Bristol University Press

Publisher Description

Bristol University Press will strive to publish world-class scholarship that advances theory, knowledge and learning, within and beyond academia. To achieve this, we are actively seeking quality academic and professional scholarship that questions the status quo, ignites debate and reframes ideas in a global context.

Areas of interest include: Politics and International Relations; Economics and Society; Environment and Sustainability; Human Geography; International Development; Law; Business and Management; Criminology; Sociology.

Books in JSTOR from Bristol University Press
1095 Books in JSTOR Copyright Date
101 reasons for a Citizen's Income: Arguments for giving everyone some money 2015
Abortion wars: The fight for reproductive rights 2017
Absolute poverty in Europe: Interdisciplinary perspectives on a hidden phenomenon 2019
Access to justice for disadvantaged communities 2014
Accommodating difference: Evaluating supported housing for vulnerable people 2015
Achieving environmental justice: A cross-national analysis 2014
Achieving Implementation and Exchange: The science of delivering evidence based practices to at-risk youth 2019
The activation dilemma: Reconciling the fairness and effectiveness of minimum income schemes in Europe 2008
Active ageing: Voluntary work by older people in Europe 2014
Active social policies in the EU: Inclusion through participation? 2002
Administering welfare reform: International transformations in welfare governance 2006
Adolescent-to-parent abuse: Current understandings in research, policy and practice 2013
Adult lives: A life course perspective 2012
Advising in austerity: Reflections on challenging times for advice agencies OPEN ACCESS 2017
Affordable housing in US shrinking cities: From neighborhoods of despair to neighborhoods of opportunity? 2016
After urban regeneration: Communities, policy and place 2016
Age-friendly cities and communities: A global perspective 2018
Ageing and globalisation 2016
Ageing and intergenerational relations: Family reciprocity from a global perspective 2010
Ageing, health and care 2010
Ageing in a consumer society: From passive to active consumption in Britain 2008
Ageing in everyday life: Materialities and embodiments 2018
Ageing in Sub-Saharan Africa: Spaces and Practices of Care 2016
Ageing in the Mediterranean 2013
Ageing in urban neighbourhoods: Place attachment and social exclusion 2009
Ageing, insight and wisdom: Meaning and practice across the lifecourse 2015
Ageing, meaning and social structure: Connecting critical and humanistic gerontology 2013
Ageing through austerity: Critical perspectives from Ireland 2015
Ageing with disability: A lifecourse perspective 2013
Agenda for Social Justice: Solutions for 2016 2016
Alcohol and moral regulation: Public attitudes, spirited measures and Victorian hangovers 2014
All our welfare: Towards participatory social policy 2016
Alternatives to neoliberalism: Towards equality and democracy 2017
American Tianxia: Chinese money, American power and the end of history 2017
Analysing social policy concepts and language: Comparative and Transnational Perspectives 2014
The Ann Oakley reader: Gender, women and social science 2005
Applied ethics and social problems: Moral questions of birth, society and death 2008
Applying complexity theory: Whole systems approaches to criminal justice and social work 2014
Applying leadership and management in planning: Theory and practice 2015
Applying social science: The role of social research in politics, policy and practice 2011
The approaching great transformation: Toward a liveable post carbon economy 2013
Approaching retirement: Social divisions, welfare and exclusion 2001
ASBO nation: The criminalisation of nuisance 2008
Assessing the use and impact of Anti-Social Behaviour Orders 2007
Assessment in youth justice 2011
Asylum, migration and community 2010
At home with autism: Designing housing for the spectrum 2016
At what cost?: The economics of Gypsy and Traveller encampments 2002
Austerity bites: A journey to the sharp end of cuts in the UK 2014
Austerity, community action, and the future of citizenship 2017
Australian public policy: Progressive ideas in the neoliberal ascendency 2014
Baby boomers: Time and ageing bodies 2016
Back to the future of Socialism 2015
Bail support schemes for adults 2011
Balancing the skills equation: Key issues and challenges for policy and practice 2004
Bankrupt Britain: An atlas of social change 2011
Begging questions: Street-level economic activity and social policy failure 1999
Being a scholar in the digital era: Transforming scholarly practice for the public good 2016
Belief and ageing: Spiritual pathways in later life 2011
Benchmarking Muslim well-being in Europe: Reducing disparities and polarizations 2012
Betraying a generation: How education is failing young people 2016
Better health in harder times: Active citizens and innovation on the frontline 2013
Beyond behaviour change: Key issues, interdisciplinary approaches and future directions 2016
Beyond Brexit?: How to assess the UK’s future 2017
Beyond listening: Children's perspectives on early childhood services 2005
Beyond successful and active ageing: A theory of model ageing 2016
Beyond the workfare state: Labour markets, equalities and human rights 2007
Biographical methods and professional practice: An international perspective 2004
Biography and social exclusion in Europe: Experiences and life journeys 2002
Biography and turning points in Europe and America 2012
Black issues in social work and social care 2007
Blamestorming, blamemongers and scapegoats: Allocating blame in the criminal justice process 2015
Blinded by science: The social implications of epigenetics and neuroscience 2017
Bordering two unions: Northern Ireland and Brexit OPEN ACCESS 2018
Borders, mobility and belonging 2018
Brain culture: Shaping policy through neuroscience 2015
The British Immigration Courts: A study of law and politics 1999
Britishness, belonging and citizenship: Experiencing nationality law OPEN ACCESS 2018
Broadening the dementia debate: Towards social citizenship 2010
Broken benefits: What's gone wrong with welfare reform 2017
Building better societies: Promoting social justice in a world falling apart 2017
Building on the past: Visions of housing futures 2006
Building sustainable communities: Spatial policy and labour mobility in post-war Britain 2007
Building the client's relational base: A multidisciplinary handbook 2013
Capability-promoting policies: Enhancing individual and social development 2018
Care and social integration in European societies 2005
Care, community and citizenship: Research and practice in a changing policy context 2007
Care in everyday life: An ethic of care in practice 2012
Cash and care: Policy challenges in the welfare state 2006
The challenge of sustainability: Linking politics, education and learning 2015
Challenging choices: Ideology, consumerism and policy 2010
Challenging governance theory: From networks to hegemony 2011
Challenging health inequalities: From Acheson to Choosing Health 2007
Challenging the myth of gender equality in Sweden 2016
Challenging the politics of early intervention: Who's 'saving' children and why 2017
Challenging the third sector: Global prospects for active citizenship 2015
Champions for children: The lives of modern child care pioneers 2001
Champions for children: The lives of modern child care pioneers 2013
Change and continuity in children's services 2015
Changing adolescence: Social trends and mental health 2012
Changing children's services: Working and learning together 2014
Changing communities: Stories of migration, displacement and solidarities 2017
The changing face of welfare: Consequences and outcomes from a citizenship perspective 2005
Changing labour markets, welfare policies and citizenship 2002
Changing local governance, changing citizens 2009
The changing role of local politics in Britain 2006
Changing Scotland: Evidence from the British Household Panel Survey 2005
Changing social equality: The Nordic welfare model in the 21st century 2012
Child development and the brain: An introduction 2015
Child poverty, evidence and policy: Mainstreaming children in international development OPEN ACCESS 2011
Child protection and mental health services: Interprofessional responses to the needs of mothers 2003
Child protection: Managing conflict, hostility and aggression 2013
Child sexual abuse: whose problem?: Reflections from Cleveland (Revised edition) 2018
Child slavery now: A contemporary reader 2010
Child welfare and social policy: An essential reader 2005
Child welfare: Historical dimensions, contemporary debate 2003
Child well-being, child poverty and child policy: What do we know? 2001
Childcare markets: Can they deliver an equitable service? 2012
Childhood experiences of separation and divorce: Reflections from young adults 2019
Childhood poverty and social exclusion: From a child's perspective 2002
Childhoods in context 2013
Children and young people in custody: Managing the risk 2009
Children and young people’s cultural worlds 2013
Children and young people's worlds: Developing frameworks for integrated practice 2009
Children behind bars: Why the abuse of child imprisonment must end 2015
Children caring for parents with HIV and AIDS: Global issues and policy responses 2009
Children caring for parents with mental illness: Perspectives of young carers, parents and professionals 2003
