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“Chief by the People: Nomsimekwana Mdluli, Security, and Authority in the Time before Tribes.” To Swim with Crocodiles: Land, Violence, and Belonging in South Africa, 1800-1996, by Jill E. Kelly, Michigan State University Press, East Lansing, 2018, pp. 3–28. JSTOR,
Kelly, J. (2018). Chief by the People: Nomsimekwana Mdluli, Security, and Authority in the Time before Tribes. In To Swim with Crocodiles: Land, Violence, and Belonging in South Africa, 1800-1996 (pp. 3-28). East Lansing: Michigan State University Press. Retrieved from
Kelly, Jill E. "Chief by the People: Nomsimekwana Mdluli, Security, and Authority in the Time before Tribes." In To Swim with Crocodiles: Land, Violence, and Belonging in South Africa, 1800-1996, 3-28. East Lansing: Michigan State University Press, 2018.

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