonneert ende Gemaect inde Vergaderinge Vande seer oude Hanze-Steden, op d en Alghemeynen Hanzen Dagh, Ghehouden Binnen Lubese, Inden Jare ong Heeren 1591: Na Dewelcke alle Schip-reeders/Schippers ende Bootsghesellen, van nu Voort Aen Hen Sullen Voeghen, ende die Onderhouden : [title vignette : ship], Ghedruckt inde Keyserlickte Vrye Rijcks Stat Lubeck. [Holland?]: A. Kroger, 1592. [12] leaves ; 20 cm.


18. Sutcliffe, Matthew (1550?-1629). The Practice, Proceedings, and Lawes of armes, described out of the doings of most valiant and expert Captaines, and Confirmed both by ancient, and moderne xxamples, and Praecedents. London: Deputies of Christopher Barker. 1593. [22], 342 p., 19 cm.


19. Anghiera, Pietro Martire d' (1457-1526). De Nouo Orbe, or The Historie of the West Indies: Contayning the Acts and Aduentures of the Spanyardes, Which Haue Conquered and Peopled Those Countries, Inriched with Varietie of Pleasant Relation of the Manners, Ceremonies, Lawes, Gouernments, and Warres of the Indians. Comprised in Eight Decades. Written by Peter Martyr a Millanoise of Angleria, Cheife Secretary to the Emperour Charles the Fift, and of His Priuie Councell. Whereof Three, Haue Benne Formerly Translated into English, by R. Eden, Wherunto the Other Fiue, are Newly Added by the Industrie, and Painefull Trauaile of M. Lok. London: Printed for Thomas Adams, 1612. [6], 318 p., 20 cm.


20. Gentleman, Tobias. Englands VVay to VVin Wealth, and to employ Ships and Marriners: or, A plaine description what great profite, it will bring unto the Common-wealth of England, by the Erecting, Building, and Aduenturing of Busses, to Sea, a Fishing: With a true Relation of the inestimable wealth that is yearely taken out of his Maiesties Seas, by the Hollanders, by their great numbers of Busses, Pinkes, and Line-boates: And Also A discourse of the Sea-Coast Townes of England, and the Most Fit and Commodious Places, and Harbours that Wee Haue for Busses, and of the small number of Our Fishermen, and also the true valuation, and whole charge, of Building, and Furnishing, to Sea, Busses, and Pinks, after the Holland Manner. By Tobias Gentleman. London: Printed for Nathaniel Butter, 1614. [3] leaves, 46 p., illus., 20 cm.


21. Hawkins, Sir Richard (1562?-1622). The Observations of Sir Richard Havvkins Knight, in His Voiage into the South Sea. Anno Domini 1593. London: Printed by I.D. for Iohn Iaggard, 1622. [2] 1eaves 169, [6] p., 29 cm.

Image of title page.
Image of title page.


22. Smith, John (1580-1631). An Accidence, or The Path-way to Experience: Necessary for All Young Sea-men, or those that are desirous to goe to sea briefly shewing the Phrases, Offices, and Words of Command, Belonging to the Building, Ridging, and Sayling, a Man of Warre; and how to manage a Fight at Sea; Together with the Charge and Duty of every Officer, and their Shares: Also the Names, VVeight, Charge, Shot, and Powder, of all sorts of great Ordnance. With the vse of the Petty Tally. Written by Captaine Iohn Smith some-times Governour of Virginia, and Admirall of New England. London: Printed for Jonas Man, and Benjamin Fisher, 1626. [4] leaves, 1-19, 24-42 p., 18 cm.


23. Norton, Robert (d. 1635). The Gvnner Shewing the Whole Practise of Artillery: with all the Appurtenances thereunto belonging. Together with the making of extraordinarie Artificiall Fire-workes, as well for Pleasure and Triumphes, as for Warre and Seruice. London: Printed by A. Mathewes for Humphrey Robinson, 1628. [7] leaves, 158 [i.e. 160] p., [2] leaves, illus., diagrams., tables, 28 cm.

