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  1. ١٤ مايو

    UNC Charlotte shooting victim tweets video of his first steps after 13 days in hospital

  2. ١١ مايو

    A moment of silence honoring the victims of the

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  3. ١١ مايو

    A hush has fallen over the thousands gathered here as a moment of silence in honor of Riley and Reed, the students who lost their lives in the , is observed.

  4. ١١ مايو

    Pomp and Circumstance plays as graduates file into the 77th commencement ceremony. Emily Houpt, a survivor of the , is expected to receive her diploma today.

  5. ١١ مايو
    ردًا على

    How about the UNC-Charlotte shooter? Illegal? The Vegas shooter? The Aurora theater shooter? Sandy Hook? Virginia Tech? Columbine? Are they only consequential if non-citizens are involved?

  6. ١١ مايو
  7. ١٠ مايو

    After the , an anonymous couple (two former teachers) fully funded two permanently endowed UNCC scholarships totaling 1 million dollars, one in name of Reed and another in name of Riley.

  8. ١٠ مايو

    hopeful finds a receptive CLT audience for his gun proposals just days after the .

  9. ١٠ مايو

    Heartbreaking scene written here by on the family of victim Reed Parlier trying to figure out how to go on with life.

  10. ١٠ مايو

    “The Parliers don’t know how to do this just yet.” Powerful reporting about the victim whose story we haven’t heard as much.

  11. ٩ مايو

    Two young men, who have died in the last week tackling armed intruders in their schools, sacrificing their lives for others, is both beautiful and possible evidence that young people no longer trust adults to protect them. And apparently they should not.

  12. ٩ مايو

    We have failed as a nation if children have to be the heroes we can’t be for them.

  13. ٩ مايو

    Riley Howell - 21 Ellis “Reed” Parlier - 19 Kendrick Castillo - 18 these men are also heroes. never forget 💖

  14. ٩ مايو

    Riley Howell - 21 years old Kendrick Castillo - 18 years old Only one week apart, both students were shot to death while trying to protect others in class. How many more of our children must die before lawmakers take action??

  15. ٨ مايو

    Just to point out: This is the 2nd time in a WEEK that a STUDENT has DIED stopping a gunman in their classroom. That is fucking absurd and we should all be enraged

  16. ٨ مايو
    ردًا على

    Oh but nothing about ? That’s okay, we’re without you.

  17. ٨ مايو

    These two students are more brave than all Members of Congress & who block all gun control legislation because they can’t say NO to NRA money.

  18. ٨ مايو

    I normally try to avoid posting about current events, but in the midst of two recent tragedies, something truly praiseworthy has transpired. are done being .

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  19. ٨ مايو

    While everyone is discussing the . A child lost their life from the . Two students lost their life from the last week. As a 2A supporter, thoughts & prayers are not working. We need to have a serious discussion now.

  20. ٨ مايو

    And let’s also reflect why this doesn’t happen elsewhere with this frequency and magnitude. This is a uniquely American phenomena so let’s stop pretending this shit isn’t at least somewhat preventable.

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