Children, families and social exclusion: New approaches to prevention 2009
Children of the 21st century: From birth to nine months 2005
Children of the 21st century (Volume 2): The first five years 2010
Children, politics and communication: Participation at the margins 2009
Children, risk and safety on the internet: Research and policy challenges in comparative perspective 2012
Children these days 2006
Children, young people and social inclusion: Participation for what? 2006
Children's agency, children's welfare: A dialogical approach to child development, policy and practice 2010
Children's social and emotional wellbeing in schools: A critical perspective 2012
China and Post-Socialist Development 2015
China's responsibility for climate change: Ethics, fairness and environmental policy 2011
Cities for a small continent: International handbook of city recovery 2016
Citizens at the centre: Deliberative participation in healthcare decisions 2006
The citizen's stake: Exploring the future of universal asset policies 2006
Citizenship social work with older people 2012
City matters: Competitiveness, cohesion and urban governance 2004
City survivors: Bringing up children in disadvantaged neighbourhoods 2007
The class ceiling: Why it pays to be privileged 2019
Class, inequality and community development 2016
Clear blue water?: The Conservative Party and the welfare state since 1940 2015
Climate change and poverty: A new agenda for developed nations 2014
Climate change criminology 2018
The coalition government and social policy: Restructuring the welfare state 2016
Coercion and women co-offenders: A gendered pathway into crime 2016
The collaborating planner?: Practitioners in the neoliberal age 2013
Collaboration in public policy and practice: Perspectives on boundary spanners 2012
Combining paid work and family care: Policies and experiences in international perspective 2013
Comedy and critique: Stand-up comedy and the professional ethos of laughter 2018
Coming to care: The work and family lives of workers caring for vulnerable children 2007
Commissioning for health and well-being: An introduction 2012
Communicating with children and young people: Making a difference 2010
Communication and health in a multi-ethnic society 2002
Communicative capacity: Public encounters in participatory theory and practice 2015
Communities, identities and crime 2008
Community action and planning: Contexts, drivers and outcomes 2014
Community and ageing: Maintaining quality of life in housing with care settings 2009
Community cohesion in crisis?: New dimensions of diversity and difference 2008
Community development and civil society: Making connections in the European context 2010
Community development as micropolitics: Comparing theories, policies and politics in America and Britain 2015
Community development in action: Putting Freire into practice 2016
The community development reader: History, themes and issues 2011
Community development (second edition): A critical approach 2011
Community groups in context: Local activities and actions 2017
Community health and wellbeing: Action research on health inequalities 2007
Community organising against racism: 'Race', ethnicity and community development 2018
Community research for participation: From theory to method 2012
Community safety: Critical perspectives on policy and practice 2006
A companion to crime, harm and victimisation 2016
A companion to criminal justice, mental health and risk 2014
A companion to state power, liberties and rights 2017
A companion to the history of crime and criminal justice 2017
Comparing social policies: Exploring new perspectives in Britain and Japan 2003
Competition for prisons: Public or private? 2016
The concept and measurement of violence OPEN ACCESS 2017
Connecting Families?: Information & Communication Technologies, generations, and the life course 2018
Connecting with children: Developing working relationships 2008
The Conservative party and social policy 2011
Consultancy in public services: Empowerment and transformation 2012
Consulting skills for social researchers 2017
The consumer in public services: Choice, values and difference 2009
Contemporary fathering: Theory, policy and practice 2009
Contemporary grandparenting: Changing family relationships in global contexts 2012
A contemporary history of social work: Learning from the past 2015
Contemporary social evils 2009
Continuing professional development in social work 2014
Continuity and change in voluntary action: Patterns, trends and understandings 2018
Convict criminology: Inside and out 2016
Co-producing research: A community development approach 2019
Corporate elites and the reform of public education 2017
Corporate power and social policy in a global economy: British welfare under the influence 2004
Countering Extremism in British Schools?: The Truth about the Birmingham Trojan Horse Affair 2018
Countryside connections: Older people, community and place in rural Britain 2014
Creating a learning society?: Learning careers and policies for lifelong learning 2002
The creative citizen unbound: How social media and DIY culture contribute to democracy, communities and the creative economy 2016
Creative destruction: How to start an economic renaissance 2017
Creative research methods in the social sciences: A practical guide 2015
Credit crunch health care: How economics can save our publicly funded health services 2011
Criminalisation and advanced marginality: Critically exploring the work of Loïc Wacquant 2012
A criminology of moral order 2019
A Criminology of Policing and Security Frontiers 2019
Critical community practice 2007
Critical geographies of childhood and youth: Contemporary policy and practice 2012
Critical perspectives on ageing societies 2007
Critical perspectives on user involvement 2012
Critical practice with children and young people 2010
Critical social work with children and families: Theory, context and practice 2013
The Crosland Legacy: The future of British social democracy 2016
Cultures of care: Biographies of carers in Britain and the two Germanies 2000
Dark secrets of childhood: Media power, child abuse and public scandals 2015
Dead-end lives: Drugs and violence in the city shadows 2017
A deafening silence: Hidden violence against women and children 2008
Dealing with welfare conditionality: Implementation and effects 2019
Debates in personalisation 2014
Delivering personal health budgets: A guide to policy and practice 2014
Delivering social welfare: Governance and service provision in the UK 2017
Dementia and human rights 2018
Democracy under attack: How the media distort policy and politics 2013
Demonising the Other: The criminalisation of morality 2018
Demystifying evaluation: Practical approaches for researchers and users 2017
Designing Prostitution Policy: Intention and Reality in Regulating the Sex Trade OPEN ACCESS 2017
Designing public policy for co-production: Theory, practice and change 2016
Developing locally: An international comparison of local and regional economic development 2003
Developing reflective practice: Making sense of social work in a world of change 2000
Development in Africa: Refocusing the lens after the Millennium Development Goals 2015
Developments in direct payments 2006
Deviance and inequality in Japan: Japanese youth and foreign migrants 2011
Devolution and social citizenship in the UK 2009
Did the Millennium Development Goals work?: Meeting future challenges with past lessons 2017
Differing visions of a Learning Society Vol 1: Research findings Volume 1 2000
Differing visions of a Learning Society Vol 2: Research findings Volume 2 2000
Digital sociologies 2017
The dilemmas of development work: Ethical challenges in regeneration 2009
Diminished rights: Danish lone mother families in international context 2001
Direct payments and personal budgets (third edition): Putting personalisation into practice 2016
Directly elected mayors in urban governance: Impact and practice 2017
Disability and poverty: A global challenge OPEN ACCESS 2011
Disability and social change: Private lives and public policies 2010
Disability and the welfare state in Britain: Changes in perception and policy 1948–79 2016
Disabled people and European human rights: A review of the implications of the 1998 Human Rights Act for disabled children and adults in the UK 2003
Disabled people and housing: Choices, opportunities and barriers 2011
Disabled people, work and welfare: Is employment really the answer? 2015
Disadvantaged by where you live?: Neighbourhood governance in contemporary urban policy 2007
Discovering child poverty: The creation of a policy agenda from 1800 to the present 2005
Discursive analytical strategies: Understanding Foucault, Koselleck, Laclau, Luhmann 2003
Dismantling the NHS?: Evaluating the impact of health reforms 2016
The dispersal and social exclusion of asylum seekers: Between liminality and belonging 2011
Disputing citizenship OPEN ACCESS 2014
Disrupting rape culture 2019
Divercities: Understanding super diversity in deprived and mixed neighbourhoods 2019
Diversity in family life: Gender, relationships and social change 2013
DIY Community Action: Neighbourhood problems and community self-help 2008
Doing reflexivity: An introduction 2017
Doing research with refugees: Issues and guidelines 2006
Domestic violence and health: The response of the medical profession 2000
Domestic violence and sexuality: What's love got to do with it? 2014