Image of page 46.
Image of page 46.
Image of page 56.
Image of page 56.


24. Selden, John (1584-1654). Ioannis Seldeni Mare Clausum seu De Dominio Maris Libri Duo. Primo, Mare, ex Jure Naturae seu Gentium, omnium hominum non esse Commune, sed Dominii privati seu Proprietatis capax, pariter ac Tellurem, esse demonstratur. Secundo, Serenissiumum Magnae Britanniae Regem Maris circumflui, ut individuae atque perpetuae Imperii Britannici appendicis, Dominum esse, asseritur. Londini: excudebat Will. Stanesbeius pro R. Meighen, 1635. [13] leaves, 304, [14] p., illus., 28 cm.


25. Blundeville, Thomas (fl.1561). Mr. Blundevil, His Exercises, Contayning Eight Treatises...Which Treatises Are Very Necessary to be Read and Learned of All Young Gentlemen, That Have Not Been Exercised in Such Disciplines, and Yet Are Desirous to Have Knowledge as Well in Cosmographie, Astronomie, and Geographie, As Also in the Art of Navigation, in Which Art It Is Impossible to Profit Without the Help of These or Such Like Instructions. To the Furtherance of Which Art of Navigation, the Said Mr. Blundevil Specially Wrote the Said Treatises, and of Meere Good Will Doth Dedicate the Same to All Young Gentlemen of This Realme. The seventh edition corrected and somewhat enlarged by Ro. Hartwell philomathematicus. London: Printed by Richard Bishop, 1636. [6] leaves, 799 [i.e. 801] p., illus., diagrams, tables, plates, 19 x 14 cm.

Image of title page of the third treatise, page 261.
Image of title page of the third treatise, page 261.
Image of title page of the seventh treatise, page 645.
Image of title page of the seventh treatise, page 645.
The first of two images of page 720, showing the movable needle of the compass in different positions.
The first of two images of page 720, showing the movable needle of the compass in different positions.
The second of two images of page 720, showing the movable needle of the compass in different positions.
The second of two images of page 720, showing the movable needle of the compass in different positions.

26. Welwood, William (fl. 1578-1622). An Abridgement of all Sea-Lavves, Gathered forth of all Writings and Monuments, which are to be found among any people or Nation, upon the coasts of the great Ocean and Mediterranean Sea, And Specially ordered and disposed for the use and benefit of all benevolent Sea-fareres, within his Majesties Dominions of Great Brittain, Ireland, and the adjacent Isles Thereof. By William Welvvod, Professor of the Civill Law. London: Printed by the Assignes of Ioane Man and Benjamin Fisher, 1636. [7] leaves, 25 [i.e. 253] p., 14 cm.


27. Gage, Thomas (1603?-1656). The English-American his Travail by Sea and Land, or, A new Svrvey of the West-India's Containing a Journall of Three Thousand and Three Hundred Miles within the main Land of America. Wherin is set forth his Voyage from Spain to St. Iohn de Ulhua; and from thence to Xalappa, to Tlaxcalla, the City of Angeles, and forward to Mexico; With the description of that great City, as it was in former times, and also at this present. Likewise his Journey from Mexico through the Provinces of Guaxaca, Chiapa, Guatemala, Vera Paz, Truxillo, Comayagua; with his abode Twelve years about Guatemala, and especially in the Indian-towns of Mixco, Pinola, Petapa, Amatitlan. As also his strange and wonderfull Conversion, and Calling from those remote Parts to his Native Countrey. With his return through the Province of Nicaragua, and Costa Rica, to Nicoya, Panama, Portobelo, Cartagena, and Havana, with divers occurrents and dangers that did befal in the said Journey. Also, A New and exact Discovery of the Spanish Navigation to those Parts; And of their Dominions, Government, Religion, Forts, Castles, Ports, Havens, Commodities, Fashions, Behaviour of Spaniards, Priests and Friers, Blackmores, Mulatto's Mestiso's Indians; and of their Feasts and Solemnities. With a Grammar, or some few Rudiments of the Indian Tongue, called, Poconchi, or Pocoman. London: Printed by R. Cotes, 1648. [4] leaves, 220, [12] p., 29 cm.

