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Naval History and Heritage Command

Naval History and Heritage Command

Korean War: Chronology of U.S. Pacific Fleet Operations, July–December 1951

Click on month and year for a chronological listing of events of the war.

1951 JULY | AUG | SEPT | OCT | NOV | DEC |
Glossary of Terms, Abbreviations and Acronyms

July 1951

1 July

1st MAW night fighters destroyed first enemy aircraft in night combat during Korean War.

North Koreans and Chinese communists accepted General Ridgway's proposal for cease-fire meetings but suggested that the meetings take place at Kaesong, Korea.

2 July

No air operations by Fast Carrier Task Force (TF77) due to Typhoon KATE.

3 July

At Wonsan, USS Everett (PF 8) received enemy shore battery fire. Minor damage, one killed and seven wounded.

4 July

Indications that enemy forces in the Wonsan area had been built up considerably and were by now able to effectively harass the bombardment element (TE 95.21) in harbor.

5 July

Heavy air strike by Fast Carrier Task Force on targets in Wonsan area with 247 sorties flown during day.

600 ROK troops supported by friendly ships successfully raided mainland opposite Cho-do (Island.)

6 July

USS Evans (DD 754) landed SFCP on Hwangto-do (Island) in southern part Wonsan Harbor. Then three DD bombarded buildings and torpedo station.

7 July

X Corps directed 1st Marine Division to construct secondary defensive positions against a possible enemy offensive indicated by their rear area build up.

USS Blue (DD 744) landed SFCP and ROK Marine Force on Kukto Island (Wonsan) and established observation post.

CINCFE approved embarking small groups of midshipmen from ROK Naval Academy at Chinhae in U.S. ships for indoctrination training.

8 July

Approximate position of battle line as of this date extended from a point about seven miles south of Kosong to a point fifteen miles north west of Yong Dong Po on the West Coast.

9 July

At Inchon a special operations element under CTF 90 commenced duties of supporting the UN delegation to the armistice negotiations at Kaesong.

General Ridgway named Vice Admiral C. T. Joy, USN, Chief of UN Delegation to the Truce Talks at Kaesong. Other UN delegates were Major General L. C. Craigie, USAF, Major General H. I. Hodges, Deputy Chief of Staff, Eusak, Rear Admiral A. A. Burke, USN, and Major General Paik Syn Yun, ROK Army.

10 July

Opening session of Kaesong Cease Fire talks.

11 July

Enemy shore battery fired on USS Blue (DD 744), USS Evans (DD 754) and small craft in vicinity Yo-do (Island.) Approximately 50 splashes near these ships but no hits.

1st MAW night fighters destroyed 2nd enemy aircraft in two weeks.

11-12 July

Naval Gunfire operation "CAVE DWELLER". USS New Jersey (BB 62) and USS Leonard F. Mason (DD 852) hit troop concentrations, supply end assembly areas in the Kensong area. 129 enemy troops reported killed.


Truce talks at Kaesong halted until communists yielded to UN demands that they maintain Kaesong a neutral area.

14 July

Units of 4lst Independent Commandos arrived Wonsan from LST and disembarked on Yo-do (Island.)

15 July

Truce talks resumed at Kaesong.

15-17 July

1st Marine Division relieved by 2nd Infantry Division U.S.A. Elements of the 5th and 11th Marines reverted to operational control of the X Corps. Division was assigned the mission of X Corps Reserve in the Hongchon area.

17 July

Friendly ships.(TE 95.21) and islands at Wonsan under heavy fire by enemy shore batteries. Fire was continuous and well coordinated between batteries on Kalmagak, Umi-do and Hodo-pando. Two rocket ships, LSMR 409 and 525 received shrapnel but negligible damage, and no personnel casualties. One minor personnel injury on USS O'Brien (DD 725). 500 splashes observed. Task Element 77.14 (USS Helena (CA 75) plus DD)) ordered to proceed to assistance. Also Task Element 77.11, USS New Jersey (BB 62) ordered to Join TE 77.14. USS Helena (CA 75) arrived in evening and opened fire.