Down and out: Poverty and exclusion in Australia 2011
East Asian welfare regimes in transition: From Confucianism to globalisation 2005
East Enders: Family and community in East London 2003
The economics of arrival: Ideas for a grown-up economy 2019
Education and Race from Empire to Brexit 2019
Education and social justice in a digital age 2014
The education debate (Third Edition) 2017
Education, disability and social policy 2011
Education, disadvantage and place: Making the local matter 2014
Education policy and racial biopolitics 2017
Education policy, equity and effectiveness: Evidence of equity and effectiveness 2018
Education systems and inequalities: International comparisons 2016
Education under siege: Why there is a better alternative 2013
Education without schools: Discovering alternatives 2014
Effective safeguarding for children and young people: What next after Munro? 2012
Effective writing for social work: Making a difference 2014
Embodied research in migration studies: Using creative and participatory approaches 2018
Embodying identities: Culture, differences and social theory 2010
The emotional politics of social work and child protection 2015
Empowering practice?: A critical appraisal of the family group conference approach 1999
Enabling participatory planning: Planning aid and advocacy in neoliberal times 2018
Ending child poverty: Popular welfare for the 21st century? 1999
England: The state of the regions 2002
English planning in crisis: 10 steps to a sustainable future 2016
English universities in crisis: Markets without competition 2019
Enterprising care?: Unpaid voluntary action in the 21st century 2011
Environment in the lives of children and families: Perspectives from India and the UK OPEN ACCESS 2017
Environmental harm: An eco-justice perspective 2013
Environmental policy and sustainable development in China: Hong Kong in global context 2012
An equal start?: Providing quality early education and care for disadvantaged children 2014
Equality and diversity: Value incommensurability and the politics of recognition OPEN ACCESS 2011
Essays on the welfare state (reissue) 2018
The essential guide to planning law: Decision-making and practice in the UK 2017
Ethics: Contemporary challenges in health and social care 2007
Ethics of care: Critical advances in international perspective 2015
The ethics of welfare: Human rights, dependency and responsibility 2004
Ethnic identity and inequalities in Britain: The dynamics of diversity 2015
Ethnicity and old age: Expanding our imagination 2019
Ethnicity, class and aspiration: Understanding London's new East End 2011
The EU and social inclusion: Facing the challenges 2007
EU migrant workers, Brexit and precarity: Polish women's perspectives from inside the UK 2019
Europe enlarged: A handbook of education, labour and welfare regimes in Central and Eastern Europe 2008
The European challenge: Innovation, policy learning and social cohesion in the new knowledge economy 2005
European societies: Mapping structure and change 2010
The Europeanisation of social protection 2007
Europe's new state of welfare: Unemployment, employment policies and citizenship 2002
Evaluating New Labour's welfare reforms 2002
Evaluating outcomes in health and social care 2e 2016
Evaluation for the real world: The impact of evidence in policy making 2012
Everyday Europe: Social transnationalism in an unsettled continent 2019
Evidence, policy and practice: Critical perspectives in health and social care 2011
Evidence versus politics: Exploiting research in UK drug policy making? 2011
Evidence-based policy making in the social sciences: Methods that matter 2016
Evidence-based skills in criminal justice: International research on supporting rehabilitation and desistance 2018
Experiences in researching conflict and violence: Fieldwork interrupted 2018
Explaining ethnic differences: Changing patterns of disadvantage in Britain 2003
Exploring concepts of child well-being: Implications for children's services 2008
Exploring social policy in the 'new' Scotland 2005
Exploring the dynamics of ethics 2014
Exploring the production of urban space: Differential space in three post-industrial cities 2016
Fair play: A Daniel Dorling reader on social justice 2012
Faith in the public realm: Controversies, policies and practices 2009
Faith-based organisations and exclusion in European cities 2012
Fake goods, real money: The counterfeiting business and its financial management 2018
Families and Poverty: Everyday life on a low income 2015
Families in society: Boundaries and relationships 2005
Families in transition: Social change, family formation and kin relationships 2008
Family futures: Childhood and poverty in urban neighbourhoods 2011
Family group conferences in social work: Involving families in social care decision making 2018
Family policy matters: Responding to family change in Europe 2004
Family policy paradoxes: Gender equality and labour market regulation in Sweden, 1930-2010 2011
Family practices in later life 2009
Family troubles?: Exploring changes and challenges in the family lives of children and young people 2013
Father and Daughter: Patriarchy, gender and social science 2014
Father involvement in the early years: An international comparison of policy and practice 2016
Fatherhood in the Nordic welfare states: Comparing care policies and practice 2015
Fathers, families and relationships: Researching everyday lives 2018
Female serial killers in social context: Criminological institutionalism and the case of Mary Ann Cotton 2015
Femicide across Europe: Theory, research and prevention OPEN ACCESS 2018
Ferraris for all: In defence of economic progress 2010
Fighting poverty, inequality and injustice: A manifesto inspired by Peter Townsend 2011
Finance for housing: An introduction 2013
For whose benefit?: The everyday realities of welfare reform 2017
For youth workers and youth work: Speaking out for a better future 2012
Foundations for offender management: Theory, law and policy for contemporary practice 2011
Foundations for youth justice: Positive approaches to practice 2014
Fracture: Adventures of a broken body 2007
From community care to market care?: The development of welfare services for older people 2002
From exclusion to inclusion in old age: A global challenge 2012
From greed to wellbeing: A Buddhist approach to resolving our economic and financial crises 2017
From here to maternity (reissue): Becoming a mother 2018
From Poor Law to community care: The development of welfare services for elderly people 1939-1971 1998
From recession to renewal: The impact of the financial crisis on public services and local government 2011
From transmitted deprivation to social exclusion: Policy, poverty, and parenting 2007
Funding, power and community development 2019
The Future for Health Promotion 2018
The future for older workers: New perspectives 2007
The future of development: A radical manifesto 2013
The future of planning: Beyond growth dependence 2013
The future of sustainable cities: Critical reflections 2012
Gender, ageing and extended working life: Cross-national perspectives 2017
Gender and the politics of time: Feminist theory and contemporary debates 2007
Gender based violence in university communities: Policy, prevention and educational initiatives 2018
The gender dimension of social change: The contribution of dynamic research to the study of women's life courses 2002
Gender equality and welfare politics in Scandinavia: The limits of political ambition? 2008
Gender equality in the welfare state? 2012
Gender, pensions and the lifecourse: How pensions need to adapt to changing family forms 2003
Gender regimes in transition in Central and Eastern Europe 2005
Gendering citizenship in Western Europe: New challenges for citizenship research in a cross-national context 2007
Gendering women: Identity and mental wellbeing through the lifecourse 2014
A generation of change, a lifetime of difference?: Social policy in Britain since 1979 2009
Geographies of alternative education: Diverse learning spaces for children and young people 2013
Getting By: Estates, class and culture in austerity Britain 2015
The gift relationship (reissue): From human blood to social policy 2018
The glass consumer: Life in a surveillance society 2005
Global Agenda for Social Justice: Volume one 2018
Global child poverty and well-being: Measurement, concepts, policy and action 2012
The global financial crisis and austerity: A basic introduction 2016
Global gentrifications: Uneven development and displacement 2015
Global social policy in the making: The foundations of the social protection floor 2013
The global social policy reader 2009
Global youth migration and gendered modalities 2019
Good times, bad times (revised edition): The welfare myth of them and us 2017
Governance, commissioning and public health 2014
The governance of female drug users: Women's experiences of drug policy 2015
The governance of problems: Puzzling, powering and participation 2010
Governing health and consumption: Sensible citizens, behaviour and the city 2011
Grandparenting in divorced families 2004
Grandparenting practices around the world: Reshaping family 2019
Grassroots youth work: Policy, passion and resistance in practice 2016
The Grim Reaper's road map: An atlas of mortality in Britain 2008
Growing up with risk 2007
Gypsies and Travellers: Empowerment and inclusion in British society 2012
Gypsies and Travellers in housing: The decline of nomadism 2013
