Leuven University Press

Publisher Description

Leuven University Press, established in 1971 under the auspices of the KU Leuven, is an ambitious academic press of international standing.

Over the past 45 years Leuven University Press has remained true to its commitment to disseminate scholarly knowledge and support academic research by publishing books, series and periodicals. Today the press has titles in print in a broad range of fields, including music, art & theory, architecture, media & visual culture, text & literature, history & archaeology, philosophy, society, gender & diversity.

Leuven University Press is a full member of the Association of University Presses and a founding member of the Association of European University Presses.

Journals in JSTOR from Leuven University Press
2 Journals in JSTOR Date Range
DiGeSt. Journal of Diversity and Gender Studies 2014 - 2019
Humanistica Lovaniensia 1928 - 2015
Books in JSTOR from Leuven University Press
259 Books in JSTOR Copyright Date
Afterschool: Images, Education and Research 2015
Ancient Perspectives on Aristotles De anima 2009
Andere tijden, andere leiders?: Een beschrijving en analyse van leiderschapspraktijken op het bovenschoolse niveau 2015
Andreae Alciati Contra Vitam Monasticam Epistula - Andrea Alciato’s Letter Against Monastic Life: Critical Edition, Translation and Commentary 2014
Antropologie van de godsdienst: De andere zijde 2008
Architect en ambtenaar: De West-Vlaamse provinciaal architecten en de 19e-eeuwse architectuurpraktijk 2016
Aristotle's Problemata in Different Times and Tongues 2006
Art History after Deleuze and Guattari 2017
Artistic Experimentation in Music: An Anthology 2014
Artistic Research in Music: Discipline and Resistance: Artists and Reseachers at the Orpheus Institute 2017
The Astrological Autobiography of a Medieval Philosopher: Henry Bate's Nativitas (1280-81) 2018
Averroes’ Natural Philosophy and its Reception in the Latin West 2015
De beiaard: Een politieke geschiedenis 2009
Belgen, zijt gij ten strijde gereed?: Militarisering in een neutrale natie, 1890-1914 2019
Belgian Photographic Literature of the 19th Century. L’édition photographique belge au 19e siècle.: A Bibliography and Census. Bibliographie et recensement. 2015
Between Educationalization and Appropriation: Selected Writings on the History of Modern Educational Systems 2012
Between Text and Tradition: Pietro d’Abano and the Reception of Pseudo-Aristotle’s Problemata Physica in the Middle Ages 2016
Beyond Federal Dogmatics (pdf): The Influence of EU Law on Belgian Constitutional Case Law Regarding Federalism 2013
Beyond Provenance: New Approaches to Interpreting the Chemistry of Archaeological Copper Alloys OPEN ACCESS 2018
Brokers of Modernity: East Central Europe and the Rise of Modernist Architects, 1910-1950 OPEN ACCESS 2019
Business Planning for Digital Libraries: International Approaches 2010
Cardinal Mercier in the First World War: Belgium, Germany and the Catholic Church 2018
Charity and Social Welfare: The Dynamics of Religious Reform in Northern Europe, 1780-1920 2017
Christian Homes: Religion, Family and Domesticity in the 19th and 20th Centuries 2014
Christian Masculinity: Men and Religion in Northern Europe in the 19th and 20th Centuries 2011
The Churches: The Dynamics of Religious Reform in Northern Europe, 1780-1920 2010
Cold War Triangle: How Scientists in East and West Tamed HIV 2017
A Commentary on Plutarch's: De latenter vivendo 2007
Compass for Intercultural Partnerships: A thought provoking book to deploy the integration of cultures as a source of welfare and tolerance in a glocalising world 2007
Composing under the Skin: The Music-making Body at the Composer’s Desk 2014
The Concept of Love in 17th and 18th Century Philosophy 2007
