Primary industry schemes

  • Australian Antarctic Division - Department of the Environment

    The Australian Antarctic Division (AAD) offer the Australian Antarctic Science Program which provides logistical support to enable participants to undertake field work for approved projects in Antarctica in addition to financial support to eligible institutions through a formal grant programme. In the past the AAD has also offered a PhD program in quantitative Antarctic science.

  • Australian Egg Corporation Limited

    AECL invests in research that promotes the development and extensions of the egg industry. There is funding available for research projects that address the specific strategies, in addition to travel and conference costs.

  • Australian Grape and Wine Authority

    The Australian Grape and Wine Authority (AGWA) offers funding to research that can assist the wine sector to improve profitability, sustainability and internationally competitive. The AGWA funds research and development projects, Honours, Masters and PhD scholarships, and Travel scholarships.

  • Australian Meat Processor Corporation

    The Australian Meat Processor Corporation (AMPC) is the Rural Research and Development Corporation that supports the red meat processing Industry throughout Australia.

  • Australian Pork Limited

    The Australian Pork Limited (APL) funds research that furthers the innovation and progress of the pork industry. The APL’s Research and Development Advisory Committee outline annual research strategies to achieve this aim, through which funding is available to researchers.

  • Australian Wool Innovation Limited

    AWI’s objective is to enhance the international competitiveness, sustainability and profitability of the Australian wool industry. The AWI commission project through the National Primary Industries Research, Development and Extension Framework.

  • Brown Coal Innovation Australia

    BCIA offers funding in order to increase the commercial deployment of low emissions brown coal technologies. BCIA provides funding through competitive grant rounds, scholarships and fellowships.

  • Cotton Research and Development Corporation

    The CRDC funds projects that will develop and extend the Australian cotton industry. There are a wide range of funding opportunities including an annual procurement round, minor commissioned projects, student scholarships, travel grants and scientific exchange.

  • Dairy Australia

    DA supports research that improves profitability and sustainability of the dairy supply chain. There are funding opportunities through annual grants, which will fund projects between 1-3 years.

  • Dairy Innovation Australia Limited

    DIAL engages in research that develops profitability, sustainability and international competitiveness in Australian dairy product manufacturing. Funding is offered under the Dairy Innovation Research Grant scheme.

  • Department of Agriculture

    DAFF’s research and development aim is to improve farm gate profitability and productivity for Australian primary producers. They offer a wide range of grant rounds and funding opportunities, including science and innovation awards for young people in agriculture.

  • Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources

    The purpose of the Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources is to create the conditions to sustainably develop the Victorian economy and grow employment.

  • Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning

    DELWP is tasked with creating liveable, inclusive and sustainable communities.

  • Fisheries Research and Development Corporation

    The FRDC promote research and development of Fisheries through four main funding mechanisms; the Annual Competitive Round, Tactical Research Fund, the People Development Program and Industry Partnership Agreements.

  • Forest & Wood Products Australia

    The FWPA invests in research to inform its climate change response, enhance investment, increase usage and ensure the sustainability of forests, wood products and services. Support is available for new projects and postgraduate scholarships.

  • Gardiner Foundation

    The GGDF offer a range of research and innovation programs in addition to tertiary scholarships, aiming to increase milk production volumes whilst being environmentally responsible.

  • Grains Research and Development Corporation

    The GRDC is one of the world’s leading grains research organisations and invests in research that improves the profitability and sustainability of grain growers, through a range of funding initiatives that deliver improvements in production, sustainability and profitability across the Australian grains industry. Along with Research & Development Project Schemes, GRDC also funds Scholarships for Undergraduate and Postgraduate Research.

  • Meat & Livestock Australia Limited

    MLA aims to improve productivity and sustainability of the red meat industry relevant to cattle, sheep and goats. Funding opportunities are offered for industry, researchers and students.

  • Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation

    RIRDC focuses on the development rural industries in addition to increasing understanding of national rural issues through an annual grant round. Areas of current interest include chicken meat, honey bee and pollination, rice, pasture seeds, and new and developing plant industries.

  • Sugar Research Australia

    Sugar Research Australia (SRA) invests in and manages a portfolio of research, development and extension (RD&E) projects that drive productivity, profitability and sustainability for the Australian sugarcane industry.

  • Water Research Australia Limited

    WaterRA aims to address key water industry scientific and technical knowledge gaps and emerging risks. Funding is available through direct investment, collaborations and support in national competitive schemes.