A handbook of food crime: Immoral and illegal practices in the food industry and what to do about them 2018
The handbook of inequality and socioeconomic position: Concepts and measures 2007
Harmful societies: Understanding social harm 2015
The harms of work: An ultra-realist account of the service economy 2018
'Hate crime' and the city 2008
Health and care in ageing societies: A new international approach 2012
The health and social care divide (Revised 2nd Edition): The experiences of older people 2004
The health debate 2nd edition 2008
Health divides: Where you live can kill you 2016
Health inequalities and welfare resources: Continuity and change in Sweden 2007
Health inequalities: Lifecourse approaches 2003
Health, well-being and older people 2004
Healthcare in the UK: Understanding continuity and change 2009
Healthcare in transition: Understanding key ideas and tensions in contemporary health policy 2017
Hearing the voices of GRT communities: Inclusive community development 2014
Heritage as community research: Legacies of co-production 2019
Hidden stories of the Stephen Lawrence inquiry: Personal reflections 2013
Home-Land: Romanian Roma, domestic spaces and the state: Romanian Roma and making new citizens in an era of uncertainty 2019
Homelessness: Exploring the new terrain 1999
Housing allowances in comparative perspective 2007
Housing associations - rehousing women leaving domestic violence: New challenges and good practice 2003
The housing debate 2011
Housing policy transformed: The right to buy and the desire to own 2010
Housing politics in the United Kingdom: Power, planning and protest 2016
Housing, social policy and difference: Disability, ethnicity, gender and housing 2001
Housing transitions through the life course: Aspirations, needs and policy 2011
Housing, urban governance and anti-social behaviour: Perspectives, policy and practice 2006
How does collaborative governance scale? 2018
How Europe shapes British public policy 2013
How inequality runs in families: Unfair advantage and the limits of social mobility 2016
How language works in politics: The impact of vague legislation on policy 2018
How philanthropy is changing in Europe 2017
How social security works: An introduction to benefits in Britain 2011
How to build houses and save the countryside 2018
How to save our town centres: A radical agenda for the future of high streets 2015
The human atlas of Europe: A continent united in diversity 2017
Human dignity and welfare systems 2005
Human rights and equality in education: Comparative perspectives on the right to education for minorities and disadvantaged groups 2018
Hunger pains: Life inside foodbank Britain 2016
Hungry Britain: The rise of food charity 2017
ICT for social welfare: A toolkit for managers 2004
The idea of poverty 2007
Identity in Britain: A cradle-to-grave atlas 2007
The immigrant war: A global movement against discrimination and exploitation 2013
Immigration under New Labour 2007
The impact of co-production: From community engagement to social justice 2017
The impact of devolution on social policy 2009
The impact of research in education: An international perspective 2013
Implementing holistic government: Joined-up action on the ground 1999
Implementing innovative social investment: Strategic lessons from Europe 2019
Implementing restorative justice in children's residential care 2010
Imprisonment worldwide: The current situation and an alternative future 2016
In whose interest?: The privatisation of child protection and social work 2019
Including the excluded: From practice to policy in European community development 2005
Inclusive equality: A vision for social justice 2013
Inclusive housing in an ageing society: Innovative approaches 2001
Inclusive leadership in social work and social care 2014
Independent futures: Creating user-led disability services in a disabling society 2006
Indigeneity: a politics of potential: Australia, Fiji and New Zealand 2017
Indigenous criminology 2016
Inequality and African-American health: How racial disparities create sickness 2016
The inequality crisis: The facts and what we can do about it 2017
Infrastructure delivery planning: An effective practice approach 2016
Infrastructure in Africa: Lessons for future development 2017
Injustice (revised edition): Why social inequality still persists 2013
Injustice (revised edition): Why social inequality still persists 2015
Inside Crown Court: Personal experiences and questions of legitimacy 2015
Inside social enterprise: Looking to the future 2015
An intellectual history of British social policy: Idealism versus non-idealism 2006
Intergenerational relations: European perspectives in family and society 2013
Intermediaries in the criminal justice system: Improving communication for vulnerable witnesses and defendants 2015
International approaches to prostitution: Law and policy in Europe and Asia 2006
International approaches to rape OPEN ACCESS 2011
International community organising: Taking power, making change 2013
Internationalizing social work education: Insights from leading figures across the globe 2017
Interprofessional education and training 2e 2016
Intimacy and ageing: New relationships in later life 2017
An introduction to critical criminology 2015
An introduction to genetic epidemiology 2011
An introduction to political crime 2012
Introduction to social policy analysis: Illuminating welfare 2016
Invisible Britain: Portraits of Hope and Resilience 2018
Irish social policy (second edition): A critical introduction 2017
Islam and social work (second edition): Culturally sensitive practice in a diverse world 2017
Islamophobia: Lived experiences of online and offline victimisation 2016
The Italian welfare state in a European perspective: A comparative analysis 2015
It’s Basic Income: The global debate 2018
Jigsaw cities: Big places, small spaces 2007
Justice and fairness in the city: A multi-disciplinary approach to 'ordinary' cities 2016
Key issues in corrections 2016
Key thinkers in childhood studies 2014
Kids online: Opportunities and risks for children 2009
Kill it to save it: An autopsy of capitalism’s triumph over democracy 2017
Knowledge in policy: Embodied, inscribed, enacted 2014
Knowledge, policy and power in international development: A practical guide 2012
Labour exploitation and work-based harm 2017
Labour market policies in the era of pervasive austerity: A European perspective 2018
Landscapes of voluntarism: New spaces of health, welfare and governance 2006
The last safety net: A handbook of minimum income protection in Europe 2011
Law and society in a populist age: Balancing individual rights and the common good 2018
Leadership and the reform of education 2012
Leadership for healthcare 2010
Leading change: A guide to whole systems working 2003
Leading policing in Europe: An empirical study of strategic police leadership 2015
Leading public design: Discovering human-centred governance 2017
Leading public sector innovation: Co-creating for a better society 2010
Leading public sector innovation (second edition): Co-creating for a better society 2018
Leading the inclusive city: Place-based innovation for a bounded planet 2015
Learn to succeed: The case for a skills revolution 2002
Learning for life: The foundations for lifelong learning 2004
The Learning Society and people with learning difficulties 2001
Legal aid in crisis: Assessing the impact of reform 2017
Legalising drugs: Debates and dilemmas 2010
LGBT health inequalities: International perspectives in social work 2015
Liberty, equality, fraternity 2006
The Lies We Were Told: Politics, Economics, Austerity and Brexit 2018
Life in the debt trap: Stories of children and families struggling with debt 2018
Lifelong learning in Europe: Equity and efficiency in the balance 2012
Like mother, like daughter?: How career women influence their daughters' ambition 2017
Lived diversities: Space, place and identities in the multi-ethnic city 2014
Living on the margins: Undocumented migrants in a global city 2016
Local childhoods, global issues 2013
Local knowledge matters: Power, context and policy making in Indonesia OPEN ACCESS 2018
Localism and neighbourhood planning: Power to the people? 2017
Locating localism: Statecraft, citizenship and democracy 2016
London voices, London lives: Tales from a working capital 2007
Lone parents, employment and social policy: Cross-national comparisons 2001
Long-term care reforms in OECD countries 2016
Madness, distress and the politics of disablement 2015
Major thinkers in welfare: Contemporary issues in historical perspective 2010
Making it personal: Individualising activation services in the EU 2007
Making it work: The keys to success for young people living independently 2004
Making modern mothers 2011
The making of a welfare class?: Benefit receipt in Britain 2000
Making policy in theory and practice 2007
Making policy move: Towards a politics of translation and assemblage 2015
Making sense of Brexit: Democracy, Europe and uncertain futures 2018
Making sense of child sexual exploitation: Exchange, abuse and young people 2017
Making sense of Every Child Matters: Multi-professional practice guidance 2009
Making social policy work 2007
Making spaces for community development 2008
Making waves behind bars: The Prison Radio Association 2018
Managing and leading in inter-agency settings 2e 2016
Managing community practice (Second edition): Principles, policies and programmes 2013
Managing public services innovation: The experience of English housing associations 2001
