Chancellery Research & Enterprise

Chancellery Research & Enterprise develops and oversees the research agenda and enables the Research at Melbourne strategy, cultivating investigator-driven research in the fundamental enabling disciplines, while pursuing applied and interdisciplinary solutions to three Grand Challenges: Understanding our Place and Purpose; Fostering Health and Wellbeing; Supporting Sustainability and Resilience.

  • Chancellery Research and Enterprise Contacts
    Name, email Position, profilePhone
    Professor Jim McCluskeyDeputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) +61 3 8344 3238
    Kat LinsdellExecutive Assistant to DVC (Research) +61 3 8344 3238
    Maria BazzanoAdmin Support Office of the DVC (Research) +61 3 8344 7563
    Doron Ben-MeirVice-Principal (Enterprise) +61 3 8344 5078
    Anne Maree HealeyExecutive Assistant to Vice-Principal (Enterprise) +61 3 8344 5078
    Professor Liz SonenbergPro Vice-Chancellor (Research Infrastructure & Systems) +61 3 9035 8619
    Professor Mark HargreavesPro Vice-Chancellor (Research Collaboration & Partnerships) +61 3 9035 6491
    Professor Julie McLeodPro Vice-Chancellor (Research Capability) +61 3 8344 3455
    Denise SimonExecutive Assistant to PVC (Research Collaboration & Partnerships),
    PVC (Research Capability) and PVC (Research Infrastructure & Systems)
    +61 3 8344 4447
    Professor Justin ZobelPro Vice-Chancellor (Graduate & International Research) +61 3 8344 8479
    Kate TaylorDirector Research Strategy +61 3 9035 5444
    Sharon RenautExecutive Assistant to PVC (Graduate & International Research) and
    to Director Research Strategy
    +61 3 8344 8479
    Chancellery Research and Enterprise Strategy Team
    Julie Barton Research Project Officer +61 3 8344 0961
    Adrian Collins Associate Director International Research +61 3 9035 4518
    Amanda Davis Associate Director Graduate Research +61 3 8344 6568
    Kate Hayes Senior Research Strategy Advisor +61 3 8344 9902
    Annette HerreraResearch Capability Project Officer +61 3 8344 6017
    Vicki Jackson Project Officer (casual) +61 3 9035 9890
    Anne Kelly Research Collaboration Project Officer +61 3 9035 5873
    Phoebe LawtherResearch Infrastructure Development Officer+61 3 8344 3434
    Robyn May Research Capability Advisor +61 3 8344 0360
    Dean Merlino Graduate Research Project Officer +61 3 8344 3399
    Katherine Nesbitt Associate Director Major Research Investment +61 3 8344 2643
    Maria NieuwenhuisResearch Strategy Project Officer+61 3 8344 4076
    Sophia Power Administrative Support +61 3 8344 8101
    Belinda Prakhoff Research Strategy Project Officer +61 3 9035 9813
    Rachel Ramsdale Research Infrastructure Strategy Advisor  +61 3 9035 3636
    Maria RoitmanInternational Research Partnerships Officer+61 3 8344 8384
    Tina TakagakiIndigenous Research Initiative Coordinator (part-time)+61 3 9035 3803
    Shane Wood Research Metrics and Performance Advisor +61 3 8344 2072
  • Committee of Associate Deans Research

    Convened by Chancellery Research and Enterprise, the Committee of Associate Deans Research is a  key stage of review for policies relating to the research portfolio and provides a central link and source of strategic advice to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) for operational and policy research matters within and across faculties – particularly in relation to opportunities for cross-faculty initiatives. [Terms of Reference]


    Prof Julie McLeod (Chair) - Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research Capability)
    Prof Paul Walker - Architecture, Building and Planning
    Prof Jenny Lewis - Arts
    Prof Graham Sewell - Business and Economics
    Prof Jan Van Driel - Education
    Prof Ivan Marusic - Engineering
    Prof Jane Davidson - Fine Arts and Music
    A/Prof Farrah Ahmed - Law
    Prof Mike McGuckin - Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences
    Prof Laura Parry - Science
    Prof Richard Eckard - Veterinary and Agricultural Sciences
    Ken Jefferd - Executive Director, Research Innovation & Commercialisation
    Prof Mark Hargreaves - Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research Collaboration & Partnerships)
    Prof Justin Zobel - Pro Vice-Chancellor (Graduate & International Research)
    Dr Robyn May - Executive Officer

  • Committee of Graduate Research Associate Deans

    The Committee of Graduate Research Associate Deans (CGRAD) coordinates the delivery of graduate research across the University. CGRAD serves as a forum through which the Faculties and Graduate Schools can discuss policies and share best practices, identify opportunities and threats with key University stakeholders including Research Chancellery, Academic Services and the Melbourne Centre for the Study of Higher Education (M-CSHE). [Terms of Reference]


    Prof Justin Zobel (Chair) - Pro Vice-Chancellor (Graduate & International Research)
    Prof Janet Hergt - Vice-President, Academic Board
    Prof Lea Delbridge - Chair, Higher Degrees Research Committee of Academic Board
    A/Prof David Nichols - Architecture, Building and Planning
    A/Prof Kate MacNeill - Arts
    A/Prof Anish Nagpal - Business and Economics
    A/Prof Shelley Gillis - Education
    Prof Tim Baldwin - Engineering
    A/Prof Farrah Ahmed - Law
    Prof Alex Boussioutas - Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences
    A/Prof Andy Martin - Science
    Prof Richard Eckard - Veterinary and Agricultural Sciences
    Prof Jane Davidson - Fine Arts and Music
    Prof Sophie Arkoudis - Melbourne Centre for the Study of Higher Education
    Emily Crisafulli - Graduate Students Association
    Michelle Green - University Services
    Jennifer Decolongon - Graduate Research Managers Advisory Group
    Dr Amanda Davis - Executive Officer