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Importance to man

In addition to their importance in literature and legend, birds have been significant to human society in myriad ways. Birds and their eggs have been at least incidental sources of food for humans since their origin and still are in most societies. The eggs of some colonial seabirds, such as gulls, terns, and murres, or guillemots, and the young of some muttonbirds are even now harvested in large quantities. With the development of agrarian human cultures, several species of chickens, ducks, geese, and pigeons were taken in early and have been selectively bred into many varieties. These domestic birds are descended, respectively, from the red jungle fowl (Gallus gallus), mallard duck (Anas platyrhynchos), greylag goose (Anser anser), and rock dove (Columba livia). After the discovery of the New World, the turkey (Meleagris gallopavo), which had already been domesticated by the Indians, and the Muscovy duck (Cairina moschata) were brought to Europe and produced several varieties. Guinea fowl (Numida meleagris) from Africa were also widely exported and kept not only for food but also because they are noisy when alarmed, thus warning of the approach of intruders.

Besides being a food source, pigeons have long been bred and trained for carrying messages, their wartime use dating to the Roman era, according to Pliny the Elder. Messenger pigeons were widely used by German, British, and American forces in World Wars I and II and by the United States in the Korean War. In the South Seas, the ability of frigate birds to “home” to their nesting colonies enabled island inhabitants to send messages by these birds.

With the development of modern culture, hunting evolved from a foraging activity to a sport, in which the food value of the game became secondary. Large sums are now spent annually on hunting waterfowl, quail, grouse, pheasants, doves, and other game birds. Sets of rules and conventions have been set up for hunting, and in one elaborate form of hunting, falconry, there is not only a large body of specialized information on keeping and training falcons but also a complex terminology, much of it centuries old.

Feathers have been used for decoration for many thousands of years. Their use in the headpieces of indigenous peoples throughout the world is well known. Feather robes were made by Polynesians and Eskimos; and down quilts, mattresses, and pillows are part of traditional European folk culture. Large feathers have often been used in fans, thereby providing an example of an object put to opposite uses—for cooling as well as for conserving heat. Whereas most feathers used in decorating are now saved as by-products of poultry raising or hunting, until early in the 20th century, egrets, grebes, and other birds were widely shot for their plumes alone. Ostrich farms have been established to produce plumes as well as meat, and some ostriches have been raised specifically for racing. Large quills were once widely used for writing, and feathers have long been used on arrows and fishing lures.

Many birds are kept as pets. Small finches and parrots are especially popular and easy to keep. Of these, the canary (Serinus canaria) and the budgerigar of Australia (Melopsittacus undulatus, often called a parakeet) are widely kept and have been bred for a variety of colour types. On large parks and estates, ornamental species such as peacocks (Pavo cristatus), swans, and various exotic waterfowl and pheasants are often kept. Zoological parks in many cities import birds from many lands and are a source of recreation and enjoyment for millions of people each year.

With the rise of agriculture, man’s relationship with birds became more complex. Vast quantities of guano (bird excrement) were mined from island breeding colonies for use as fertilizer for crops. However, in regions where grain and fruit are grown, depredations by birds may be a serious problem. In North America various species of blackbirds (family Icteridae) are serious pests in grainfields; in Africa a grain-eating finch, the red-billed quelea (Quelea quelea), occurs like locusts, in plague proportions so numerous that alighting flocks may break the branches of trees. The use of city buildings for roosts by large flocks of starlings and blackbirds is also a problem, as is the nesting of albatrosses on airplane runways on Pacific islands. As a result of these problems, conferences on the control of avian pests are commonly held.

Although birds are subject to a great range of diseases and parasites, only a few of these are known to be capable of infecting man. Notable exceptions are ornithosis psittacosis, or parrot fever, a serious and sometimes fatal disease resembling viral pneumonia. The microorganism responsible for the disease is transmitted directly to man from pigeons, parrots, and a variety of other birds via their excrement. Encephalitis, an inflammation of the brain, is also serious, but this infection is transmitted to man and to his domestic animals via biting arthropods, including mosquitoes. West Nile virus can likewise be transmitted. Wild birds may also act as reservoirs for diseases that adversely affect domesticated birds.