Image of title page.
Image of title page.


28. Gerbier, Sir Balthazer, (1592?-1667). The First Lecture Touching Navigation Read Publiquely at Sr. Balthazar Gerbiers Academy. London: Printed for Robert Ibbitson, 1649. 22 p., 19 cm.

29. -----. The Second Lecture being an Introduction to Cosmographie: Read Publiquely at Sr. Balthazar Gerbiers Academy. On Bednall Greene. London: Printed for Robert Ibbitson, 1649. 19 p., 19 cm.


30. The Common-Wealths Great Ship Commonly called the Soveraigne of the Seas, Built in the Yeare, 1637: With a True and Exact Dimension of Her Bulk and Burden, and Those Decorements Which Beautifie and Adorne Her Tunnage, with the Carving work, Figures, and Mottoes upon them. She is Besides her 1637. Tuns in Burden: Shee Beareth Five Lanthorns, the Biggest of Which Will Hold Ten Persons to Stand Upright, Without Shouldring or Pressing One Another: With the Names of All the Ropes, Masts, Sailes, and Cordage That Belong Unto a Ship: As Also the Names of All Our Commanders At Sea, the Number of Men and Gunnes Which Every Ship Carrieth Both in Their Admirall, Vice Admirall, and Reare-Admirall. With All the Fights Wee Have Had with the Hollander, Since the Engagement of Lieutenant-Admirall Trompe Neere Dover, Against the English Fleet under the Command of Generall Blake, At the Same Time That Three of Their Embassadours Were Here Treating of Peace. With a Perfect Rehearsall of an Act for Encrease of Shipping, and Encouragement of the Navigation of This Nation, Which so Much Displeaseth the Hollander. London: Printed by M. Simmons for Tho. Jenner, 1653. 32 p., [2] leaves, illus., port., 19 cm.


31. Violet, Thomas (fl. 1634-1662). A True Narrative of the Proceedings in the Court of Admiraltie, Against the Ships Sampson, Salvador, and George, their Silver and Lading: And An Accompt presented what Silver was taken out of the said Ships, and coined in the Tower, (being above two hundred seventy eight thousand pounds,) all which Silver the Common-wealth got by the chargeable Prosecution and Discovery of Tho. Violet, who saved the Common-wealth this Silver, Dec. 16, 1652. As in this Narrative is Attested under the Hands of many Honourable Persons; Together with several Humble Proposals, for the Profit and Honour of this Common-wealth, in saving them many score of thousand pounds. London: [s.n.], 1659. [8] leaves, 148 p., illus., 21 cm.

Image of page opposite of title page.
Image of page opposite of title page.


32. Violet, Thomas (fl. 1634-1662). An Appeal to Caesar: Wherein Gold and Silver is Proved to be the Kings Majestie's Royal Commodity, Which by the Lawes of the Kingdom, no Person of what Degree soever, but the Kings Majestie, and his Privy Councel, can give Licence to Transport either Gold or Silver to any Person, after it is Landed in any Part of the Kingdome of England, That This Great and Sacred Trust cannot be changed into the Hands of any Person, Persons, or Corporations whatsoever, without changing or diminishing the Sacred Power of his Majestie, it being against his Crown and Dignity; Humbly Presented to his Most Sacred Majestie, and his Most Honourable Privy Councel, in opposition to some Merchants, who are Endeavouring, upon feigned Pretences, to dispossesse his Majestie of this Royal Trust, and to have it Confirmed by Act of Parliament, to Transport at this Merchants pleasure, Forreign Bullion and Coine freely, after it is Imported into the Kingdom and make it a Free Merchandize for their private profit, to the Damage of the whole Kingdom in general. London: [s.n.], 1660. [1] 1., 57, [1] p., plate, 23 cm.

Image of portrait of King Charles I and title page opposite.
Image of portrait of King Charles I and title page opposite.


