> Conditional R2: 0.913 > Marginal R2: 0.216 # compute intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC) icc(model) > # Intraclass Correlation Coefficient > > Adjusted ICC: 0.889 > Conditional ICC: 0.697 Now let's compute all available indices of performance appropriate for a given model. This can be done via the model_performance(). # Compute all performance indices model_performance(model) > AIC BIC R2_conditional R2_marginal ICC_adjusted ICC_conditional RMSE > 1 107 119 0.91 0.22 0.89 0.7 0.31 Bayesian Mixed Models For Bayesian mixed models, we have the same features available (r-squared, ICC, …). In this example, we focus on the output from model_performance() only. # Load the rstanarm package library(rstanarm) # Fit a Bayesian mixed model model ELPD ELPD_SE LOOIC LOOIC_SE R2_Median R2_MAD R2_Mean R2_SD R2_MAP > 1 -44 10 87 20 0.47 0.045 0.47 0.046 0.47 > R2_CI_low R2_CI_high R2_marginal_Median R2_marginal_MAD R2_marginal_Mean > 1 0.4 0.55 0.27 0.045 0.27 > R2_marginal_SD R2_marginal_MAP R2_marginal_CI_low R2_marginal_CI_high > 1 0.048 0.29 0.19 0.34 > R2_LOO_adjusted > 1 0.45 Don't forget to check out the documentation here for more! More details about performance's features are comming soon, stay tuned ;) Get Involved There is definitely room for improvement, and some new exciting features are already planned. Feel free to let us know how we could further improve this package! To conclude, note that easystats is a new project in active development. Thus, do not hesitate to contact us if you want to get involved :) Check out our other blog posts here!"/>
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Compute R2s and other performance indices for all your models!

April 29, 2019
Compute R2s and other performance indices for all your models!

Indices of model performance (i.e., model quality, goodness of fit, predictive accuracy etc.) are very important, both for model comparison and model description purposes. However, their computation or extraction for a wide variety of models can be complex. To address this, please let us introduce the performance package! performance We have recently decided to collaborate around the new easystats project, a...

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My book ‘Cricket analytics with cricketr and cricpy’ is now on Amazon

April 29, 2019
My book ‘Cricket analytics with cricketr and cricpy’ is now on Amazon

‘Cricket analytics with cricketr and cricpy – Analytics harmony with R and Python’ is now available on Amazon in both paperback ($21.99) and kindle ($9.99/Rs 449) versions. The book...

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Getting a Data Science Job is not a Numbers Game!

April 29, 2019
Getting a Data Science Job is not a Numbers Game!

My First (Non Data Science) Job Search Let me tell you a story about my first job search. It was 2010, and data science jobs weren't really a thing yet....

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Why use RTutor for interactive tutorials if there is RStudio’s learnr?

April 29, 2019
Why use RTutor for interactive tutorials if there is RStudio’s learnr?

There are nowadays different options to create interactive R tutorials that allow users to type in code, automatically check their solution and get hints if they are stuck. Two...

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Templated output in R

April 28, 2019

Earo Wang, who is the curator for the We are R-Ladies twitter feed this week (last week of April, 2019), had a really nice tweet about using the whisker...

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visualising bias and unbiasedness

April 28, 2019
visualising bias and unbiasedness

A question on X validated led me to wonder at the point made by Christopher Bishop in his Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning book about the MLE of the...

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Interact with PostGIS from R

April 28, 2019
Interact with PostGIS from R

PostGIS extends capabilities of PostgreSQL database to deal with spatial data. Using PostGIS, your database supports geographic queries to be run directly in SQL. In this blog post, we...

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RStudio’s multiple cursors rule!

RStudio’s multiple cursors rule!

(TL;DR: Come on. This is pretty short. Productivity level up by harnessing the power of RStudio!)

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NYC… Dangerous or Deadly?

April 28, 2019
NYC… Dangerous or Deadly?

Introduction Data & Methodology The App and Results Map Tables and Charts Future Research

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Tips to Reduce the Complexity of Slide Making with Xaringan

April 28, 2019

Although I’m a strong believer in R Markdown, I’m not so sure about it in the realm of slide making. After using GUI slide making tools such as Powerpoint...

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The Mrs. White probability puzzle

April 28, 2019
The Mrs. White probability puzzle

tl;dr -I don’t remember how many games of Clue I’ve played but I do remember being surprised by Mrs White being the murderer in only 2 of those games....

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Test your tidyness – a short quiz to check your tidyverse capabilities

Test your tidyness – a short quiz to check your tidyverse capabilities

Over the last month I gave a tidyverse + intro to data science corporate training in a startup in Tel-Aviv. We had two groups (beginners and intermediates), and for...