The study of birds has contributed much to both the theoretical and practical aspects of biology. Charles Darwin’s studies of the Galapagos finches and other birds during the voyage of HMS Beagle were important in his formulation of the idea of the origin of species through natural selection. Collections of birds in research museums still provide the bases for important studies of geographic variation, speciation, and zoogeography, because birds are one of the best known of animal groups. Early work on the domestic fowl added to the development of both genetics and embryology. The study of animal behaviour (ethology) has been based to a large extent on studies of birds by Konrad Lorenz, Nikolaas Tinbergen, and their successors. Birds also have been the primary group in the study of migration and orientation and the effect of hormones on behaviour and physiology.

Man’s impact on bird populations is very strong. Since 1680 approximately 80 species of birds have become extinct, and a larger number are seriously endangered. While pollution and pesticides are important factors in the decline of certain large species, such as the peregrine falcon, osprey, and California condor, the destruction of natural areas and introduction of exotic animals and diseases have probably been the most devastating. Concerted efforts of research and conservation are required to ensure the survival of rare species.

Robert W. Storer

Natural history


Because of their body structure and their feathered covering, birds are the best fliers among animals, better than insects and bats. There are, however, considerable differences in ability among various birds. Penguins cannot fly, instead spending much of their time in the water swimming with their paddlelike wings. Birds such as ostriches and emus have rudimentary wings but are permanently afoot. At the other extreme, long-winged swifts and frigate birds move from their perches only to fly, never to walk. Most birds alternate some walking or swimming with their flying.

Birds usually fly when they have any considerable distance to travel; there are exceptions, however. The mountain quail of California make their annual migrations up and down the mountains on foot. The guillemots of the Greenland coast migrate southward by swimming; they begin their journey before the young have grown their flight feathers and before some of the adults at least have regrown their recently molted ones. The Adélie penguins may ride northward on drifting ice floes; at the approach of nesting time, they swim back to the Antarctic continent and then walk over the ice to their breeding grounds many miles inland.


Birds fly by flapping their wings, steering mainly with their tails. Compared to the parts of an airplane, a bird’s wing acts as both wing and propeller. The basal part of the wing supplies most of the supporting surface, the wing tip most of the propelling force. A bird’s wing has many adjustable features: it can be shortened or lengthened by flexion; the feathers of the tip can be spread or closed; the angle of the whole wing or its parts—on one side or both—can be altered. All of these adjustments make the aerodynamics of a bird’s wing much more complicated than those of the airplane; consequently, the flight of a bird is much more varied and adaptable.

The types of flight found in birds vary considerably, and different types of wings correlate with different types of flight. At least two major types of modifications for gliding or soaring are found. Albatrosses and some other seabirds have long, narrow wings and take advantage of winds over the oceans, whereas some vultures and hawks have broad wings with slotted tips that permit more use of updrafts and winds deflected by hills. Short, broad wings are characteristic of chickenlike birds, which fly up with a rush of rapid wing beats. Birds such as ducks, pigeons, and falcons, which fly rapidly with continuous wing beats, tend to have moderately long, pointed wings. Many songbirds use their short, rounded wings to move with quick wing beats from perch to perch or from ground to perch. Ducks have pointed wings that, beaten at high speed, provide rapid flight for long distances. Swallows, terns, and frigate birds have long, pointed wings that enable these birds to fly and maneuver gracefully for hours with leisurely wing beats. Large herons with long, broad wings travel far with slow, measured strokes, while buzzards soar high in the sky on their long, broad wings. Gulls and albatrosses, with their long, narrow wings flapping infrequently, sail along the beaches or over the waves. Swifts and hummingbirds, with their narrow, curved wings, fly rapidly and maneuver easily. A hummingbird can whir its tiny wings so rapidly that it can hover as it thrusts its long bill into a blossom; it can even fly backward as it leaves the bloom.