33. Flacourt, Etienne de (1607-1660). Histoire de la Grande Isle Madagascar, Composee par le Sieur de Flacovrt, Directeur General de la Compagnie Francoise de l'Orient, & Commandant pour sa Majeste Dans Ladite Isle & es Isles Adjacentes. Auec vne Relation de ce Qui S'est Passe es Annees 1655. 1656. & 1657. Non Encor Veue par la Premiere Impression. A Paris: Chez Francois Clovzier, 1661. 2 v. in 1 (23, 471 p.), illus., maps, plates, 23 cm.

Image of folded leaf between pages 16 and 17.
Image of folded leaf between pages 16 and 17.
Images of animals on folded leaf between pages 146 and 147.
Images of animals on folded leaf between pages 146 and 147.


34. Albemarle, George Monk, 1st Duke of (1608-1670). Observations upon Military & Political Affairs. Written by the Most Honourable George, Duke of Albemarle, &c. London: Printed by A.C. for Henry Mortlocke and James Collins, 1671. [4] leaves, 151, [11] p., illus., 29 cm

Image of title page.
Image of title page.


35. Anderson, Robert (fl. 1668-1696). The Genuine Use and Effects of the Gunne: As Well Experimentally as Mathematically Demonstrated, by Robert Anderson. With tables of Projection, &c. Exactly Calculated and Their Use Exemplified, by Thomas Streete. A New Work, of Singular Use Unto Generals of Armies Enginiers and other Artists. London: Printed by J. Darby, for William Berry and Robert Morden, 1674. [4] leaves, 36, 64 p., tables, diagrams, 23 cm.

Image of title page.
Image of title page.

36. Evelyn, John (1620-1706). Navigation and Commerce, Their Original and Progress. Containing a succinct Account of Traffick in General; Its Benefits and Improvements: of Discoveries, Wars and Conflicts At Sea, from the Original of Navigation to This Day; with Special Regard to the English Nation; Their Several Voyages and Expeditions, to the Beginning of Our Late Differences with Holland; in Which His Majesties Title to the Dominion of the Sea is asserted, Against the Novel, and Later Pretenders by J. Evelyn. London: Printed by J.R. for B. Tooke, 1674. [3] leaves, 120, [13] p., 18 cm.


37. Exquemelin, Alexandre Olvier (b. 1646?). De Americaensche Zee-roovers. Behelsende een Pertinent en Waerachtige Beschrijving Van Alle de Voornaemste Roveryen, en Onmenschelijcke Wreedheden, Diede Engelse en Franse Rovers, Tegens de Spanjaerden in America, Gepleeght Hebben...: Hier Achter Is Bygevoeght, een Korte Verhandeling Van de Macht en Rijkdommen, Die De Koninck Van Spanje, Karel de Tweede, in American Heeft, Nevens Des Selfs Inkomsten en Regering Aldaer: Als Mede een Kort Begrijp Van Alle De Voornaemste Plaetsen in Het Selve Gewest, Onder Christen Potentaten Behoorende, Beschreven Door A.O. Exquemelin. Die Self Alle Dese Roveryen, Door Noodt, bygewoont Heeft. Amsterdam: Jan ten Hoorn, 1678. [4] leaves, 186 p., [12] leaves of plates, illus., maps, ports., 24 cm.

Image of Francois Lolonois, engraving opposite page 47.
Image of Francois Lolonois, engraving opposite page 47.
Image of engraving opposite page 98.
Image of engraving opposite page 98.
Folded map between pages 94 and 95.
Folded map between pages 94 and 95.


38. Gassendi, Pierre (1592-1655). Petri Gassendi Institutio Astronomica, Juxta Hypotheseis Tam Veterum quam Recentiorum: Cui accesserunt Galilei Galilei Nuncious Sidereus, et Johannis Kepleri Dioptrice. Tertia Editio prioribus Correctior. Londini: Impensis Hen. Dickinson, 1683. [8] leaves, 199, 173 p., illus., diagrams, plates, 20 cm.