18 July

1st Marine Division in X Corps Reserve at Hongchon area. Began amphibious refresher training and rehabilitation. USSNew Jersey (BB 62) arrived Wonsan in early morning and commenced bombardment.

Operation "KICKOFF", used as standard daily tactic thereafter for some time, commenced this date in Wonsan Harbor. This operation consisted of ships steaming clockwise at 5 knots, firing at known positions in each enemy battery sector, and employing frequent air bursts. "KICKOFF" started at about 1500 each day with ships maneuvering till dark.

21 July

Naval forces completed salvage of crashed MIG-15 aircraft off Korean West Coast. NGF support provided for salvage craft.

22-24 July

Truce talks at Kaesong again halted at request of communists over issue of withdrawal of all foreign troops from Kaesong.

24 July

COMUNBLOCKANDCORTFOR (CTF 95) issued instructions for demonstration of United Nations Naval Control of the Northern Han River estuary approaches.

25 July

Channel reported swept into Haeju Man by COMINDIV 53. Results negative. HMS Cardigan Bay (PF), HMAS Murschison(PF), ROKN Apnok (PF 62), and three minesweepers (JML) commenced bombardment of enemy coast in Han area.

26 July

Beach Jumper Unit ONE commissioned.

27 July

Maj. Gen. Christian F. Schilt, USMC, assumed command of the 1st Marine Aircraft Wing Vice Brig. Gen. Thomas J. Cushman, USMC.

28 July

USS Los Angeles (CA 135) entered Haeju Man swept channel and commenced shore bombardment assisted by plane spot. Reports indicated enemy ashore was caught by surprise by day's bombardment. Bombardment of north bank of Han River also continued by other UN vessels.

Commander Fleet Training Group Western Pacific shifted his Headquarters from Subic to Yokosuka.

29 July

Regimental Combat Team 160, 40th Infantry Division, completed amphibious training with landing exercise at Chigasaki Beach, Japan.

31 July

Two brief but heavy counter-battery actions at Wonsan. USS Helena (CA 75} hit on main deck. No personnel casualties, minor damage. Two men wounded slightly by near miss.

August 1951

1 August

Approximate position of battle line in Korea as of this date extended from a point about twelve miles south of Kosong on the East Coast to a point about twelve miles southeast of Kaesong on the West Coast.

4 August

British Royal Marines installed mortars on Hwangto-do (Island) at Wonsan.

6 August

LSMRs reported as having fired over 100,000 rockets at enemy in Korea.

USS Carmick (DMS 32) captured 13 enemy fishermen and destroyed their four sampans near Chongjin.

10 August

USS Princeton (CV 37) with COMCARDIVFIVE embarked detached from TF 77 and proceeded to Yokosuka for further routing to CONLUS.

11 August

USS Hopewell (DD 681), using own SFCP located on Hwangto-do (Island) in Wonsan Harbor, fired direct and indirect fire missions against enemy troop concentrations and transportation targets in Wonsan area. Results obtained evaluated as excellent.

USS Dextrous (AM 341) and USS Redstart (AM 378) under fire by shore batteries while conducting check sweep operations vicinity Hodo-pando. Dextrous suffered two direct hits; one killed, three wounded, moderate damage.

Truce talks at Kaesong resumed as communists promised to keep Kaesong neutral. 

Bombardment of enemy shore installations in vicinity Han River estuary continuing. Friendly guerrillas supported by naval gunfire from HMCS Cayuga (DDE).

14 August

USS William Seiverling (DE 441) captured nine occupants of enemy fishing sampans off Tanchon.

14 - 15 August

Marine Helicopter Transportation Squadron 161 began move from CONLUS to Korea.

16 August

Regimental Combat Team 224, 40th Infantry Division. completed amphibious training with landing exercise on Chigasaki Beach, Japan. This completed the training of all regiments of the 40th division.