The shape of a bird’s tail also appears to be related to flight. The forked tails of frigate birds and terns enable quick changes of direction, and the barn swallow uses its deeply forked tail in making the intricate patterns of its graceful flight. A goshawk pursuing its prey through the forest uses its long tail in making quick turns. There is, however, such great diversity in birds’ tails that the precise size and shape probably is not of critical importance. For example, ducks, with their short tails, have a swift but direct flight, but long, graduated tails are often found in rapid, direct fliers such as some parrots and doves. Woodpeckers and some other climbing birds have strong tail feathers with stout shafts, which they use as props while on the trunks of trees.

The speed with which birds fly also varies greatly, and of course individual birds can vary their speed. Data on the speed of bird flight are difficult to evaluate. One of the complicating factors is that a bird’s speed in relation to the ground may depend on the force of the wind. Despite the variables involved in determining a bird’s speed of flight, the following generalized speeds, based on level flight in calm air, appear to be sound:

  • 15–30 km/hr (kilometres per hour) (10–20 mph [miles per hour])—many small songbirds such as sparrows and wrens
  • 30–50 km/hr (20–30 mph)—many medium-sized birds such as thrushes and grackles, and larger, long-winged birds such as herons, pelicans, and gulls
  • 30–60 km/hr (20–40 mph)—many small- and medium-sized birds such as starlings, chimney swifts, and mourning doves
  • 60–100 km/hr (40–60 mph)—the faster-flying birds such as falcons, ducks, geese, and domestic pigeons. A homing pigeon has been timed at 152 km/hr (94 mph).
  • The fastest bird, however, is the peregrine falcon, whose speed in a dive has been measured in excess of 320 km/hr (200 mph).

The record long-range flight of a bird species in a single season is undoubtedly held by the Arctic terns that migrate from a summering ground in the Arctic to a wintering ground in the Antarctic, travelling more than 11,600 km (7,200 miles) each way. Some long-range flights are made very quickly: a blue-winged teal banded in Canada was recovered 6,100 km (3,800 miles) away in Venezuela only 30 days later; a Manx shearwater, trapped at its nest in Wales and transported 5,200 km (3,200 miles) to Massachusetts and released, returned home in 121/2 days. Some very small birds regularly make long water crossings in a single flight. Ruby-throated hummingbirds fly across the more than 800-km- (500-mile-) wide Gulf of Mexico, and many warblers fly from the American coast to Bermuda, a journey of about the same distance. For further information, see migration.


Some birds have completely lost the power of flight during the course of evolution. The close similarity in the basic structure of flightless and flying birds, however, indicates that they all had a common flying ancestor. The rudimentary wings and the flightless condition of penguins and the ratites (ostriches and the like) is therefore a secondary, specialized condition. That flightlessness is a secondary condition is made still more apparent in other flightless birds that belong to families most of whose members are capable of flight. The extinct great auk of the North Atlantic is one of the best-known examples of such a flightless bird; the rail family also is noted for having many flightless species living on islands in the Pacific and the South Atlantic. Loss of flight seems to occur most often on isolated islands where there are no mammalian predators. In New Zealand, where there are no native land mammals of any kind, there were many species of extinct flightless moas, and there are still flightless kiwis, penguins, and rails as well as a duck, an owl, and several songbirds that are nearly flightless. The ratites of South America (rhea), Africa (ostrich), and Australia (cassowary) present an apparent contradiction to this correlation of mammal-free island habitats with bird flightlessness. Another adaptation, however—their great size—has enabled these birds to escape predation by mammals.

Walking and hopping

The bipedal gait of birds, dictated by modification of the forelimbs for flight, necessitates manipulation of food by the bill and feet. This poses problems in balance. The relative lengths of the segments of the legs must be such that, as the bird shifts from a standing to a sitting position, its centre of gravity remains over the feet. As some birds moved out of the trees and became terrestrial or aquatic, their legs were accordingly modified. In very large, slow-moving birds such as moas, the leg bones became very heavy. The toes became shorter, and the opposable first toe has been lost in rapidly running forms such as rheas and ostriches. The ostrich is the fastest runner, crossing stretches of savanna at a speed of 72.5 km/hr (45 mph). The toes became very long in birds that walk on aquatic vegetation or soft ground. Jacanas with their greatly elongated toes and claws walk over floating water weeds, and herons with long legs wade in shallow water. Wading birds developed long, thin legs, and climbing birds developed short legs with strongly curved, sharp claws. In swimming and diving birds, webs developed between the toes or lobes on the sides of the toes.

