Customised programs

Custom Education (CE) is the University's multidisciplinary provider of professional and tailored education services for and in partnership with government and corporate clients.

Customised education programs

Organisational and professional development needs cannot always be met by traditional tertiary offerings with a single disciplinary focus and on-campus lecture-style delivery. Research, Innovation & Commercialisation (RIC), in partnership with the University's faculties and schools, develop customised professional development programs in many areas of professional and technical education to meet your specific development needs. Visit the UoM Commerical website  to view a list of programs on offer and to register.

Professional development or formal qualifications

You can customise your program solely as a professional development course or as a formal, graduate qualification from the University of Melbourne. A formal qualification can also give your staff credit towards other tertiary study. Whatever you choose, your tailored program will meet the University's strict quality and academic integrity requirements.

Flexible design and delivery

We work with organisations and professionals to design programs that combine academic expertise from a wide range of disciplines. As a result, our programs are unique and highly specialised.

The traditional mode of studying on-campus may not suit geographically dispersed workforces and project teams, full and part-time working arrangements, or other specialist professional training. We work with you to deliver programs nationally and internationally using a variety of methods that respond to your organisational needs.

Relevant and applied training

University of Melbourne academic staff lead our courses, often presenting in collaboration with partner organisations and industry experts. This combination of academic research, thought leadership and the integration of organisation and industry experience ensures the material is current and relevant in organisational contexts.

To reinforce learning and professional development, we design assessment based on your organisational projects and using your organisation's data.

What we do

The CE Team provides an enquiry and commercial development portal for government and businesses seeking customised professional education services from the University of Melbourne. Working closely with our clients and the academic staff of the University, CE identifies, generates, develops and manages customised award and non-award professional and technical education courses that differ from the University’s traditional offerings.

Our business development, student services and delivery teams provide clients with dedicated, responsive and efficient services designed in direct response to customer requirements.

CE’s Professional and Technical Education capacity is the gateway through which business and government clients access the University’s extensive intellectual resources in disciplines as diverse as animal and human health, finance, art, engineering, information technology, education and the environment.

CE assists our clients with the following:

  • Course development and design
  • Marketing collateral (design, production and distribution)
  • Business development
  • Contract management
  • Financial management
  • Production of course materials
  • Venues and catering
  • Flights and accommodation (where required)
  • Course evaluations.

The CE team develop and deliver programs that may be:

  • fully flexible in delivery format (online, face-to-face, mixed mode) as well as location (Melbourne, interstates, as well as overseas);
  • multi-disciplinary and draws
    on academic input from across multiple departments and faculties;
  • co-branded with a corporate client;
  • offered exclusively to a single corporate entity (non public); and
  • incorporated with content that is kept from the public domain (commercial in confidence and confidential data).

View our programs and register