Conflicting Words: The Peace Treaty of Münster (1648) and the Political Culture of the Dutch Republic and the Spanish Monarchy 2011
Congo in België: Koloniale cultuur in de metropool 2009
A Constellation of Courts: The Courts and Households of Habsburg Europe, 1555–1665 2014
Contemporary Economic Perspectives in Education 2015
Contrebande littéraire et culturelle à la Belle Époque: Le « hard labour » de Georges Eekhoud entre Anvers, Paris et Bruxelles 2017
Crossing Cultures: Nineteenth-Century Anglophone Literature in the Low Countries 2009
Cui dono lepidum novum libellum: Dedicating Latin Works and Motets in the Sixteenth Century 2008
Cultural Mediation in Europe, 1800-1950 2017
Dans in België 1890-1940 2012
Dark Precursor: Deleuze and Artistic Research 2017
A Dark Trace: Sigmund Freud on the Sence of Guilt 2009
The Debate about Colour Naming in 19th Century German Philology.: Selected Translations 2007
Deleuze and Desire: Analysis of The Logic of Sense 2015
Deleuze and Psychoanalysis: Philosophical Essays on Deleuze's Debate with Psychoanalysis 2010
Denken en weten over de wereld: Lessen voor de eenentwintigste eeuw 2008
Die Marias von Cornelius Aurelius: Einleitung, Textausgabe und Anmerkungen 2006
Diogenes of Oinoanda · Diogène d’Œnoanda: Epicureanism and Philosophical Debates · Épicurisme et controverses 2017
(Dis)embodying Myths in Ancien Régime Opera: Multidisciplinary Perspectives 2012
Doing Double Dutch: The International Circulation of Literature from the Low Countries 2017
De dood in cantates van J.S. Bach: Van Actus Tragicus tot Trauer-Ode 2015
Doodgewone woorden: NS-taal en de Shoah 2010
Dora, Hysteria and Gender: Reconsidering Freud’s Case Study 2018
Dramma Giocoso: Four Contemporary Perspectives on the Mozart/Da Ponte Operas 2012
The Early Modern Cultures of Neo-Latin Drama 2013
Ecclesia in medio nationis: Reflections on the Study of Monasticism in the Central Middle Ages - Réflexions sur l'étude du monachismeau moyen âge central 2011
The Economics of Providence / L'économie de la providence: Management, Finances and Patrimony of Religious Orders and Congregations in Europe, 1773 - ca. 1930 / Gestion, finances et patrimoine des ordres et congregations en Europe, 1773 - ca. 1930 2012
An Educational Pilgrimage to the United States. Un pèlerinage psycho-pédagogique aux États-Unis.: Travel Diary of Raymond Buyse, 1922. Carnet de voyage de Raymond Buyse, 1922. 2011
Elachista: La dottrina dei minimi nell'Epicureismo 2013
Elusive Russia: Current Developments in Russian State Identity and Institutional Reform under President Putin 2007
Essays on Plato’s Epistemology OPEN ACCESS 2016
Etude anthropologique du squelette du Paléolithique supérieur de Nazlet Khater 2 (Egypte): Apport à la compréhension de la variabilité passée des hommes modernes 2008
Eurocentrisch denken voorbij: Interculturele perspectieven in geschiedenisonderwijs 2018
Europa, interdisciplinariteit en wetenschap: Lessen voor de eenentwintigste eeuw 2011
Europa waakt: Vrijheidsbeneming onder toezicht van het Europese antifoltercomité 2018
The European Company Law Action Plan Revisited: Reassessment of the 2003 priorities of the European Commission 2010
European Muslims and New Media 2017
Everyday Life Practices of Muslims in Europe 2015
Exempli Gratia: Sagalassos, Marc Waelkens and Interdisciplinary Archaeology 2013
Experimental Affinities in Music OPEN ACCESS 2015
Experimental Encounters in Music and Beyond 2017
Fate, Providence and Moral Responsibility in Ancient, Medieval and Early Modern Thought: Studies in Honour of Carlos Steel 2014
Florilegium recentioris Latinitatis 2018
The Forgotten Contribution of the Teaching Sisters: A Historiographical Essay on the Educational Work of Catholic Women Religious in the 19th and 20th Centuries 2009