17 August

Special Bombardment Group. TG 95.9, formed consisting of USS New Jersey (BB 62). USS Toledo (CA 133), HMNS Van Galen (DD) and USS Agerholm (DD 826) to provide gunfire support for UN troops under Eighth Army SFCP's.

HMAS Murchison (PF), HMS Cardigan Bay (PF) and HMS Morecombe Bay (PF) shelled 400 enemy troops in Han River area. Ships then left area to prepare for evasion of typhoon.

18 August

Aircraft of 1st Marine Aircraft Wing evacuated to Itami Air Base from Korea because of threatening typhoon MARGE. Far East Air Force (FEAF) began intensified phase of air interdiction program with emphasis on rail cutting.

18 - 20 August

Typhoon MARGE covering Korean Theater. TF 77's air operations suspended.

19 August

USS Thompson (DMS 38) at Tanchon captured two prisoners in sampan.

20 August

USS Uhlmann (DD 867) under enemy fire off Hodo Pando, Wonsan. Seven enemy guns observed. Counter-battery fire reduced enemy gunfire to two guns. 117 splashes counted. No hits or personnel casualties. Action broken off because of friendly patrol in area.

21 August

Aircraft of 1st Marine Aircraft Wing returned to combat airfields.

22 August

1st Marine Division received warning order to resume offensive operations.

USS Toledo (CA 133) expended 705 rounds 8 inch and 13 rounds 5 inch in five days support of 1st ROK Corps and X US Corps operations on East Coast bombline.

USS Essex (CV 9} with COMCARDIV ONE, RADM John Perry, USN, embarked Joined the Fast Carrier Task Force (TF 77) replacing the USS Princeton (CV 37) and COMCARDIV FIVE. USS Essex was first jet-capable carrier to arrive in Korean operating area.

23 August

F2H McDonnell Banshee jet fighter planes from USS Essex (CV 9) saw combat for first time over Korea.

USS Los Angeles (CA 1351 relieved USS Toledo (CA 133} on East Coast bombline.

Communists broke off truce talks at Kaesong because of their claim of UN violation of neutral territory.

25 August

12 F2H-2 aircraft together with 12 F9F aircraft from USS Essex (CV 9) escorted 30 Air Force B- 29 medium bombers in a raid on the marshaling yards at Rashin, Korea. First time in Korean War Navy aircraft have rendered escort to an Air Force bomber strike and the first time in aviation history that a Navy fighter team had rendered escort to an Air Force bomber mission.

BIRD DOG duties for B-29 strike on Rashin performed by USS Helena (CA 75), USS Harry E. Hubbard (DD 748) and USS Rogers (DDR 876).

26 - 28 August

Units of the 1st Marine Division began movement to forward assembly areas prior to beginning offensive operations. A battalion of the 5th Marines began the relief of hard pressed units of the 2nd Infantry Division.

28 - 29 August

The relief of the 2nd Infantry Division and 8th ROK Division units on forward patrol bases complete, and preparations for further operations initiated.

28 - 31 August

Amphibious Demonstration vicinity Changjon conducted by Commander Transport Division 13 to reduce enemy resistance to UN advance. Ships involved included USS Helena (CA 71), DD's, minesweepers, and amphibious ships. USS New Jersey (BB 62) joined for a short period.

30 August

1st Marine Division began offensive.

31 August

lst Marine Division with KMC Regiment attached attacked objectives in zone of action against moderate enemy fire and extensive mine fields.

September 1951

1 September

HMAS Murchison (PF) in Han River sustained large number of hits above water-line from enemy anti-tank 75 mm. artillery, machine gun and mortar fire. One seriously, 2 slightly wounded, 40 mm gun out of action.

1 - 2 September

USS Hopewell (DD 681) controlled FEAF aircraft on bombing and strafing runs in Wonsan area during early AM and late PM hours.

1- 17 September

1st Marine Division attacked and seized objectives north and east of positions.

2 September

Marine Helicopter Transport Squadron 161 arrived Pusan, Korea and debarked from USS Sitkoh Bay (TCVE 86) .

