In her role as Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research Capability) Professor Julie McLeod works with other senior members of the university's research community, and with Associate Deans (Research) across all faculties of the University to support and enhance research performance, and to recruit and support outstanding researchers at all levels.  Professor McLeod has a particular interest in the research needs of the humanities, social sciences and professional research fields. As Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research Capability) she also has responsibilities for ethics and research integrity matters.

Professor Julie McLeod is Professor in Curriculum, Equity and Social Change at the Melbourne Graduate School of Education and has previously held positions as Assistant Dean (Research Training) and Deputy Director of the Melbourne Social Equity Institute. Her research is in the sociology and history of education, with specialist interests in curriculum, gender, youth, and educational reform. More information is available from her personal web page and Find an Expert profile.

(Rm 615) Level 6, Raymond Priestley Building,
The University of Melbourne, VIC 3010
Executive Assistant
Denise Simon,
+61 3 8344 4447