Francisci de Marchia Q1-12: Quaestiones in secundum librum sententiarum (Reportatio), Quaestiones 1-12 2008
Francisci de Marchia Q13-27: Quaestiones in secundum librum sententiarum (Reportatio), Quaestiones 13-27 2010
Freud au cas par cas: Lectures philosophiques des cas freudiens 2015
From Eckhart to Ruusbroec: A Critical Inheritance of Mystical Themes in the Fourteenth Century 2014
De gekooide mens: Gevangenisstraf als doorleefde realiteit 2016
Geleerd in de tropen: Leuven, Congo & de wetenschap, 1885-1960 2007
Gender and Christianity in Modern Europe: Beyond the Feminization Thesis OPEN ACCESS 2012
Gender and Migration: A Gender-Sensitive Approach to Migration Dynamics 2018
Gids van Landbouwarchieven in België, 1795-2000 2006
Glass Making in the Greco-Roman World: Results of the ARCHGLASS project OPEN ACCESS 2014
The Global Horizon: Expectations of Migration in Africa and the Middle East 2012
Grand Hotel Abyss: Desire, Recognition and the Restoration of the Subject 2016
Handheld XRF for Art and Archaeology 2012
Haven in de branding: De economische ontwikkeling van de Antwerpse haven vanaf 1900 2008
Hedendaagse biografieën over vroegmoderne lieden: Nieuwe Tijdingen 2018
Henrici de Gandavo Summa (Quaestiones ordinariae) art. LIII-LV 2014
Henrici de Gandavo Summa: Quaestiones ordinariae art. XLVII-LII 2007
Henricus de Gandavo Quodlibet IV 2011
Henry of Ghent: Metaphysics and the Trinity: With a Critical Edition of Question Six of Article Fifty-Five of the Summa Quaestionum Ordinariarum 2006
Herdenken en vooruitgaan: Lessen voor de eenentwintigste eeuw 2014
Herinneringen aan de Holocaust: Geschiedenis & collectieve herinnering in gespannen verhouding 2016
Het beleid van de jeugdmagistraat 2010
Het wiel van Ashoka: Belgisch-Indiase contacten in historisch perspectief 2013
Hoe historici geschiedenis schrijven: De Eerste Wereldoorlog en de historische praktijk 2017
Hoe zouden wij graag wonen?: Woonvertogen in Vlaanderen tijdens de jaren zestig en zeventig 2012
A Holocene Prehistoric Sequence in the Egyptian Red Sea Area: The Tree Shelter 2008
How Do We Help?: The Free Market of Development Aid 2012
Hui Muslims in China 2016
The Human Recipe: Understanding Your Genes in Today’s Society 2016
Iconen van onze economie: Rolmodellen voor inspirerend ondernemerschap 2013
Ik, mezelf en wij: Over de constructie van onze identiteit 2011
Images of Immigrants and Refugees in Western Europe: Media Representations, Public Opinion and Refugees’ Experiences OPEN ACCESS 2019
Improvising Early Music 2014
In gesprek met morgen: Lessen voor de eenentwintigste eeuw 2010
The Intimate. Polity and the Catholic Church: Laws about Life, Death and the Family in So-called Catholic Countries 2015
Intra-Europese migratie en mobiliteit: Andere tijden, nieuwe wegen? 2015
Islam & Europe: Challenges and Opportunities 2008
Islam & Europe: Crises are Challenges 2010
Isotopes in Vitreous Materials 2009
Jean-Philippe Rameau, 1683-1764. Een kennismaking 2013
Joannes Burmeister: Aulularia and other Inversions of Plautus 2015
Johann Sebastian Bach's Art of Fugue: Performance Practice Based on German Eighteenth-Century Theory 2013
John Barclay, Icon Animorum or The Mirror of Minds 2013
Jongeren vandaag en de wereld morgen: Lessen voor de eenentwintigste eeuw 2015
Josquin des Prez and His Musical Legacy: An Introductory Guide 2013
J.S. Bach. De h-Moll-Messe 2017
De kracht van wetenschap: Een geschiedenis van het onderzoeksbeleid aan de KU Leuven 2018
La Casa de Borgoña: la Casa del rey de España (print) 2014
La correspondance de Guillaume Budé et Juan Luis Vives 2015
La puissance de l’intelligible: La théorie plotinienne des Formes au miroir de l’héritage médioplatonicien 2014