3 September

Commander Amphibious Group 1, RADM T. B. Hill, USN, relieved, COMPHIBPAC, VADM I. N. Kiland, USN, as Commander Amphibious Force Far East (CTF 90).

4 September

1st MAW commenced operations from Kangnung.

Four aircraft from the Fast Carrier Task Force (TF 77) lost, three by enemy fire and one from operational causes. Three pilots were killed and one received first degree bums.

5 September

Commander United Nations Blockading and Escort Force (CTF 95) ordered minesweeping group (CTG 95.6) to start a minesweeping operation from Wonsan to vicinity of Hungnam. On completion, gunfire support ships will be able to make the Wonsan-Songjin patrol within gun range of coast at all times. Hungnam area also to be taken under fire for first time since December 1950.

8 September

200 ROK guerrillas made amphibious raid on West Coast, Korea, supported by friendly naval gun fire. Enemy lost 105 of 750 defending troops.

USS Seiverling (DE 441) hit three times by enemy shore batteries at Wonsan. After fire room flooded. No personnel casualties.

10 September

Advanced Echelon HMR 161 moved to Nayhyon-Ri, for operations with 1st Marine Division.

USS Redstart (AM 378) and USS Heron (AMS 18) hit by enemy shore batteries at Wonsan while check sweeping newly swept area.

13 September

Marine Helicopter Squadron 161 conducted the first mass-helicopter resupply operation in history (Operation WINDMILL I). Operation consisted of air lifting by helicopter one day's supply for 1st Battalion, 1st Marine Division.

16 September

On USS Essex (CV 9) a F2H, landing without tail hook down, bounced over all barriers and crashed into parked aircraft. Accident and ensuing fire resulted in loss or strike damage to two F2H and two F9F aircraft. Three killed, four missing and 27 injured.

18 September

Marines zone of action enlarged to include zone of ROK units on right. Zone designated a defensive sector.

Special two day operation under CTG 95.9 (CTF 95) commenced. Mission-Coordinated attack by air, naval gunfire and rockets on harbor and city of Wonsan. The West Coast carrier, HMS Glory (CVL) was brought to the East Coast for this operation.

19 September

Marine Fighter Squadron 323 (VMF 323) departed USS Sicily (CVE 118) to resume land-based operations at Kangnung, Korea.

USS Toledo (CA 133), USS Craig (DD 885) and USS Parks (DD 884) conducted flak suppression bombardment preceding air strike by HMS Glory (CVL).

20 September

At Wonsan USS Orleck (DD 886) using SFCP spot expended 10 5 inch AAC on troops and mortars with five hits which resulted in explosion of an ammunition dump. Four hits registered on a large sampan.

First helicopter borne landing of a combat unit in history was performed by HMR 161 and was outstandingly successful. Operation SUMMIT. .

Commanding General Fifth Air Force in Korea (FAFIK) informed Commander Fast Carrier Task Force (TF 77) that the latter would not be required to furnish close air support after 20 September.

Marine Fighter Squadron 212 (VMF 212) embarked for operations aboard the USS Rendova (CV 114).

20 - 22 September

lst Marines seized Hill 854 in last marine offensive action of 1951.

21 September

Administrative Command, Amphibious Force, Pacific Fleet disestablished. Functions assumed by Commander Amphibious Force Pacific.

Close Air Support by the Fast Carrier Task Force (TF 77) was discontinued on orders of ClNCFE at which time the program for cutting railroad tracks was expanded.

USS Perkins (DDR 877) fired more than 500 rounds 5 inch ammo during 12-hour call fire mission using airspot.

24 September

ROKN PF 62 hit three times by Wonsan shore battery and set afire. Three personnel injured, moderate damage.

24 - 25 September

1st Marine Division commenced utilizing naval gunfire, for first time since late 1950; USS New Jersey (BB 62) at long range effected good and effective coverage on troops and bunkers.