Managing the ageing experience: Learning from older people 2010
Managing transitions: Support for individuals at key points of change 2009
Mapping environmental sustainability: Reflecting on systemic practices for participatory research 2017
The meaning of housing: A pathways approach 2005
Media and governance: Exploring the role of news media in complex systems of governance 2019
Medical regulation and revalidation: A critical introduction 2015
Mental health service users in research: Critical sociological perspectives 2013
Mental health social work re-imagined 2019
Micro-enterprise and personalisation: What size is good care? 2017
Migrants and their money: Surviving financial exclusion 2012
Migration and welfare in the new Europe: Social protection and the challenges of integration 2011
The migration debate 2011
Minority women and austerity: Survival and resistance in France and Britain 2017
Miseducation: Inequality, education and the working classes 2017
Mixed communities: Gentrification by stealth? 2012
The modern slavery agenda: Policy, politics and practice 2019
Modernising health care: Reinventing professions, the state and the public 2006
Modernising social work: Critical considerations 2009
Modernising the welfare state: The Blair legacy 2008
Money and electoral politics: Local parties and funding at general elections 2014
Money for everyone: Why we need a citizen's income 2013
The moral marketplace: How mission-driven millennials and social entrepreneurs are changing our world 2018
Morality and public policy 2016
A more equal society?: New Labour, poverty, inequality and exclusion 2005
Moving on from crime and substance use: Transforming identities 2016
Moving on from Munro: Improving children's services 2014
Moving up and getting on: Migration, integration and social cohesion in the UK 2015
Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements and Youth Justice 2009
Multi-agency working in criminal justice: Control and care in contemporary correctional practice 2010
Multidisciplinary public health: Understanding the development of the modern workforce 2014
Nannies, migration and early childhood education and care: An international comparison of in-home childcare policy and practice 2017
Narcissistic parenting in an insecure world: A history of parenting culture 1920s to present 2016
Narrative social work: Theory and application 2013
The National Evaluation of Sure Start: Does area-based early intervention work? 2007
Negotiating cohesion, inequality and change: Uncomfortable positions in local government 2013
Negotiating death in contemporary health and social care 2007
Neighbourhood planning: Communities, networks and governance 2012
Networks, new governance and education 2012
The new age of ageing: How society needs to change 2016
The new bureaucracy: Quality assurance and its critics 2007
The new countryside?: Ethnicity, nation and exclusion in contemporary rural Britain 2006
A new deal for children?: Re-forming education and care in England, Scotland and Sweden 2007
The new dynamics of ageing volume 1 2018
The new dynamics of ageing volume 2 2018
The New Fundraisers: Who organises charitable giving in contemporary society? 2017
A new health and care system: Escaping the invisible asylum 2018
New Labour, new welfare state?: The 'third way' in British social policy 1999
New Labour/hard labour?: Restructuring and resistance inside the welfare industry 2007
New Labour's countryside: Rural policy in Britain since 1997 2008
New lifestyles in old age: Health, identity and well-being in Berryhill Retirement Village 2004
New media and public activism: Neoliberalism, the state and radical protest in the public sphere 2014
New philanthropy and social justice: Debating the conceptual and policy discourse 2015
The new politics: Liberal Conservatism or same old Tories? 2011
The new science of ageing 2014
The new social mobility: How the politicians got it wrong 2017
The new working class: How to win hearts, minds and votes 2018
Not so New Labour: A sociological critique of New Labour's policy and practice 2005
Obama and the biracial factor: The battle for a new American majority 2012
Obama’s welfare legacy: An assessment of US anti-poverty policies 2017
Offenders in focus: Risk, responsivity and diversity 2007
'An offer you can't refuse': Workfare in international perspective 2001
Older people and the law 2007
On the margins of inclusion: Changing labour markets and social exclusion in London 2005
Order from chaos: Responding to traumatic events 2006
Organisational behaviour for social work 2012
Organisational innovation in health services: Lessons from the NHS Treatment Centres 2011
Organising waste in the city: International perspectives on narratives and practices 2013
Our stories, our lives: Inspiring Muslim women's voices 2009
Parental conflict: Outcomes and interventions for children and families 2014
Parental Leave and Beyond: Recent International Developments, Current Issues and Future Directions 2019
Parental rights and responsibilities: Analysing social policy and lived experiences 2011
Parenting and disability: Disabled parents' experiences of raising children 2003
Parenting the crisis: The cultural politics of parent-blame 2018
Participatory practice: Community-based action for transformative change 2010
Participatory research: Working with vulnerable groups in research and practice 2015
Partnership working 2e: What is integrated care and how can we deliver it? 2014
Partnership working in public health 2014
Partnership working: Policy and practice 2001
Partnerships: Machines of possibility 2008
Partnerships, New Labour and the governance of welfare 2002
The Passionate Economist: How Brian Abel-Smith shaped global health and social welfare 2014
Paying for the welfare state in the 21st century: Tax and spending in post-industrial societies 2017
Payment by Results and Social Impact Bonds: Outcome-based payment systems in the UK and US 2018
Peak Inequality: Britain's ticking time bomb 2018
Pensions 2007
People and places 2: A 2001 Census atlas of the UK 2004
People and places 3: A 21st-century atlas of the UK 2016
People with intellectual disabilities: Towards a good life? 2010
People-centred public health 2013
Personalising public services: Understanding the personalisation narrative 2011
Personhood, identity and care in advanced old age 2016
The Peter Townsend reader 2010
Philosophical criminology 2016
A philosophy of the social construction of crime 2015
Phoenix cities: The fall and rise of great industrial cities 2010
Pioneering ethics in a longitudinal study: The early development of the ALSPAC Ethics and Law Committee OPEN ACCESS 2018
Placing health: Neighbourhood renewal, health improvement and complexity 2006
Planning with children for better communities: The challenge to professionals 1999
Plural policing: Theory and practice 2017
Police and Crime Commissioners: The transformation of police accountability 2016
Policing at the top: The roles, values and attitudes of chief police officers 2011
Policy analysis for practice: Applying social policy 2008
Policy analysis in Australia 2015
Policy analysis in Belgium 2017
Policy analysis in Brazil 2013
Policy analysis in Canada 2018
Policy analysis in France 2018
Policy analysis in Germany 2013
Policy analysis in Israel 2016
Policy analysis in Japan 2015
Policy analysis in Mexico 2017
Policy analysis in Taiwan 2015
Policy analysis in the Czech Republic 2016
Policy analysis in the Netherlands 2015
Policy analysis in the United States 2018
Policy Analysis in Turkey 2018
Policy change, public attitudes and social citizenship: Does neoliberalism matter? 2015
Policy for a change: Local labour market analysis and gender equality 2009
Policy for play: Responding to children's forgotten right 2015
Policy reconsidered: Meanings, politics and practices 2007
Polish families and migration since EU accession 2011
The political and social construction of poverty: Central and Eastern European countries in transition 2014
Political (dis)engagement: The changing nature of the 'political' 2015
The political economy of health care (Second Edition): Where the NHS came from and where it could lead 2010
The political economy of the Irish welfare state: Church, state and capital 2017
The political economy of work security and flexibility: Italy in comparative perspective 2012
Politicising parenthood in Scandinavia: Gender relations in welfare states 2006
The politics of civil society (Second edition): Big society and small government 2013
The politics of compassion: Immigration and asylum policy 2018
The politics of evaluation: Participation and policy implementation 2005
The politics of parental leave policies: Children, parenting, gender and the labour market 2009
The politics of public education: Reform ideas and issues 2018
Politics, power and community development 2016
Population ageing and international development: From generalisation to evidence 2010
Population ageing from a lifecourse perspective: Critical and international approaches 2015
Positive youth justice: Children first, offenders second 2015
Poverty and insecurity: Life in low-pay, no-pay Britain 2012
Poverty and social exclusion in the UK: Vol. 1: Volume 1 - The nature and extent of the problem 2018
Poverty and social exclusion in the UK: Vol. 2: Volume 2 - The dimensions of disadvantage 2018
Poverty, inequality and health in Britain: 1800-2000: A reader 2001