La transmission du savoir grec en Occident: Guillaume de Moerbeke, le Laur. Plut. 87.25 (Thémistius, in De an.) et la bibliothèque de Boniface VIII 2019
L’Adversus Colotem di Plutarco: Storia di una polemica filosofica 2014
Le confesseur du Prince dans les Pays-Bas espagnols (1598-1659): Une fonction, des individus 2018
Lectures for the XXIst Century 2008
Lectures for the XXIst Century 2008
The Leopard, the Lion, and the Cock: Colonial Memories and Monuments in Belgium 2019
Les dialogues platoniciens chez Plutarque: Stratégies et méthodes exégétiques 2010
Les peintures sur vases de Nagada I - Nagada II: Nouvelle approche sémiologique de l'iconographie prédynastique 2009
De levenskracht der bevolking: Sociale en demografische kwesties in de Lage Landen tijdens het interbellum 2010
Levensrituelen: Dood en begrafenis 2007
Life Inside the Cloister: Understanding Monastic Architecture: Tradition, Reformation, Adaptive Reuse 2018
Loci Sacri: Understanding Sacred Places 2012
Logic of Experimentation OPEN ACCESS 2018
"Lors est ce jour grant joie nee": Essais de langue et de littérature françaises du moyen âge 2009
The Lower to Middle Palaeolithic Transition in Northwestern Europe: Evidence from Kesselt-Op de Schans 2017
Marie Elisabeth Belpaire: Gender en macht in het literaire veld, 1900 - 1940 2013
The Maritain Factor: Taking Religion into Interwar Modernism 2010
Medieval Manuscripts in Transition: Tradition and Creative Recycling 2006
Memory on My Doorstep: Chronicles of the Bataclan Neighborhood, Paris 2015-2016 2019
Met (het) oog op morgen: Opstellen over taal, taalverandering en standaardtaal 2010
Migration and Integration in Flanders: Multidisciplinary Perspectives 2018
Milk Sauce and Paprika: Migration, Childhood and Memories of the Interwar Belgian-Hungarian Child Relief Project 2016
Minoan Earthquakes: Breaking the Myth through Interdisciplinarity 2017
Miroir et Savoir 2008
Mission & Science: Missiology Revised / Missiologie revisitée, 1850–1940 2015
Modern Islamic Thinking and Activism: Dynamics in the West and in the Middle East OPEN ACCESS 2014
Moroccan Migration in Belgium: More than 50 Years of Settlement 2017
Music, Analysis, Experience: New Perspectives in Musical Semiotics 2015
Music and the City: Musical Cultures and Urban Societies in the Southern Netherlands and Beyond, c.1650–1800 2013
Musical Form, Forms & Formenlehre - paperback: Three Methodological Reflections 2010
Natural Spectaculars: Aspects of Plutarch’s Philosophy of Nature 2015
Neo-Latin Commentaries and the Management of Knowledge in the Late Middle Ages and the Early Modern Period (1400 -1700) 2013
Neo-Latin Philology: Old Tradition, New Approaches 2014
New Multicultural Identities in Europe: Religion and Ethnicity in Secular Societies OPEN ACCESS 2014
New Paths: Aspects of Music Theory and Aesthetics in the Age of Romanticism 2009
A New Sense of the Past: The Scholarship of Biondo Flavio (1392–1463) 2016
A Non-Oedipal Psychoanalysis?: A Clinical Anthropology of Hysteria in the Works of Freud and Lacan 2012
The Normativity of What We Care About: A Love-Based Theory of Practical Reasons 2013
Ohne Worte: Vocality and Instrumentality in 19th-Century Music 2014
On the Borders of Being and Knowing: Late Scholastic Theory of Supertranscendental Being 2012
One Foot in the Palace: The Habsbourg Court of Brussels and the Politics of Access in the Reign of Albert and Isabella, 1598-1621 2013
Onhoudbaar verleden: Geschiedenis als politiek instrument tijdens de Franse periode in België 2014
De oratoria van Alessandro Scarlatti (1660–1725): Meesterwerken uit de Italiaanse barok 2015
Origins and Ends of the Mind: Philosophical Essays on Psychoanalysis 2007
The Origins of Banana-fibre Cloth in the Ryukyus, Japan 2007
Over grenzen en generaties heen: Lessen voor de eenentwintigste eeuw 2012
