Heard on The Hilltop

Student Neha Husein Holding a Phone.

The Right Academic Combinations

“People sometimes question my combination of majors. When they do, I point out that so much of my campus involvement—everything from planning and organizing cultural awareness events to serving as the social media and marketing coordinator for the Embrey Human Rights Program—demonstrates how beautifully they mesh together.”

Neha Husein ’19, Founder of the Just Drive App
Marketing and Human Rights double major

Building a Resume With a Strong Degree

"Economics is the most popular major within Dedman College and the second most popular major in the entire university. Our graduates continue to demonstrate impressive performance in initial job placements, including positions at Oracle, American Airlines, Bank of America, Merrill Lynch, Exxon Mobil, JP Morgan Chase, Ernst and Young, Goldman Sachs, and many more globally prominent employers."

Santanu Roy
Chair, Department of Economics

Blending Business and Science for a Future in Medicine

“SMU’s approach to interdisciplinary study has shaped me into a more critical thinker who can approach a problem from both business and scientific perspectives. As I prepare for medical school, my dual degree plan gives me a competitive edge. I am able to pursue diverse internship opportunities, including those that focus on the business and clinical aspects of health care.”

W. Holt Garner ’19
Accounting and Biology double major and Chemistry minor

Preparing for a Career and Life Beyond SMU

“SMU provided me access to professors who pushed me to think, to alumni and a business community eager to see me and others succeed, and to life-long friends, with many of whom I also do business.”

Jonathan R. Childers 02 and ’05, Attorney
Childers graduated in 2002 with a double major in English and History. He graduated from SMU Law in 2005.

Quality Internships in a Thriving Metroplex

“In 2018, the William P. Clements Department of History had 15 students intern across campus and the city—in libraries, museums, and nonprofits such as the World Affairs Council of Dallas/Fort Worth, the George W. Bush Library & Museum, and the Commit Partnership, a coalition working on equitable education in the DFW Metroplex. These experiences provided students with the opportunity to cultivate skills beyond the classroom.”

Jill Kelly
Professor, William P. Clements Department of History


A Degree of Choice

“SMU graduates in World Languages and Literatures have gone on to top law schools and coveted positions in multinational corporations. Marica Mattioli, ’08, paired Finance with a World Languages and Literatures major in Italian and French, and she quickly found a position with Goldman Sachs. James Weidenfeller, ’13, translated his double major in Economics and World Languages and Literatures with French and Spanish into a position as a Business Analyst working for Value Retail in Madrid, Spain."

Dayna Oscherwitz
Professor, Department of World Languages and Literatures