25 September

CNO instructed CINCPACFLT to form and commission Marine Helicopter Transportation Squadron 163 at Marine Air Station, E1 Toro, California, about 30 November 1950, as a unit of AIRFMTPAC.

President Syngman Rhee of the Republic of Korea presented United Nations Blockading and Escort Force (TF 95) with ROK Unit Citation.

In the Sinanju area 16 MIG-15 aircraft were observed by 9 F-84 on an escort mission. No attack took place. Later in the same area, 30 MIG-15 aircraft were encountered by 36 F-86 and still later over 100 MIG-15 aircraft were encountered by 37 F-86. Five of the MIG-15 were reported destroyed and five damaged. One F-86 was damaged.

27 September

"Operation BLACKBIRD" ( Night Training Lift of Marine Helicopter Transportation Squadron ) was successfully completed by HMR 161.

General Matthew Ridgway (CINCFE) proposed to Chinese communists that site of cease fire talks be shifted from Kaesong to vicinity of No-Man's Land Village of Songhyon.

28 September

HMAS Murchison (PF) with Commander, United Nations Blockading and Escort Force (CTF 95) embarked, made inspection trip up Han River. Fired on by mortars, small arms and small field guns. Received two hits, slight damage, one man slightly wounded.

30 September

At a conference of the Commanding General Fifth Air Force in Korea (FAFIK) and Commander Fast Carrier Task Force (TF 77) it was decided that carrier planes would concentrate upon the task of rail cutting rather than bridge destruction.

October 1951

1 October

General Omar Bradley, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, with CINCFE, visited COMSEVENTHFLT, VADM H.M. Martin, USN, aboard USS New Jersey (BB 62).

Approximate position of battle line in Korea as of this date extended from a point about six miles southeast of Kosong on the East Coast to a point about twelve miles southeast of Kaesong on the West Coast.

2 October

Commander United Nations Blockading and Escort Force directed Commander Task Group 95.1 to insure that Task Element 95.11 planes bomb northern bank of Han River west of Yesong Gang daily and spotting planes be furnished daily for frigates bombarding in the Han. Point at issue in the Cease Fire talks was which belligerent controlled the Yonan and Ongjin Peninsulas.

An all time high number of 180 communist MIG-15 aircraft observed over Korea.

3 October

HMS Black Swan (PF) and 13 aircraft from TE 95.11 participated in operation "RETRIBUTION" in Han River. The PF made a feint up Han River to get enemy guns and troops out in the open. 10 minutes later the aircraft made a strike causing considerable damage and loss of life.

5 October

USS Firecrest (AMS 10) received one hit from enemy shore batteries at Hungnam. Light damage, and no personnel casualties.

Task Element 77.14 consisting of USS New Jersey (BB 62), USS Helena (CA 75), USS Small (DD 838) and USS Hanson(DD 832) conducted extensive bombardment of Hamhung-Hungnam area. First since departure of U.S. troops in December 1950. Area swept clear of mines.

6 October

HMS Amethyst (PF) covered withdrawal of friendly guerrillas near Pungchon (West Coast) by dispersing enemy troops with gunfire.

7 October

Marine Air Group 33 assigned operational control of elements of 1st Combat Service Group supporting the Marine Air Group.

Commander Carrier Division THREE, RADM J. J. Clark, USN, relieved COMCARDIV ONE, RADM John Perry, USN as Commander Fast Carrier Task Force (CTF 77).

USS Ernest G. Small (DD 838) mined off Hungnam. Extensive damage forward. Nine killed, 18 wounded.

USS Carmack (DMS 33} in Songjin Area received 6 rounds ineffective shore battery fire.

8 October

COMNAVFE transferred two US frigates, (PF 5) to the ROK Navy.

CINCFE, General Matthew Ridgway, accepted in principal communist proposal that Korean cease-fire talks begin anew at Panmunjom.

Commander United Nations Blockading and Escort Force (CTF 95) recommended to higher authority that certain officers and men of the ROK Navy be authorized to attend naval training schools in the U.S. for furthering their naval skills.

