Melbourne Cytometry Platform

Cytometry is a laser-based technique that is widely used for the physical and biochemical characterisation of cells and nanoparticles.

The Capability

Particles that are suspended in a stream of fluid are, following laser excitation, passed through an electronic detection apparatus which captures parametric information around particle size, granularity and biomarker detection. This technology allows simultaneous, multi-parametric analysis of the physical and/or chemical characteristics of up to thousands of particles per second. Fluorescence-assisted cell sorting (FACS) is an extension of this technology that allows individual cell populations to be isolated for further investigation.

The University Platforms

The University of Melbourne has established a large, multi-node cytometry platform with extensive capabilities in flow cytometry analysis, imaging cytometry and FACS.  With nodes across the University's Parkville campus the platform caters for a broad range of research disciplines including immunology, microbiology, stem cell biology, cancer biology, bioengineering and material sciences.

Included in the University's extensive suite of cytometry instrumentation is an Imaging Cytometer (Amnis) that combines cytometry technology with the imaging capabilities of conventional microscopy. The University also has a number of dedicated technical specialists that provide expert training on instrument use, experimental design and data analysis. The capability is available to all users within the research community, including commercial industry, on a fee-for -service basis.

Melbourne Cytometry Nodes

Alexis Gonzalez
+61 3 9341 1567