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Bayes vs. the Invaders! Part Four: Convergence

April 28, 2019
Bayes vs. the Invaders! Part Four: Convergence

Sealed and Buried In the previous three posts in our series delving into the cosmic horror of UFO sightings in the US, we have descended from the deceptively warm...

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Parsing and Visualizing Transcriptomics Data in Shiny

April 27, 2019
Parsing and Visualizing Transcriptomics Data in Shiny

Introduction The genome represents the history book and instruction set of all organisms on Earth. Over the last century, genetic analysis has provided deep insight into the underpinnings of...

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Teaching Factory Physics Flow Benchmarking with R and Many-Objective Visuals

Teaching Factory Physics Flow Benchmarking with R and Many-Objective Visuals

Teaching to seasoned managers in MBE classes is challenging. While it’s important to bring new thoughts and ideas and not sound repetitive, it is necessary to provide a theoretical...

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Fast food, causality and R packages, part 1

Fast food, causality and R packages, part 1

I am currently working on a package for the R programming language; its initial goal was to simply distribute the data used in the Card and Krueger 1994 paper that...

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11,264 Regressions in One Tidy Plot

11,264 Regressions in One Tidy Plot

Following up on a recent blog article that discussed how to use R to explore your researcher degrees of freedom, this post introduces a specification curve plot as suggested...

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Le Monde puzzle [#1099]

April 27, 2019
Le Monde puzzle [#1099]

A simple 2×2 Le Monde mathematical puzzle: Arielle and Brandwein play a game out of two distinct even integers between 1500 and 2500,  and y. Providing one another with...

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Earthquake Analysis (1/4): Quantitative Variables Exploratory Analysis

April 27, 2019
Earthquake Analysis (1/4): Quantitative Variables Exploratory Analysis

CategoriesBasic Statistics Tags Data Management Data Visualisation Exploratory Analysis Import Data R Programming In this post series, we are going to introduce the exploratory analysis of a dataset as available at ref. reporting earthquakes and...

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More General Weighted Binning

April 27, 2019

You might be wondering what motivates me spending countless weekend hours on the MOB package. The answer is plain and simple. It is users that are driving the development...

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Quick Hit: Scraping javascript-“enabled” Sites with {htmlunit}

April 27, 2019
Quick Hit: Scraping javascript-“enabled” Sites with {htmlunit}

I’ve mentioned {htmlunit} in passing before, but did not put any code in the blog post. Since I just updated {htmlunitjars} to the latest and greatest version, now might...

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Data Layout Exercises

April 27, 2019

John Mount, Nina Zumel; Win-Vector LLC 2019-04-27 In this note we will use five real life examples to demonstrate data layout transforms using the cdata R package. The examples...

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Setting up continuous multi-platform R package building, checking and testing with R-Hub, Docker and GitLab CI/CD for free, with a working example

April 27, 2019
Setting up continuous multi-platform R package building, checking and testing with R-Hub, Docker and GitLab CI/CD for free, with a working example

Introduction In the previous post, we looked at how to easily automate R analysis, modeling, and development work for free using GitLab’s CI/CD. Together with the fantastic R-hub project, we...

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A new image on DigitalOcean to start using RStudio Server without waiting more than 2 minutes

April 26, 2019

At the end of the post there is a promotional link for free DigitalOcean credits. Motivation I initially made an close-access image for DigitalOcean because I wanted to spend my lectures...

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Robust measurement from a 2-way table

April 26, 2019

I work in a university.  My department runs degree courses that allow students a lot of flexibility in their choice of course “modules”.  (A typical student takes 8 modules...

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Frankfurt Data Science Meetup: Opening the Black Box

April 26, 2019
Frankfurt Data Science Meetup: Opening the Black Box

We went to the Frankfurt Data Science Meetup where our Head of Data Science gave a talk about explainable AI. If you missed it, here are the main takeaways! Der...

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Checking reverse dependencies: the tiny way

April 26, 2019
Checking reverse dependencies: the tiny way

The tools package that comes with base R makes checking reverse dependencies super easy. Build your package tarball (the pkg_x.y.z.tar.gz file). R CMD build /your/package/location It is a good...

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DALEX for keras and parsnip

April 26, 2019
DALEX for keras and parsnip

DALEX is a set of tools for explanation, exploration and debugging of predictive models. The nice thing about it is that it can be easily connected to different model...

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Shiny v1.3.2

April 25, 2019
Shiny v1.3.2

We’re excited to announce the release of Shiny v1.3.2. This release has two main features: a new reactivity debugging tool we call reactlog, and much faster serving of static...

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