RADM C. F. Espe, USN, in USS Estes (AGG 12) assumed command of Amphibious Group 1 and Amphibious Task Force 90, relieving RADM T. B. Hill, USN.

9 October

HMS Cossack (DD) supporting operation by ROK guerrillas on Sinmi-do (Island).

10 October

Combined air and surface strike conducted against KoJo and vicinity by Task Group 95.9. CTG 95-9, RADM Scott-Moncrief in HMS Belfast (CL). Bombardment element HMS Belfast (CL), HMS Concord (DD) and USS Colahan (DD 658). Carrier element HMAS Sydney (CVL), HMCS Cayuga (DD), HMS Comus (DD) and USS Shields (DD 596).

First air bursts noted being fired by enemy shore batteries at Wonsan. Shell with action similar to our VT projectile, burst about 15 feet above water.

USS Small (DD 838) lost bow while proceeding to Sasebo from Hungnam after being mined. Remainder of ship still water tight.

11 October

Second day of strike at Kojo. USS Renshaw (DDE 499) received shore fire from batteries vicinity Songjin. Several hits, superficial damage, one minor injury. First instance in several months of shore firing from this area.

12 October

The island of Sinmi-do on the west coast of Korea was evacuated by friendly guerrillas due to increasing pressure from enemy forces. Enemy had shown increasing consciousness of naval occupation of islands north of 38 N.

13 - 15 October

Typhoon Ruth, most destructive of season, disrupted naval air and surface operations in Formosa- Korea-Japan area. 50 % damage to HMS Sydney planes.

14 October

Anti-smuggling patrol of Korean south east coast placed in effect. Purpose of patrol to prevent import of luxury items and illegal entry of aliens into Korea.

17 October

Admiral Arthur W, Radford, USN, CINCPACFLT, visited let Marine Aircraft Wing at Pusan, Korea.

Regimental Combat Team l80, 45th Infantry Division, completed amphibious training with landing exercises on Mukawa Beach, Hockaido, Japan.

USS Samuel N. Moore (DD 747) hit in steering engine room by shore battery vicinity Hungnam. One killed, and two wounded. Moderate damage repaired by ship's force

18 October

CINCPACFLT, Admiral A. W. Radford, USN, accompanied by RADM R. A. Ofstie, USN, boarded USS New Jersey (BB 62) for conference with COMSEVENTRFLT .

20 October

USS Gallup (PF 47) and USS Glendale (PF 36) transferred to Thailand government ownership.

21 October

Commander United Nations Blockading and Escort Force (CTF 95) directed that his "bridge busting and roof-lifting" campaign be conducted more vigorously in a determined effort to keep the enemy from repairing and using these facilities.

22 October

Commander Fleet Air Japan stated his intent to establish a small Fleet Aircraft Squadron detachment at Kangnung, Korea.

23 October

USS Helena (CA 75) incurred superficial damage by hit on main deck from shore battery at Hungnam. Four minor injuries.

25 October

Truce talks resumed at Panmunjom, Korea.

General Clifton B. Gates, Commandant Marine Corps, visited 1st Marine Aircraft Wing at Pusan, Korea.

27 October

Chief of Naval Operations announced intent to disestablish Marine Aircraft Service Squadrons 12 and 33 effective 1 December.

lst Marine Division began use of airfield, Sokchori, Korea in zone of I ROK Corps for Division airhead. This resulted in considerable savings in supply time and effort.

27 - 28 October

USS Toledo (CL 133) fired 14 observed missions in support lst Marine Division.

29 October

USS Osprey (AMS 28) hit by Wonsan batteries. Engine room flooded, communications out, one seriously wounded.

30 October

HMCS Cayuga (DD) received 100 rounds enemy shore fire from Amgak island (West Coast) vicinity Chinnampo. No casualties, minor damage, one hit.