Astronomical drawings from lower half of page 35.
Astronomical drawings from lower half of page 35.


39. Exquemelin, Alexandre Olvier (b. 1646?). Bucaniers of America, or, a True Account of the Most Remarkable Assaults Committed of Late Years upon the Coasts of the West Indies, by the Bucaniers of Jamaica and Tortuga, Both English and French: Wherein Are Contained More Especially, the Unparallel'd Exploits of Sir Henry Morgan, Our English Jamaican Hero, Who Sack'd Puerto Velo, Burnt Panama, &c. Written Originally in Dutch by John Esquemeling, One of the Bucaniers, Who Was Present At Those Tragedies; and Thence Translated Into Spanish, by Alonso de Bonne-maison, Doctor of Physick, and Practitioner At Amsterdam. Now Faithfully Rendred Into English. London: Printed for William Crooke, 1684. [6] leaves, 115, [1], 151, [1], 124, [12] p., illus., port., map, 23 cm.

Image of Sir Henry Morgan on page 60.
Image of Sir Henry Morgan on page 60.
Image on pages 136 and 137 of Spanish Armada destroyed by Captain Morgan.
Image on pages 136 and 137 of Spanish Armada destroyed by Captain Morgan.


40. Courtilz de Sandras, Gatien, (1644-1712). The History of the Life and Actions of That Great Captain of His Age the Viscount de Turenne. Written in French by Monsieur du Buisson, Eldest Captain & Major of the Regiment de Verdelin. And Translated Into English by Ferran Spence. London: Printed by J.B. for Dorman Newman & R. Bentley, 1686. [4], 422, [2] p., 18 cm.

Image of title page.
Image of title page.


41. Boteler, Nathaniel (fl. 1640). Colloquia Maritima: or Sea-Dialogues. Treating: I., Of the Office of Commanders in Chief. II., The Duty of Inferiour Officers and Mariners on Board His Majesties Ships of War. III., The Victualling of Ships. IV., A Dictionary, or Explanation of the Names of All the Parts of a Ship; Sea-Phrases, or Words of Art Used at Sea. V., Of the Best Ships of War, and Ceremonies of Entertainment, Salutes, Haling, and Striking. VI., The Ordering of Fleets in Sailing, Chases, Boardings, and Sea-fights. Useful for All That Desire Knowledg in Sea-Affairs. By N. Boteler... London: Printed by William Fisher and Richard Mount, 1688. [3], 404, [12] p., 16 cm.


42. Anderson, Robert (fl. 1668-1696). To Hit a Mark, as Well upon Ascents and Descents, As upon the Plain of the Horizon: Experimentally and Mathematically Demonstrated, by Robert Anderson. London: Printed for Robert Morden, 1690. [4] 1eaves, 48 p., illus., 22 cm.

Image of title page.
Image of title page.

43. Raveneau de Lussan. Journal du Voyage Fait a la Mer de Sud Avec les Flibustiers de l'Amerique en 1684 & Annees Suivantes. Paris: Chez Jean Baptiste Coignard, 1690. [8] leaves, 272 p., 14 cm.


44. Anderson, Robert (fl. 1668-1696). To Cut the Rigging: and Proposals for the Improvement of Great Artillery, by Robert Anderson. London: Printed for Robert Morden, 1691. [4], 8 p., illus., 22 cm

Image of title page.
Image of title page.

45. Ashby, John, Sir (d.1693). The Account Given by Sir John Ashby Vice-Admiral, and Reere-Admiral Rooke to the Lords Commissioners, of the Engagement at Sea, Between the English, Dutch, and French Fleets. June the 30th. 1690. With A Journal of the Fleet Since Their Departure from St. Hellens, to Their Return to the Buoy-in-the-Nore, and Other Material Passages Relating to the Said Engagement. London: Printed for Randal Taylor, 1691. [2] leaves, 32 p., 20 cm.

Image of title page.
Image of title page.