Terrestrial birds such as pheasants tend to walk; arboreal songbirds tend to hop as they travel from branch to branch. Tree dwellers such as woodpeckers, toucans, and the other members of order Piciformes, as well as parrots, can travel easily up and down trees because both of their outer toes face backward; in almost all other birds, only one toe faces to the rear. Parrots often walk along branches, and house sparrows hop when they come to the ground, while palm warblers walk on the ground and some songbirds, such as American robins and European blackbirds, may both walk and hop. Some birds with small feet, such as swifts, hummingbirds, bee-eaters, and many hornbills, use their feet only for perching and rarely walk at all. Other birds with robust feet, such as guinea fowl and rails, do most of their moving about on foot.

The usual position of a bird’s body in walking is more or less parallel to the ground. But the penguins, with their feet far to the rear of their bodies, stand upright as they waddle along. When the Adélie penguin makes its trek of many miles over the snow-covered ice to its breeding grounds, it may vary its awkward waddle with periods of tobogganing—i.e., sliding along on its breast and propelling itself with thrusts of its feet.

Swimming and diving

Some birds (auks, diving petrels, and certain ducks) use the wings for propulsion underwater as well as in the air. The wings of penguins have become highly modified into paddles that allow them to “fly” underwater; they use their webbed feet only for steering. Auks, on the other hand, use both their wings and webbed feet in swimming underwater. Several other water birds have become so adapted to swimming that they are practically helpless on land. In this class are loons, which shuffle awkwardly the few feet from the water to their nests. Swimming in birds is usually correlated with webbed feet, but coots and grebes, with only lobes on their toes, also swim and dive, and gallinules, with neither webs nor lobes, commonly swim. On the other hand, frigate birds, with partly webbed feet, never swim.

Some birds, such as the mallard, usually swim at the surface, feeding only as far underwater as they can reach by dipping their heads. Other ducks, such as scoters and pochards, commonly dive to the bottom for their food, and cormorants, auks, and loons pursue fish underwater. Sometimes loons are taken at remarkable depths in fishermen’s nets and on set lines, indicating that they may dive as deep as 61 metres (200 feet). Emperor penguins, however, are the best divers, having been recorded at depths of 483 metres (1,584 feet).

Pond ducks, such as mallards and teals, spring straight up from the water’s surface into the air in flight, but many swimming birds—for example, coots, grebes, cormorants, and diving ducks—take off with a long spattering run along the surface.

Austin L. Rand


Birds depend to a great extent on innate behaviour, responding automatically to specific visual or auditory stimuli. Even much of their feeding and reproductive behaviour is stereotyped. Feather care is vital to keep the wings and tail in flying condition and the rest of the feathers in place, where they can act as insulation. Consequently preening, oiling, shaking, and stretching movements are well developed and regularly used. Some movements, such as the simultaneous stretching of one wing, one leg, and half the tail (all on the same side) are widespread if not universal among birds. Stretching both wings upward, either folded or spread, is another common movement, as is a shaking of the whole body beginning at the posterior end. Other movements have evolved in connection with bathing, either in water or in dust. Such comfort movements have frequently become ritualized as components of displays.

Many birds maintain a minimum distance between themselves and their neighbours, as can be seen in the spacing of a flock of swallows perched on a wire. In the breeding season most species maintain territories, defending areas ranging from the immediate vicinity of the nest to extensive areas in which a pair not only nests but also forages. The frequency of actual fighting is greatly reduced by ritualized threat and appeasement displays. Birds range from solitary (e.g., many birds of prey) to highly gregarious, such as the guanay cormorants of the Peru Current off the west coast of South America, which nest in enormous colonies of hundreds of thousands and feed in large flocks with boobies and pelicans.