November 1951

4 November

F9F-2 aircraft bounced over barriers on USS Antietam (CV 36). Four dead, one critically injured, nine lesser injuries. Two aircraft destroyed, two badly damaged, four with minor damages.

6 November

Enemy small scale night amphibious capture of islands off west coast of Korea commenced with the seizure of Ka-do and Tan-do.

Friendly island of Taehwa-do in the Yalu Gulf attacked by enemy bombers and jet fighters. This was first confirmed use of Soviet light bombers by Chinese communists.

9 November

Attempt to check-sweep areas west of Mo-do and Sin-do(Island) in Wonsan Harbor only 80% completed as enemy batteries opened heavy and accurate fire.

11 November

Operation SWITCH, a helicopter troop movement of front line battalions in 1st MarDiv sector.

USS Gloucester (PF 22) hit by enemy shore battery at Hungnam, one killed and 11 wounded.

12 November

USS New Jersey (BB 62) fired final Korean bombardment at troop targets on West Coast of Korea utilizing airspot from HMAS Sydney (CVL).

Marine Fighter Squadron VMF 214 departed Japan for Marine Corps Air Station, El Tore, California.

USS Los Angeles (CA 135) as part of Task Element 77.14 rendered fire support to 1st Marine Division and 1st ROK Corps on East Coast, Korea front lines. SFCP spotters estimated 105 to 140 casualties inflicted, 27 bunkers destroyed and other damage caused.

RADM H. E. Regan, USN, relieved CAPT J. L. Kane, USN, as Commander Carrier Division 17 (Hunter-Killer Group).

13 November

Operation "COUNTER-PUNCH" carried out by USS Toledo (CA 133) against KoJo gun emplacements. Batteries had hit several UN ships recently. Direct hits reported in three emplacements.

14 November

Intelligence reports indicated build-up of heavy artillery, automatic weapons and troops in KoJo area.

18 November

Regimental Combat Team 179, 45th Infantry Division of XVI Army Corps completed amphibious training with landing exercise on Mukawa Beach, Hokkaido. Plans for further training of 45th Division canceled and preparations for lifting the division to Korea commenced.

20 - 21 November

Special coordinated air and sea- bombardment strike against Hungnam by special Task Group, TG 95.8. CTG RADM Scott-Moncrief, RN, in HMS Belfast (CL). Bombardment element-HMS Belfast (CL), HMS Tobruk (DD), HMNS Van Galen(DD). Carrier element-HMS Sydney (CVL), USS Hyman (DD 732), HMCS Sioux (DD) and BMS Constance (DD). 311 bombardments conducted all with airspot. LSMR participated.

21 November

USS Los Angeles (CA 135) with USS Hamner (DD 718) screening at bombline in accordance with special and urgent request of TF "Kirkland". Good targets in Kojo area. Supported lst ROK Corps.

USS Bisbee (PF 46) to be transferred to the Colombian government.

22 November

Large simultaneous relief of heavy units in WESTPAC-USS St Paul (CA 73) relieved USS Helena (CA 75), USS Rochester(CA 124) relieved USS Toledo (CA 133), USS Wisconsin (BB 64) relieved USS New Jersey (BB 62). COMCRUDIV ONE relieved COMCRUDIV THREE.

22 - 23 November

LSMR 401, 403, 404, LSR Division 31, conducted fire missions in vicinity of Wonsan.

23 November

USS Hyman (DD 732) straddled on second salvo by enemy batteries firing from Kalma-Gak. Other enemy batteries joined in coordinated fire. Hyman hit on main deck while turning at high speed to retire. Minor material damage.

24 - 25 November

Naval gunfire supported a successful guerrilla raid on Ka-do (Island). Several enemy POW taken.

27 November

Truce talk negotiators at Panmunjom agreed on cease-fire line.

28 - 29 November

Island of Hwangto-do in Wonsan Harbor attacked by enemy in sampans, seven KMC (Korean Marine Corps) and one civilian killed, five civilians captured. Nearly all houses destroyed. None of raiding party captured.

