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amhistorymuseum 1h
When other weight loss methods didn't work for Jean Nidetch, she created her own.
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Debbie Wasserman Schultz May 1
This Jewish American Heritage Month, let's honor and celebrate the countless contributions the Jewish community has made on our nation's history and culture - and let us continue to lead the calls for progress, equality, and justice for all.
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Debbie Wasserman Schultz 1 May 16
Today's the start of Jewish American Heritage Month! Looking forward to a month celebrating our heritage across the country.
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Jacky Rosen May 2
In May we celebrate Jewish American Heritage Month. Let’s work to make the world a better place and live our Jewish values of tzedakah and tikkun olam.
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Jax Federation 5 May 15
In honor of we spotlight Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who was our nation's first Jewish female Supreme Court Justice.
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Rep. Jacky Rosen May 4
Jewish values like Tzedakah and Tikkun Olam are something I try to live each and every day. As we reflect on these values this month, let’s recommit to standing up against anti-Semitism in all its forms, and standing up for equality and acceptance.
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TMX Companies May 24
“There are only two ways to live your life...." -- Albert Einstein
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National Gallery of Art 17 May 14
In the bottom left corner of Chagall's mosaic "Orphée" a group of people wait to cross a large body of water.
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SmithsonianFolklife 3h
Flory Jagoda escaped Bosnia when she was 17 with a forged train ticket, a non-Jewish name, and her accordion. Now living in Alexandria, VA, named her a National Heritage Fellow for carrying on her family's Sephardic music traditions.
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Jax Federation 15 May 15
continues w/Barbara Streisand who's grandparents came to the U.S. via Russia where her grandfather was a cantor
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Debbie Wasserman Schultz 3 May 16
There's a reason why 2/3 of Jews identify as Democrats. My thoughts on the 11th Jewish Am. Heritage Month.
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EMILY's List May 20
. served as the chair of the board of the Jewish Federations of America. Now, she's continuing to give back to her community by running for office.
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Nancy Pelosi 1 May 17
reinforces the importance of staying committed to the pursuit of justice in the face of anti-Semitic violence.
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Quote Of The Day CT May 14
"The future is invented again and again, and all kinds of ingenious applications are made that we simply do not have the capacity to anticipate." - Dr. Arthur Kornberg (1918-2007)
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Quote Of The Day CT May 15
"In a world beset by irrational influences, with often devastating consequences, the Nobel Prizes call attention to the triumph of reason. They salute our search for understanding. They celebrate discovery of the most basic facts of nature." - Dr. Roger D. Kornberg
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Madam President May 12
. inspires us to strive to be our best.
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Madam President 13 May 17
Activist and ardent feminist Bella Abzug blazed a trail for women in Congress.
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JAHM May 22
Stephen Sondheim is a pillar in the world of Broadway, writing the music and lyrics for musicals such as Into the Woods and Sweeny Todd among many others. He also worked with on West Side Story.
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EMILY's List 20 May 17
. is fighting hate and bigotry.
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EMILY's List May 27
. continues to inspire the next generation of women leaders and rising stars.
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