ARIES.  (March 20 - April 19):  You may feel like you have to push, but you don't.  That burning sense of urgency is all in your head.  You're cool just doing what you're doing.

TAURUS.  (April 20 - May 20):  You face an impossible situation where you have to sell for less than you paid but make no mistake about it.  You're being thrown a lifeline.

GEMINI.  (May 21 - June 20):  It isn't easy being there for a loved one who's going through a rough time, but facing it together makes this a bonding experience.

CANCER.  (June 21 - July 21):  People want a lot for a little, so why encourage a bad habit?  Tell them no can-do and let facts and figures speak for themselves.

LEO.  (July 22 - Aug. 22):  You tried to make a client happy and he's still unsatisfied.  Do the unthinkable and say take it or leave it.  He'll surprise you with his answer.

VIRGO.  (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22):  The problem with being "old faithful" is that co-workers can take you for granted.  Be a little faithless and watch them scramble.

LIBRA.  (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22):  Sit down with that manual or instructional YouTube video.  Usually this all goes in one mental hemisphere and out the other but today it makes sense.

SCORPIO.  (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21):  You finally learn the reason for a friend's mysterious behavior.  It's upsetting that this person would have kept it from you, but now s/he will tell all.

SAGITTARIUS.  (Nov. 22 - Dec. 20):  Share a secret aspiration with a new acquaintance.  This person sees possibilities in you that old friends overlook.

CAPRICORN.  (Dec. 21 - Jan. 19):  You're at people's beck and call now so you might as well hop to it.  Interruptions in your schedule makes you more focused; not less.

AQUARIUS.  (Jan. 20 - Feb. 17):  You may not be looking for a change but a competitor is serious about his offer.  Check it out.  It pays to know what your market value is these days.

PISCES.  (Feb. 18 - March 19):  To text or not to text?  That is the question.  Don't get all Hamlet about a simple yes or no answer.  Text.  You'll feel a lot better.