Poverty, inequality and social work: The impact of neo-liberalism and austerity politics on welfare provision 2018
Poverty, policy and the state: The changing face of social security 2008
Poverty propaganda: Exploring the myths 2018
Poverty Reduction Strategy in Bangladesh: Rethinking participation in policy making 2014
Poverty Street: The dynamics of neighbourhood decline and renewal 2003
Power, participation and political renewal: Case studies in public participation 2007
Practical social pedagogy: Theories, values and tools for working with children and young people 2013
Practice placement in social work: Innovative approaches for effective teaching and learning 2016
Practice research partnerships in social work: Making a difference 2015
Practice-based research in children's play 2017
Precarious Lives: Forced labour, exploitation and asylum 2015
Preventing intimate partner violence: Interdisciplinary perspectives 2017
Preventing violence against women and girls: Educational work with children and young people 2014
Prevention and youth crime: Is early intervention working? 2009
Pride and shame in child and family social work: Emotions and the search for humane practice 2019
Prison suicide: What happens afterwards? 2019
Private and confidential?: Handling personal information in the social and health services 2008
Private complaints and public health: Richard Titmuss on the National Health Service 2004
The private rented sector in a new century: Revival or false dawn? 2002
Privatising probation: Is Transforming Rehabilitation the end of the probation ideal? 2015
Professional health regulation in the public interest: International perspectives 2018
Promoting children's wellbeing: Policy and practice 2008
Promoting social cohesion: Implications for policy and evaluation 2011
Promoting walking and cycling: New perspectives on sustainable travel 2013
Promoting welfare?: Government information policy and social citizenship 2003
Promoting workplace learning 2006
Protecting children: A social model 2018
Protest camps in international context: Spaces, infrastructures and media of resistance 2017
Providing a Sure Start: How government discovered early childhood 2011
Public engagement and social science 2014
Public health ethics and practice 2010
The public health system in England 2010
Public management in transition: The orchestration of potentiality 2016
Public policy analysis 2007
Public policy resources 2018
The purpose of planning: Creating sustainable towns and cities 2011
Pushed to the edge: Inclusion and behaviour support in schools 2016
Race, gangs and youth violence: Policy, prevention and policing 2017
Race policy and multiracial Americans 2016
Race, Racism and Social Work: Contemporary issues and debates 2014
Racism, policy and politics 2017
Radical social work in practice: Making a difference 2009
Radical social work today: Social work at the crossroads 2011
Radical solutions to the housing supply crisis 2017
Rationing in health care: The theory and practice of priority setting 2012
Rebuilding Britain: Planning for a better future 2014
Rebuilding social democracy: Core principles for the centre left 2016
Reclaiming feminism: Challenging everyday misogyny 2016
Reclaiming individualism: Perspectives on public policy 2013
Reclaiming local democracy: A progressive future for local government 2014
Reconstructing retirement: Work and welfare in the UK and USA 2016
Recording in social work: Not just an administrative task 2010
Reflective practice 2017
Reforming healthcare: What's the evidence? 2014
Reframing global social policy: Social investment for sustainable and inclusive growth 2018
Refugee community organisations and dispersal: Networks, resources and social capital 2005
Regenerating deprived urban areas: A cross national analysis of area-based initiatives 2013
Regulating international students’ wellbeing 2013
Regulating police detention: Voices from behind closed doors 2018
Regulating sex for sale: Prostitution Policy Reform in the UK 2009
Re-imagining child protection: Towards humane social work with families 2014
Re-imagining contested communities: Connecting Rotherham through research 2018
Reimagining global abortion politics: A social justice perspective 2019
Re-imagining religion and belief: 21st century policy and practice 2018
Reimagining the nation: Togetherness, belonging and mobility 2017
Reinventing social security worldwide: Back to essentials 2010
Reinventing social solidarity across Europe 2012
Religion and faith-based welfare: From wellbeing to ways of being 2012
Religion and health care in East Africa: Lessons from Uganda, Mozambique and Ethiopia 2019
Religion and welfare in Europe: Gendered and minority perspectives 2017
Religion, belief and social work: Making a difference 2010
Religion, spirituality and the social sciences: Challenging marginalisation 2008
Religious literacy in policy and practice 2015
Remaking governance: Peoples, politics and the public sphere 2005
Rematerialising children’s agency: Everyday practices in a post-socialist estate 2016
Renewing Europe's housing 2015
Renewing neighbourhoods: Work, enterprise and governance 2008
Repealing the 8th: Reforming Irish abortion law OPEN ACCESS 2018
Research and policy in ethnic relations: Compromised dynamics in a neoliberal era 2015
Research and the social work picture 2018
Research & evaluation for busy students and practitioners 2e: A time saving guide 2017
Research Justice: Methodologies for social change 2015
Researchers and their 'subjects': Ethics, power, knowledge and consent 2004
Researching the lifecourse: Critical reflections from the social sciences 2015
Residential child care in practice: Making a difference 2013
Resilience and ageing: creativity, culture and community 2018
Resilience in the post-welfare inner city: Voluntary sector geographies in London, Los Angeles and Sydney 2015
Responding to hate crime: The case for connecting policy and research 2014
Responding to youth violence through youth work 2016
The responsiveness of social policies in Europe: The Netherlands in comparative perspective 2013
Restructuring large housing estates in Europe: Restructuring and resistance inside the welfare industry 2005
Restructuring public transport through Bus Rapid Transit: An international and interdisciplinary perspective 2016
Rethinking community practice: Developing transformative neighbourhoods 2013
Rethinking palliative care: A social role valorisation approach 2007
Rethinking policy and politics: Reflections on contemporary debates in policy studies 2014
Rethinking Poverty: What makes a good society? OPEN ACCESS 2017
Rethinking professional governance: International directions in healthcare 2008
Rethinking residential child care: Positive perspectives 2009
Rethinking sustainable cities: Accessible, green and fair OPEN ACCESS 2016
Rethinking the public: Innovations in research, theory and politics 2010
Retiring to Spain: Women's narratives of nostalgia, belonging and community 2015
Return migration in later life: International perspectives 2013
Revisiting Moral Panics 2015
Revisiting the 'Ideal Victim': Developments in Critical Victimology 2018
Reviving local democracy: New Labour, new politics? 2000
A revolution in family policy: Where we should go from here 2012
The Right Amount of Panic: How women trade freedom for safety 2018
A right result?: Advocacy, justice and empowerment 2001
The Right to Buy?: Selling off public and social housing 2016
The right to learn: Educational strategies for socially excluded youth in Europe 2000
The right use of money 2004
The rise of the Right: English nationalism and the transformation of working-class politics 2016
Risk and rehabilitation: Management and treatment of substance misuse and mental health problems in the criminal justice system 2012
Running on empty: Transport, social exclusion and environmental justice 2004
Rural ageing: A good place to grow old? 2008
Rural homelessness: Issues, experiences and policy responses 2002
The rural housing question: Community and planning in Britain's countrysides 2010
Rural social work: International perspectives 2010
Safeguarding children and young people online: A guide for practitioners 2018
Safeguarding older people from abuse: Critical contexts to policy and practice 2014
Scandal, social policy and social welfare 2005
School admissions and accountability: Planning, choice or chance? 2013
School governance: Policy, politics and practices 2016
Searching for community: Representation, power and action on an urban estate 2009
Securing an urban renaissance: Crime, community, and British urban policy 2007
Securing respect: Behavioural expectations and anti-social behaviour in the UK 2009
Self-leadership in social work: Reflections from practice 2015
Senior citizenship?: Retirement, migration and welfare in the European Union 2002
Sex segregation and inequality in the modern labour market 2006
Sexual issues in social work 2007
Sexual politics of gendered violence and women's citizenship 2019
The shame of it: Global perspectives on anti-poverty policies 2014
Shaping health policy: Case study methods and analysis 2012
A sharing economy: How social wealth funds can reduce inequality and help balance the books 2016
Shelter is not enough: Transforming multi-storey housing 2000
Shoot to kill: Police accountability, firearms and fatal force 2011
The short guide to aging and gerontology 2017
The short guide to community development 2e 2016
The short guide to environmental policy 2014
