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“The Tax Reform Act of 1969 and the Undermining of the Voter Education Project.” Poll Power: The Voter Education Project and the Movement for the Ballot in the American South, by Evan Faulkenbury, University of North Carolina Press, CHAPEL HILL, 2019, pp. 110–134. JSTOR,
Faulkenbury, E. (2019). The Tax Reform Act of 1969 and the Undermining of the Voter Education Project. In Poll Power: The Voter Education Project and the Movement for the Ballot in the American South (pp. 110-134). CHAPEL HILL: University of North Carolina Press. Retrieved from
Faulkenbury, Evan. "The Tax Reform Act of 1969 and the Undermining of the Voter Education Project." In Poll Power: The Voter Education Project and the Movement for the Ballot in the American South, 110-34. CHAPEL HILL: University of North Carolina Press, 2019.

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