Paganism in the Middle Ages: Threat and Fascination 2012
De papen van Brugge: De seculiere clerus in een middeleeuwse wereldstad 2014
Partimento and Continuo Playing in Theory and in Practice 2010
Patroon en argument: Een dubbelfeestbundel bij het emeritaat van William Van Belle en Joop van der Horst 2014
Petri Thomae Quaestiones de esse intelligibili 2015
Piety and Modernity: The Dynamics of Religious Reform in Northern Europe, 1780-1920 2012
The Pious Sex: Catholic Constructions of Masculinity and Femininity in Belgium, c. 1800–1940 2013
Platonic Stoicism - Stoic Platonism: The Dialogue between Platonism and Stoicism in Antiquity 2007
Plutarch's Life of Alcibiades: Story, Text and Moralism 2010
Plutarch's Maxime cum principibus philosopho esse disserendum: An Interpretation with Commentary 2009
Plutarch's Science of Natural Problems: A Study with Commentary on Quaestiones Naturales 2016
Political and Legal Perspectives: The Dynamics of Religious Reform in Northern Europe, 1780-1920 2010
Powers of Divergence: An Experimental Approach to Music Performance OPEN ACCESS 2018
The Practice of the Practising 2011
Predicting the Past: The Paradoxes of American Literary History 2009
Prehension and Hafting Traces on Flint Tools: A Methodology 2010
Pro Deo: Ongevraagd juridisch advies voor vrijheidsstrijders en andere fanatici 2016
Psychanalyse et hybridité: Genre, colonialité, subjectivations 2018
Psychoanalysis, Monotheism and Morality: The Sigmund Freud Museum Symposia 2009-2011 2013
Ptolemy’s Tetrabiblos in the Translation of William of Moerbeke: Claudii Ptolemaei Liber Iudicialium 2015
Quaestiones de ente 2018
Quaestiones Variae: Henrico de Gandavo adscriptae 2008
Radicalisation: A Marginal Phenomenon or a Mirror to Society? 2019
Radulphus Brito. Quaestiones super Priora Analytica Aristotelis 2016
De rationibus quibus homines docti artem Latine colloquendi et ex tempore dicendi seculis XVI et XVII coluerunt 2012
Ravel ontrafeld: Leven en werk van Maurice Ravel 2015
Realist Biography and European Policy: An Innovative Approach to European Policy Studies 2013
Recevez ce mien petit labeur: Studies in Renaissance Music in Honour of Ignace Bossuyt 2008
Rechts Vlaanderen: Religie en stemgedrag in negentiende-eeuws België 2009
Recognition and Redistribution in Multinational Federations 2015
Recognizing Music as an Art Form: Friedrich Th. Vischer and German Music Criticism, 1848-1887 2016
Regards sur les traditions philosophiques (XIIe-XVIe siècles) 2017
Rehearsals: The German Army in Belgium, August 1914 2007
Religious Institutes and Catholic Culture in 19th and 20th Century Europe 2014
Rester Catholique en France: L’encadrement religieux destiné aux migrants belgo-flamands du Lillois, de Paris et des campagnes françaises 1850-1960 2019
The Return of the Deficit: Public Finance in Belgium over 2000-2010 2012
Revoluties in de klas: Secundair geschiedenisonderwijs in de Zuidelijke Nederlanden, 1750-1850 2014
Sacrale ruimte in de vroegmoderne Nederlanden 2017
Sagalassos VI: Geo- and Bio-Archaeology at Sagalassos and in its Territory 2008
De schaduw van Kaïn: Freuds klinische antropologie van de agressiviteit 2013
The Science of the Soul: The Commentary Tradition on Aristotle's De anima, c. 1260-c. 1360 2013
Science Translated: Latin and Vernacular Translations of Scientific Treatises in Medieval Europe 2008
Scottish Latin Authors in Print up to 1700: A Short-Title List 2012
Sémiotique et vécu musical: Du sens à l'expérience, de l'expérience au sens 2016
Sexuality and Psychoanalysis: Philosophical Criticisms 2010
Sign or Symptom?: Exceptional Corporeal Phenomena in Religion and Medicine in the 19th and 20th Centuries 2017
Singing Bronze: A History of Carillon Music 2014