The short guide to gender 2011
The short guide to social policy (Second edition) 2015
The short guide to social work 2010
The short guide to urban policy 2015
The short guide to working with children and young people 2013
Sixteen for '16: A progressive agenda for a better America? 2015
'Sleepwalking to segregation'?: Challenging myths about race and migration 2009
Snobbery 2019
Social alarms to telecare: Older people's services in transition 2003
Social and caring professions in European welfare states: Policies, services and professional practices 2017
Social assistance dynamics in Europe: National and local poverty regimes 2002
The social atlas of Europe 2014
Social capital and lifelong learning 2005
Social capital, children and young people: Implications for practice, policy and research 2012
Social class in later life: Power, identity and lifestyle 2013
Social cohesion and counter-terrorism: A policy contradiction? 2011
Social determinants of health: An interdisciplinary approach to social inequality and wellbeing 2018
Social entrepreneurship (second edition): A skills approach 2017
Social experiences of breastfeeding: Building bridges between research, policy and practice 2018
Social happiness: Theory into policy and practice 2012
Social inclusion and higher education 2012
Social inequality and public health 2009
Social innovation and social policy: Theory, policy and practice 2018
Social justice and public policy: Seeking fairness in diverse societies 2008
Social justice and social policy in Scotland 2012
Social media homicide confessions: Stories of killers and their victims 2017
Social movements and referendums from below: Direct democracy in the neoliberal crisis 2017
Social policies and social control: New perspectives on the 'not-so-big society' 2014
Social policy 3e: Theory and practice 2014
Social policy and welfare pluralism: Selected writings of Robert Pinker 2017
Social policy for social welfare professionals: Tools for understanding, analysis and engagement 2011
Social policy in a cold climate: Policies and their consequences since the crisis 2016
Social policy in an era of competition: From global to local perspectives 2017
Social policy in challenging times: Economic crisis and welfare systems 2011
Social policy in China: Development and well-being 2008
Social policy in times of austerity: Global economic crisis and the new politics of welfare 2015
Social Policy Review 13: Developments and debates: 2000-2001 2001
Social Policy Review 14: Developments and debates: 2001-2002 2002
Social Policy Review 15: UK and international perspectives 2003
Social Policy Review 16: Analysis and debate in social policy, 2004 2004
Social Policy Review 17: Analysis and debate in social policy, 2005 2005
Social Policy Review 18: Analysis and debate in social policy, 2006 2008
Social Policy Review 19: Analysis and debate in social policy, 2007 2007
Social Policy Review 20: Analysis and debate in social policy, 2008 2008
Social Policy Review 21: Analysis and debate in social policy, 2009 2009
Social policy review 22: Analysis and debate in social policy, 2010 2010
Social Policy Review 23: Analysis and Debate in Social Policy, 2011 2011
Social Policy Review 24: Analysis and debate in social policy, 2012 2012
Social Policy Review 25: Analysis and debate in social policy, 2013 2013
Social Policy Review 26: Analysis and debate in social policy, 2014 2014
Social policy review 27: Analysis and debate in social policy, 2015 2015
Social policy review 28: Analysis and debate in social policy, 2016 2016
Social policy review 29: Analysis and debate in social policy, 2017 2017
Social policy review 30: Analysis and debate in social policy, 2018 2018
Social problems in popular culture 2016
Social protection after the crisis: Regulation without enforcement 2016
Social support and motherhood (reissue): The natural history of a research project 2018
Social theory for beginners 2010
Social welfare and religion in the Middle East: A Lebanese perspective 2009
Social work and child welfare politics: Through Nordic lenses 2010
Social work and direct payments 2002
Social work and global health inequalities: Practice and policy developments 2009
Social work and Irish people in Britain: Historical and contemporary responses to Irish children and families 2004
Social work and lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans people: Making a difference 2012
Social work and multi-agency working: Making a difference 2008
Social work and people with dementia, second edition: Partnerships, practice and persistence 2006
Social work and poverty: A critical approach 2014
Social work and social theory: Making connections 2013
Social work and the transformation of adult social care: Perpetuating a distorted vision? 2015
Social work in a diverse society: Transformative practice with black and minority ethnic individuals and communities 2016
Social work in end-of-life and palliative care 2009
Social work in extremis: Lessons for social work internationally 2011
Social work in Northern Ireland: Conflict and change 2011
Social work in the community: Making a difference 2012
Social work: Making a difference 2015
Social work on trial: The Colwell Inquiry and the state of welfare 2011
Social work, politics and society: From radicalism to orthodoxy 2008
Social work: The rise and fall of a profession? 2010
Social work with people with learning difficulties: Making a difference 2015
Social work with sex offenders: Making a difference 2016
Social workers affecting social policy: An International perspective 2013
Social-spatial segregation: Concepts, processes and outcomes 2014
Sociologists' Tales: Contemporary narratives on sociological thought and practice 2015
The sociology of housework (reissue) 2018
Solitary confinement: Lived experiences and ethical implications 2017
The soul of a university: Why excellence is not enough 2018
Spatial planning and resilience following disasters: International and comparative perspectives 2016
Speaking to power: Advocacy for health and social care 2009
Sports criminology: A critical criminology of sport and games 2016
Spreading the 'burden'?: A review of policies to disperse asylum seekers and refugees 2003
SPSS step by step: Essentials for social and political science 2013
Squaring the circle on Brexit: Could the Norway model work? 2018
The squeezed middle: The pressure on ordinary workers in America and Britain 2013
State crime and immorality: The corrupting influence of the powerful 2016
Stopping rape: Towards a comprehensive policy OPEN ACCESS 2015
The story of Baby P: Setting the record straight 2014
Street capital: Black cannabis dealers in a white welfare state 2009
Street Casino: Survival in violent street gangs 2014
Strengthening child protection: Sharing information in multi-agency settings 2016
Student lives in crisis: Deepening inequality in times of austerity 2016
Studying health inequalities: An applied approach 2015
Studying public policy: An international approach 2014
Substance not spin: An insider's view of success and failure in government 2016
Subversive citizens: Power, agency and resistance in public services 2009
The success paradox: Why we need a holistic theory of social mobility 2016
Supporting adult care-leavers: International good practice 2015
Supporting children when parents separate: Embedding a crisis intervention approach within family justice, education and mental health policy 2018
Supporting people: Towards a person-centred approach 2011
Supporting people with alcohol and drug problems: Making a difference 2012
Supporting struggling students on placement: A practical guide 2017
Supporting victims of hate crime: A practitioner guide 2017
Sustainable London?: The future of a global city 2014
Systemic action research: A strategy for whole system change 2007
Tackling child sexual abuse: Radical approaches to prevention, protection and support 2016
Tackling inequalities: Where are we now and what can be done? 2000
Tackling institutional racism: Anti-racist policies and social work education and training 2000
Tackling men's violence in families: Nordic issues and dilemmas 2005
Tackling prison overcrowding: Build more prisons? Sentence fewer offenders? 2008
Tactical rape in war and conflict: International recognition and response 2016
Taking power back: Putting people in charge of politics 2015
Taking stock: Scottish social welfare after devolution 2004
Taking the crime out of sex work: New Zealand sex workers' fight for decriminalisation 2010
Talking about care: Two sides to the story 2005
Teacher education in times of change 2016
Teenage pregnancy: The making and unmaking of a problem 2009
The third sector delivering public services: Developments, innovations and challenges 2016
Time to save democracy: How to govern ourselves in the age of anti-politics 2018
Too much stuff: Capitalism in crisis 2017
Towards a democratic division of labour in Europe?: The Combination Model as a new integrated approach to professional and family life 2009
Towards a more equal society?: Poverty, inequality and policy since 1997 2009
Towards a social investment welfare state?: Ideas, policies and challenges 2012
Towards just and sustainable economies: The social and solidarity economy North and South 2017
Towards the emancipation of patients: Patients' experiences and the patient movement 2010
Tracing the political: Depoliticisation, governance and the state 2015
Trading time: Can exchange lead to social change? 2015