46. Tindal, Matthew (1653?-1733). An Essay Concerning the Laws of Nations, and the Rights of Soveraigns: With an Account of what was said at the Council-Board by the Civilians upon the Question, Whether their Majesties Subjects taken at Sea acting by the late King's Commission, might not be looked on as Pirates?: With Reflections upon the Arguments of Sir T.P. and Dr. Ol. London: Printed for Richard Baldwin, 1694. 34 p., 23 cm.


47. Brewster, Sir Francis (fl.1674-1702). Essays on Trade and Navigation. In Five Parts. The First Part. London: Printed for Tho. Cockerill, 1695. [1] 1eaf, xi p., [1] leaf, 126 p., 16 cm.

Image of title page.
Image of title page.

48. Hodges, William, Sir (1645?-1714). Great Britain's Groans: or, An Account of the Oppression, Ruin, and Destruction of the Loyal Seamen of England, in the Fatal Loss of Their Pay, Health, and Lives, and Dreadful Ruin of their Families. With the Meaning of the Q.R. Those 2 Fatal Ruiners of the poor Seamens pay. [London: s.n.], 1695. 28 p., 19 cm.

49. Hodges, William, Sir (1645?-1714). Humble Proposals for the Relief, Encouragement, Security and Happiness of the Loyal, Couragious Seamen of England, in Their Lives and Payment, in the Service of our Most Gracious King William, and the Defence of These Nations. Humbly Presented to the Two Most Honourable Houses, the Lords and Commons of England, in Parliament Assembled By a Faithful Subject of his Majesty, and Servant to th eParliament and Nation, and the Seamen of England; in order for Safety and Security of all aforesaid, W. Hodges. To which is Added, a Dialogue Concerning the Art of Ticket-buying. In a Discourse between Honesty, Poverty, Cruelty and Villany, concerning that Mystery of Iniquity, and Ruin of the Loyal Seamen. [London: s.n.], 1695. 63 p., 19 x 15 cm.


50. Pascal, Blaise (1623-1662). Traitez de l'Equilibre des Liqueurs, et de la Pesanteur de la Masse de l'Air. Contenant l'explication des causes de divers effets de la nature qui n'avoient point este bien connus jusques-icy, & Pariculierement de ceux que l'on avoit attribuez a l'horreur du Vuide. Par Monsieur Pascal. Paris: Chez Guillaume Desprez, 1698. [13] leaves, 238 p., illus., tables, plates, 16 cm.


 51. Blondel, Francois (1618-1686). L'art de Jetter Les Bombes. Par Monsieur Blondel, Marechal de Camp aux Armees du Roy. Paris: Chez L'Auteur, et se Vend a Amsterdam, Chez Pierre Mortier, 1699. [6], 445, [16] p., illus., plate, 26 cm. 

Image of title page.
Image of title page.
Image of page 19.
Image of page 19.
Image of page 22.
Image of page 22.

52. Thevenot, Melchisedec (1620-1692). The Art of Swimming; Illustrated by Proper Figures; With Advice for Bathing, Done out of French. To which is Prefixed a Prefatory Discourse concerning Artificial Swimming, or keeping ones self above Water by several small Portable Engines, in cases of danger. London: Printed for Dan. Brown; T. Leigh and D. Midwinter; and Robert Knaplock, 1699. [10] leaves, 60 p., illus., plates, 17 cm.

Image of title page.
Image of title page.
Image from page 47 - To cut the nails of the toes in the water, Chapter 28.
Image from page 47 - To cut the nails of the toes in the water, Chapter 28.
Image from page 17 - How to return back again in swimming, Chapter 3.
Image from page 17 - How to return back again in swimming, Chapter 3.
Image from page 49 - To swim holding up one leg, Chapter 30.
Image from page 49 - To swim holding up one leg, Chapter 30.
Image from page 50 - To swim holding up hands, Chapter 31.
Image from page 50 - To swim holding up hands, Chapter 31.
Image of pages 54 and 55 - The Perpendicular Descent, Chapter 35.
Image of pages 54 and 55 - The Perpendicular Descent, Chapter 35.


Published: Mon Jan 28 15:40:02 EST 2019