De smaak van thuis: Erfgoed en voeding in Vlaanderen tussen 1945 en 2000 2018
A Small Nation in the Turmoil of the Second World War: Money, Finance and Occupation (Belgium, its Enemies, its friends, 1939-1945) OPEN ACCESS 2009
De sonnetten aan Orpheus: Rainer Maria Rilke 2016
The Soul-Body Problem at Paris ca 1200-1250: Hugh of St-Cher and His Contemporaries 2010
Spanish Humanism on the Verge of the Picaresque: Juan Maldonado's Ludus Chartarum Pastor Bonus and Bacchanalia 2009
The Sparking Discipline of Criminology: John Braithwaite and the construction of critical social science and social justice 2011
Spatial Data Infrastructures at Work: Analysing the Spatial Enablement of Public Sector Processes 2013
Strijd & inkeer: De kerk- en maatschappijkritische beweging in Vlaanderen, 1958-1990 2011
The Struggle with Leviathan: Social Responses to the Omnipotence of the State, 1815-1965 2016
Summa (Quaestiones ordinariae) art. LX-LXII 2018
Symbolic Communication in Late Medieval Towns 2006
Syncategoremata: Henrico de Gandavo adscripta 2010
Taoïsme: Een weg van Oost naar West? 2008
Textual Mobility and Cultural Transmission: Tekstmobiliteit en Culturele Overdracht 2006
Tijd, evolutie en duurzaamheid: Lessen voor de eenentwintigste eeuw 2013
Towards a Political Anthropology in the Work of Gilles Deleuze: Psychoanalysis and Anglo-American Literature 2015
Towards an Era of Development: The Globalization of Socialism and Christian Democracy 2006
Towards Tonality: Aspects of Baroque Music Theory 2007
The Transformation of the Christian Churches in Western Europe (1945-2000) / La transformation des églises chrétiennes en Europe occidentale 2010
Translating at the Court: Bartholomew of Messina and Cultural Life at the Court of Manfred of Sicily 2014
Transpositions: Aesthetico-Epistemic Operators in Artistic Research OPEN ACCESS 2018
Two-Dimensional Sonata Form: Form and Cycle in Single-Movement Instrumental Works by Liszt, Strauss, Schoenberg and Zemlinsky 2009
Uit de ketens van de vrijheid: Het debat over de sociale politiek in België, 1886-1914 2007
Unfolding Time: Studies in Temporality in Twentieth Century Music 2009
The United States of Belgium: The Story of the First Belgian Revolution 2018
Universalism and Liberation: Italian Catholic Culture and the Idea of International Community, 1963–1978 2017
Unsayable Music: Six Reflections on Musical Semiotics, Electroacoustic and Digital Music 2014
The Use and Abuse of Sacred Places in Late Medieval Towns 2006
Van mensen en muizen: Vijftig jaar Nederlandstalige Faculteit Geneeskunde aan de Leuvense universiteit 2016
A Versatile Gentleman: Consistency in Plutarch’s Writing 2016
Virtual Works – Actual Things: Essays in Music Ontology OPEN ACCESS 2018
Virtues for the People: Aspects of Plutarchan Ethics OPEN ACCESS 2011
Visie en vooruitgang: Lessen voor de eenentwintigste eeuw 2009
Waarheidsvinding en adviesverlening bij rampen: Naar een onderzoeksorgaan voor veiligheid in België? 2014
War, State, and Society in Liège: How a Small State of the Holy Roman Empire survived the Nine Year's War (1688-1697) 2019
Wetenschap als roeping: Een geschiedenis van de Leuvense faculteit voor wetenschappen 2017
Wetenschap op de proef: Laboratoria in het Belgisch overheidsbeleid, 1870-1940 2016
What Is a Cadence?: Theoretical and Analytical Perspectives on Cadences in the Classical Repertoire 2015
Willensschwäche in Antike und Mittelalter: Eine Problemgeschichte von Sokrates bis Johannes Duns Scotus 2009
Wissensordnungen des Rechts im Wandel: Päpstlicher Jurisdiktionsprimat und Zölibat zwischen 1000 und 1215 2018
Wolfgang Rihm, a Chiffre: The 1980s and Beyond 2017
World Views and Worldly Wisdom. Visions et expériences du monde: Religion, ideology and politics, 1750–2000 · Religion, idéologie et politique, 1750–2000 2016