Traffic jam: Ten years of 'sustainable' transport in the UK 2008
Transforming adult social care: Contemporary policy and practice 2013
Transforming education policy: Shaping a democratic future 2011
TransForming gender: Transgender practices of identity, intimacy and care 2007
Transforming probation: Social theories and the criminal justice system 2017
Transforming society?: Social work and sociology 2007
Transforming the Dutch welfare state: Social risks and corporatist reform 2011
Transitions and the lifecourse: Challenging the constructions of 'growing old' 2012
Transitions to parenthood in Europe: A comparative life course perspective 2012
Transnational social work: Opportunities and challenges of a global profession 2018
Transparency and the open society: Practical lessons for effective policy 2016
The transport debate 2014
The triple bind of single-parent families: Resources, employment and policies to improve wellbeing OPEN ACCESS 2018
Troublemakers: The construction of ‘troubled families’ as a social problem 2018
Trusting on the edge: Managing uncertainty and vulnerability in the midst of serious mental health problems 2012
Unaccompanied young migrants: Identity, care and justice 2019
Understanding agency: Social welfare and change 2011
Understanding childhood: A cross disciplinary approach 2013
Understanding community (second edition): Politics, policy and practice 2016
Understanding crime and social policy 2013
Understanding disability policy 2012
Understanding equal opportunities and diversity: The social differentiations and intersections of inequality 2009
Understanding family meanings: A reflective text 2012
Understanding global social policy 2e 2014
Understanding health and social care (third edition) 2017
Understanding health policy (Second edition) 2015
Understanding housing policy (third edition) 2017
Understanding human need 2010
Understanding immigration and refugee policy: Contradictions and continuities 2007
Understanding inequality, poverty and wealth: Policies and prospects 2011
Understanding police intelligence work 2016
Understanding 'race' and ethnicity: Theory, history, policy, practice 2012
Understanding research for social policy and social work (second edition): Themes, methods and approaches 2012
Understanding restorative justice: How empathy can close the gap created by crime 2014
Understanding social citizenship (second edition): Themes and perspectives for policy and practice 2010
Understanding social security (Second edition): Issues for policy and practice 2009
Understanding social welfare movements 2009
Understanding street-level bureaucracy 2015
Understanding the cost of welfare (third edition) 2017
Understanding the environment and social policy 2011
Understanding the mixed economy of welfare 2007
Understanding the policy process (Second edition): Analysing welfare policy and practice 2009
Understanding theories and concepts in social policy 2010
Understanding trans health: Discourse, power and possibility 2018
Understanding youth in the global economic crisis 2016
Unequal ageing: The untold story of exclusion in old age 2009
Unequal health: The scandal of our times 2013
Unequal partners: User groups and community care 1999
The unfinished revolution: Voices from the global fight for women's rights 2012
Unfolding lives: Youth, gender and change 2009
Unleashed: The phenomena of status dogs and weapon dogs 2012
Unmasking age: The significance of age for social research 2011
Unravelling Europe’s ‘migration crisis’: Journeys over land and sea 2018
Unwrapping the European social model 2006
Uprooted: The Shipment of Poor Children to Canada, 1867-1917 2008
Urban environments in Africa: A critical analysis of environmental politics 2016
Urban Food Sharing: Rules, Tools and Networks 2019
Urban reflections: Narratives of place, planning and change 2011
Urban renaissance?: New Labour, community and urban policy 2003
Using evidence: How research can inform public services 2007
Using theory to explore health, medicine and society 2010
Values in criminology and community justice 2013
Valuing interdisciplinary collaborative research: Beyond impact 2017
Valuing older people: A humanist approach to ageing 2009
Veiled threats: Representing the Muslim woman in public policy discourses 2016
Violent fathering and the risks to children: The need for change 2011
Vital bodies: Living with illness 2019
Voluntary sector in transition: Hard times or new opportunities? 2013
Vulnerability and young people: Care and social control in policy and practice 2015
Wealth and the wealthy: Exploring and tackling inequalities between rich and poor 2011
Welfare and wellbeing: Richard Titmuss's contribution to social policy 2001
Welfare and well-being: Social value in public policy 2008
Welfare, inequality and social citizenship: Deprivation and affluence in austerity Britain 2018
Welfare policy under New Labour: Views from inside Westminster 2007
Welfare rights and responsibilities: Contesting social citizenship 2000
The welfare we want?: The British challenge for American reform 2003
Well-being: In search of a good life? 2008
The well-being of children in the UK (4th edition) 2016
The well-being of children in the UK (Third edition) 2011
The well-connected community (Second edition): A networking approach to community development 2009
What Brexit means for EU and UK social policy 2019
What death means now: Thinking critically about dying and grieving 2017
What is professional social work? Revised Second Edition 2006
What kind of democracy is this?: Politics in a changing world 2017
What matters in policing?: Change, values and leadership in turbulent times 2015
What works?: Evidence-based policy and practice in public services 2000
What works in reducing inequalities in child health? (Second edition) 2012
What works in tackling health inequalities?: Pathways, policies and practice through the lifecourse 2006
What’s wrong with social security benefits? 2017
When children become parents: Welfare state responses to teenage pregnancy 2006
Where academia and policy meet: A cross-national perspective on the involvement of social work academics in social policy 2017
Where next for criminal justice? 2012
White privilege: The myth of a post-racial society 2018
White working-class voices: Multiculturalism, community-building and change 2015
Who are universities for?: Re-making higher education 2018
Who stole the town hall?: The end of local government as we know it 2017
Whose government is it?: The renewal of state-citizen cooperation 2019
Whose land is our land?: The use and abuse of Britain's forgotten acres 2015
Why Detroit matters: Decline, renewal and hope in a divided city 2017
Why the left loses: The Decline of the Centre-Left in Comparative Perspective 2018
Why the Third Way failed: Economics, morality and the origins of the 'Big Society' 2010
Why we can't afford the rich 2016
Why we need a Citizen’s Basic Income: The desirability and implementation of an unconditional income 2018
Why we need welfare: Collective action for the common good 2016
The widening gap: Health inequalities and policy in Britain 1999
Women and alcohol: Social perspectives 2015
Women and community action, second edition 2006
Women and criminal justice: From the Corston Report to Transforming Rehabilitation 2015
Women and New Labour: Engendering politics and policy? 2007
Women and religion: Contemporary and future challenges in the Global Era 2018
Women in and out of paid work: Changes across generations in Italy and Britain 2009
Women of power: Half a century of female presidents and prime ministers worldwide 2014
Women, peace and welfare: A suppressed history of social reform, 1880-1920 2018
Women rough sleepers in Europe: Homelessness and victims of domestic abuse 2015
Women's emancipation and civil society organisations: Challenging or maintaining the status quo? 2016
Women's Work: How mothers manage flexible working in careers and family life 2018
Work and health in India 2018
Work, families and organisations in transition: European perspectives 2009
Work, health and wellbeing: The challenges of managing health at work 2012
Working for a living?: Employment, benefits and the living standards of disabled people 2000
Working futures?: Disabled people, policy and social inclusion 2005
Working in group care, second edition: Social work and social care in residential and day care settings 2007
Working in teams 2e 2016
Working together or pulling apart?: The National Health Service and child protection networks 2001
World poverty: New policies to defeat an old enemy 2002
World report 2013: Events of 2012 2013
World report 2014: Events of 2013 2014
Young, Muslim and criminal: Experiences, identities and pathways into crime 2018
Young Muslims, Pedagogy and Islam: Contexts and concepts 2013
Young people and contradictions of inclusion: Towards Integrated Transition Policies in Europe 2003
Young people and 'risk' 2007
Young people in Europe: Labour markets and citizenship 2005
Young people leaving state care in China 2017
Young people, welfare and crime: Governing non-participation 2016
Youth and community empowerment in Europe: International perspectives 2012
Youth justice in practice: Making a difference 2009
Youth marginality in Britain: Contemporary studies of austerity 2017
Youth participation in Europe: Beyond discourses, practices and realities 2012
Youth unemployment and social exclusion in Europe: A comparative study 2003
Zero tolerance policing 2007