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Transformation in action

  • Intelligent public works

    Optimize budgets and improve efficiencies while maintaining security and compliance. Monitor systems remotely for predictive maintenance, connect field service functions, and engage more holistically with citizens.

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  • Enable personalized care

    Deliver secure, personalized healthcare solutions that analyze patient data to provide specific insights. Improve treatment plans using digital intelligence and engage patients in new, more effective ways. 

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  • Intelligent Sales Advisor for banking and capital markets

    Streamline your interactions with customers and strengthen relationships. Deliver timely offers and personalized service that result in more efficient sales cycles, better experiences, and additional per-client revenue opportunities. 

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  • Connected field services for manufacturing

    Maintain and repair your assets more effectively by connecting mission-critical devices and monitoring them remotely. Get deeper insights from your data to optimize scheduling, equip technicians with timely information, and sell more to customers. 

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Thought leadership

“Every company is a software company. You have to start thinking and operating like a digital company. 

It’s no longer just about procuring one solution and deploying one. It’s not about one simple software solution. 

It’s really you yourself thinking of your own future as a digital company.”


– Satya Nadella, Microsoft CEO

Learn more about digital business transformation



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