David Smith


Cloud Advocate at Microsoft. Tweets about AI, Data Science, R and other things I love: culture, politics, gaming, my husband . He/him.

Chicago, IL
Se unió en abril de 2009


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  1. Tweet fijado
    28 may. 2018

    That does it. I am officially switching back to “Statistician”.

  2. hace 23 horas

    If it’s a bit, he’s been at it for a long time.

  3. retwitteó
    3 may.

    I just found out about this and I refuse to believe it is anything but an elaborate bit

    Mostrar este hilo
  4. 3 may.

    Know anyone at startups in Berlin or Paris who'd like to learn from the Microsoft for Startups team? We have free events on May 14 and 16:

  5. 3 may.
  6. retwitteó
    2 may.

    Introducing Remote Development for 🚀💻🛰️ A new set of extensions that enable you to open any folder in a container, on a remote machine, or in the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) and take advantage of VS Code's full feature set. 👉

  7. 2 may.

    Mozilla is offering $25,000 in research funds to extend R to run in the browser. Get your grant application in before May 31 (see: RQ5)

  8. 2 may.

    The developer of the policing app declined to show the confidence scores associated with potential matches, but instead ‘added an unnecessary purple “scanning” animation whenever a deputy uploaded a photo — a touch he said was inspired by cop shows like “CSI.”’

  9. retwitteó
    1 may.

    JPEG XL (.jxl) is a new responsive and universal image format proposal. ’s FUIF is one of the proposals in review by the JPEG standard group

  10. retwitteó
    30 abr.

    That is my car. Think R has kind of become part of my identity

  11. retwitteó
    1 may.

    Today, we want to give a ✨ MASSIVE ✨ shout-out to all developers that talk to us in user interviews, and help us make our documentation and experiences around it better. We are so happy you are willing to share your time with us. Thank you! 👏

  12. retwitteó
    1 may.

    See also Applin 2018: "Google Is Saving Its Own Time, Not Yours Algorithmic guessing misses what makes us human."

  13. retwitteó
    1 may.

    Creative Commons new image search is dope - found this though, that’s a weird kingfisher

    Mostrar este hilo
  14. retwitteó
    1 may.

    My article on “The Mindset: Six principles to build organizations” is out on - Thanks to all people who have contributed and helped me with this article! @radiomorillo 💫🌟

  15. retwitteó
    30 abr.

    Remember all those articles from December about how Google Translate had addressed gender bias? I tried it again today, and it's the same "He is a doctor; She is a nurse" results that have been given for years.

    Headlines saying: Google is working to remove gender bias in its translations (12/07/18), Reducing Gender Bias in Google Translate (Dec 6, 2018), Google Translate gets rid of some gender biases (5 months ago)
    Now, however, for certain languages, Translate will offer both a masculine and a feminine translation when either might be appropriate.

This feature is currently only available when translating English into French, Italian, Portuguese or Spanish and when translating from Turkish to English. Google uses the example of "o bir doktor" now being translated to both "she is a doctor" and "he is a doctor" rather than just
    Google translate.  English: She is a doctor. He is a nurse. translates to Turkish: o bir doktor. o bir hemsire.
Turkish:  o bir doktor. o bir hemsire. translates to English: he is a doctor. she is a nurse.
    Mostrar este hilo
  16. retwitteó
    1 may.

    If you ever use word embeddings, this is information you need to have.

  17. retwitteó
    30 abr.

    We are proud to officially announce RStudio v1.2 The IDE includes dozens of new productivity enhancements and capabilities Read the update at

  18. retwitteó
    30 abr.

    We're partnering with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs to bring the Xbox Adaptive Controller to veterans with limited mobility, connecting them to the games they love and the people they want to play with.

  19. retwitteó
    30 abr.

    I remember the days when I built my own gaming PCs. Eventually I sold out and bought a Xbox because I just wanted to play games, not build gaming rigs. Serverless is like that.

  20. 30 abr.

    Connect to data from the Microsoft Graph — Active Directory, Office 365, Windows services and more — from R with the new AzureGraph package

  21. retwitteó
    30 abr.

    Mozilla provides $25k grant for research project on compiling (parts of) R into WebAssembly. Apply by May 31.


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