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It’s good to question your beliefs about networking

Pay attention to cues during an interview to help you decide if you should help the company before you’re hired.

A job candidate brought up a good point about networking that’s worth mentioning because he is not alone when it comes to misunderstanding networking. His challenges with networking happened when he had to change jobs twice in three years. His last search took him five months to land a job offer and left him with an uncomfortable feeling in reaching out to others.

His dilemma with networking is shared by a lot of people who view networking as something they must do in order to find a job. He enjoys the social aspects of meeting people and likes to share information that could help them, but when he needs information, he described it as an imposition.

Have you ever felt like you were bothering people when you needed information helpful to your job search, especially if you have already approach them within two years? Truthfully, most would agree that it feels awkward.

Anyone who has gone through multiple job searches within a short time frame knows that it can be exhausting. The strain of finances plus the unpredictability of a search can feel overwhelming at times, but in his case being apprehensive in reaching out to his circle of friends again was driving his thoughts about networking.

The thoughts connected with networking often resemble a conflict that takes place with your head and heart. Logically, you know that talking with people has been proven to be the best way to land a job, yet emotionally you don’t want to be a bother to those who have helped you in the past.

If your networking logic keeps you stuck in a rut, chances are you have imposed a self-limited view of networking. Keep in mind the thoughts you have around networking will determine your outcome. If you think it’s bothersome and imposing, you are likely to have challenges with reaching out to people.

The facts indicate most people, at some point in their career, will job search not one time but an average of 12 times during their life. Viewing networking as an imposition can keep you from meeting your next employer and finding a job you love.

Before you start a job search, check your thoughts and question some of your core beliefs. When you encounter a longer job search than expected, in his case five months, several things can happen overtime  — you accumulate rejection or hear nothing from employers which leaves you to fill in the blanks. Losing your routine at work can also impact your actions such as becoming lethargic and leaning towards conducting a job search alone.

Anytime you experience multiple job changes, it’s a good opportunity to reexamine some of your beliefs about networking and try different strategies.

Asking people about opportunities is one way to uncover information but a good plan goes beyond asking  — rather it’s about identifying the right people to create a connection within your area of interest.

To build rapport with networking, speak with confidence when conveying your desire to meet with people, put yourself in their shoes. Are you coming across as confident or grudgingly making a connection?

If you see networking as a one-way street only to be used for job searching, consider broadening your strategy by asking how you can help them. The most successful networkers are those who love to share information as well as receive it  — they have learned that building relationships leads to more attraction and opportunities.

Would like to hear your thoughts, how does networking change when you experience multiple job searches?

Kim Thompson