29 November

Record number of 300-320 MIG-15 aircraft sighted over Korea. UN fighters engaged approximately 265 of the MIGs in four large air battles.

RADN John Perry, USN, relieved RADM J. J. Clark, USN, as Commander Fast Carrier Task Force, TF 77.

30 November

Friendly Island of Taehwa-do in Yalu Gulf invaded by Chinese communist forces. Initial assault by folding boats followed by junks, some of latter with mortars.

December 1951

1 December

lst MAW Command Post moved from Pusan to Pohang.

Approximate position of battle line in Korea as of this date extended from a point about four miles southeast of Kosong on the East Coast to a point about two miles north of Munsan-Ni on the West Coast.

HMS Cockade (DD) hit by enemy shore battery fire while assisting junks to evacuate friendly forces from Taehwa-do after Chicom assault. One killed.

Marine Service Squadron 12 and 33 disestablished. Marine Air Base Squadron 12 and 33 and Marine Aircraft Maintenance Squadron 12 and 33 commissioned.

3-4 December

A unit of the 4lst Royal Marine Commandos in USS Horace A. Bass (APD 124) conducted landing raids on East Coast for demolition of transportation installations in vicinity of Tanchon.

5 December

Enemy sortie count of 310 MIG-15 engaged or encountered by UN aircraft was highest single day's total yet observed.

6 December

First elements of 45th Infantry Division lifted from Hokkaido in amphibious shipping, arrived at Inchon.

9 December

Anti-invasion patrols established on West Coast.

12 December

Increased air cover ordered for troop movements by sea into Inchon. Joint operation for Navy and FEAF.

16 December

HMS Constance (DD) hit by enemy shore fire from Amgak Peninsula, West Coast. No personnel casualties. Sonar and deguassing inoperative.

17 - 18 December

Ung-do and Changyang-do West Coast, Korea overwhelmed by enemy in night attack. Friendly guerrilla resistance ceased. Areas later strafed and bombarded by friendly units.

19 - 20 December

Operation FAREWELL, Marine helicopter lift of one infantry battalion from reserve area to relieve a battalion on Hill 884 and return of a battalion to reserve area completed successfully.

20 December

Coordinated air and sea bombardment strike at Wonsan. USS Wisconsin (BB 64) participated.

Hungnam Blockade and Bombardment Element, TE 95.24, activated with composition of one destroyer. Duties - to prevent remining in Hungnam area, patrol swept areas, destroy enemy forces, maintain lists of targets in Chaho-Hungnam area, provide fire support for minesweeping operations, capture or destroy any junks and small craft and prevent enemy fishing in the Chaho- Hungnam area.

Anti-invasion stations assumed by UN ships, vicinity Cho-do and Sokto Island, Korean West Coast. Ships included USSManchester (CL 83), USS Eversole (DD 789) HMS Tobruk (DD), HMS Alacrity (PF) and others.

HMS Tobruk (DD) while covering LST loading at Chodo and Sokto. Korean West Coast, received one hit from distant enemy shore battery. No damage sustained.

22 December

Sighting made of an enemy jet aircraft similar to F-86 with swept mid-wing. This is the third such sighting during last two weeks. FEAF considers these sightings confirm presence of MIG-21 in Korea.

LST 661 hit by enemy shell fire from Amgak Peninsula shore battery vicinity Sokto. Superficial damage. No casualties.

24 December

LST completed evacuation of 7,196 refugees from Cho-do, Paengnyong-do and Taechong-do Islands off west coast of Korea.

26 December

ROKN PC 740 lost. Presumed due to striking mine off To-do Island, Wonsan Harbor.

27 December

Enemy captured Sosuap-To on Korean West Coast.

29 December

USS Eversole (DD 789) was strafed at night by an unidentified aircraft while ship was patrolling just south of Sokto Islands. No damage.

Note: All dates and times are expressed in local Korean time, known as "K" time. That time zone falls between 142½° E and 157 ½° East Longitude.

Published: Wed Apr 08 08:23:36 EDT 2015