Industry research collaboration

Scheme opportunities focused on building and strengthening collaborations for research and development with industry, government and not-for-profit groups.

  • Australian Renewables Energy Agency

    ARENA supports renewable energy activities through its funding programmes, which help to develop technologies and improve investor confidence in renewable energy projects to strengthen those projects' chances of success. Their  funding programmes uniquely span the innovation chain from research in the laboratory to large-scale pre-commercial deployment activities.

    Research and Development Programme to support world-class research and development in priority renewable energy technologies in competitive rounds.

    Advancing Renewables Programme to support activities that reduce the cost or increase the value delivered of renewable energy, advance renewable energy technologies towards commercial readiness, reduce or remove barriers to uptake, or increase relevant skills, capacity and knowledge. Available in open call and competitive rounds.

  • ARC Industrial Transformation Research Hubs

    Provides funding for R&D; partnerships between industry and universities that will that will help transform Australian industries so they can prosper in a richer, fairer and greener Australia. The Research hubs will encourage R&D; projects that could help solve the big problems facing our industries today. Managers, researchers and industry workers will work together to address these problems.

  • ARC Industrial Transformation Training Centres

    Provides funding for R&D; partnerships between industry and universities that will that will help transform Australian industries so they can prosper in a richer, fairer and greener Australia. The training centres will foster close partnerships between university-based researchers and the industry members who will use the research outcomes.

  • Cooperative Research Centres Projects (CRC-Ps)

    The Cooperative Research Centres (CRC) Programme has been a feature of the Australian Government research and innovation agenda for 25 years. The CRC Programme continues to encourage and facilitate industry-led collaboration between industry and research.

  • CRC Program - Cooperative Research Centres

    The Cooperative Research Centres (CRC) Program has been a feature of the Australian Government research and innovation agenda for 30 years. The CRC Program continues to encourage and facilitate industry-led collaboration between industry and research.

  • Linkage Projects

    Supports collaborative research between higher education organisations and other bodies (including industry), enabling the application of advanced knowledge to problems, typically those involving risk. Proposals must involve a partner organisation from outside the higher education sector.

  • Partnership Projects

    Support new and existing partnerships in conducting research that influences the design and evaluation of health and health care policy and practice. The scheme does not include the evaluation of clinical interventions on individual patients (e.g. new treatments, diagnostic techniques, pharmaceuticals or surgical procedures) as such research is supported through Project Grants and Program Grants.

  • Victorian Future Industries Fund

    The Future Industries Fund has been created to focus on developing key high growth, high value industry sectors to further enhance Victoria’s competitive advantage by building on existing strengths in each industry sector.