Auditory signals, like visual ones, are almost universal among birds. The most familiar vocalization of birds is that usually referred to as “song” (see birdsong). It is a conspicuous sound (not necessarily musical) that is used, especially early in the breeding season, to attract a mate, to warn off another bird of the same sex, or both. As such it is usually associated with establishing and maintaining territories. Individual variation in songs of many species is well known, and it is believed that some birds can recognize their mates and neighbours by this variation. Many other types of vocalizations are also known. Pairs or flocks may be kept together by series of soft location notes. Alarm notes alert other individuals to the presence of danger; in fact, the American robin (and probably many other species) uses one note when it sees a hawk overhead and another when it sees a predator on the ground. Begging calls are important in stimulating parents to feed their young. Other calls are associated with aggressive situations, courtship, and mating. Nonvocal sounds are not uncommon. Some snipe and hummingbirds have narrow tail feathers that produce loud sounds when the birds are in flight, as do the narrowed outer primaries of the American woodcock. The elaborate courtship displays of grouse include vocalizations as well as stamping of the feet and noises made with the wings. Bill clapping is a common part of courtship in storks, and bill snapping is a common threat of owls.


Most birds build nests in which the eggs are laid. Nests vary widely: they may be a scrape in the sand, a deep burrow, a hole in a tree or rock, an open cup, a globular or retort-shaped mass with a side entrance tube, or an elaborately woven hanging structure. The materials with which nests are made also vary widely. Some nests are lined with small stones, and others are built of dirt or mud with or without plant material. Sticks, leaves, algae, rootlets, and other plant fibres are used alone or in combination. Some birds seek out animal materials such as feathers, horsehair, or snakeskin. The nest materials may be held together by weaving, sewing, or felting the materials themselves or with mud or spider webs. Swifts use saliva to glue nest materials together and to attach the nest to the supporting structure. In at least one species of swift, the entire nest is made of saliva and is the prized ingredient of birds’ nest soup in the Orient.

All birds incubate their eggs, except megapodes (mound builders), which depend on the heat generated by decaying vegetation or other external sources, and brood parasites such as cuckoos and cowbirds, which lay their eggs in the nests of other species. Murres and the king and emperor penguins build no nest but incubate with the egg resting on top of the feet.

In most birds a brood patch on the abdomen is developed. This bare area is fluid-filled (edematous) and highly vascularized; it directly contacts the eggs during incubation. Its development during the breeding season is under hormonal control. When the parent is off the nest, adjacent feathers are directed over the brood patch, and it is usually not apparent. A few birds (e.g., boobies) keep their webbed feet over the eggs during incubation.

Incubation takes from 11 to 80 days, depending at least in part on the size of the bird and the degree of development at hatching. Most songbirds and members of some other groups are hatched nearly absent of feathers and helpless (altricial), and they are brooded until well able to regulate their body temperature. They are fed by the parents even after they are capable of flight. The young of numerous other birds, such as chickens, ducks, and shorebirds, are hatched with a heavy coat of down and are capable of foraging for themselves almost immediately (precocial). Still others, such as the petrels and the auks, are downy when hatched but remain in the nest and are fed by their parents.

The length of time that parents care for young birds varies widely. Young megapodes can fly shortly after hatching and are entirely independent of their parents; young royal albatrosses may spend more than eight months at the nest and in the area immediately around it before they can fly. The length of time needed to attain independence is related to size and condition at hatching. Ground-nesting birds tend to take less and hole-nesting birds more time than the average.

The number of eggs in a set (clutch) varies from 1 to about 20. Some species invariably lay the same number per clutch (determinate laying), whereas in the majority the number is variable (indeterminate laying). In species of the latter category, clutch size tends to be smaller in tropical regions than in cold ones. There is also a tendency for birds in warm regions to make more nesting attempts in a given season. In the Arctic, where the season is very short, the cycle of breeding and the molt that follows it are compressed into a minimum of time.

Feeding habits

The earliest birds were probably insectivorous, as are many modern ones, and the latter have evolved many specializations for catching insects. Swifts, swallows, and nightjars have wide gapes for catching insects on the wing; some woodpeckers can reach wood-boring grubs, whereas others can catch ants by probing anthills with their long, sticky tongues; thrashers dig in the ground with their bills; tree creepers and woodhewers probe bark crevices; and warblers glean insects from many kinds of vegetation. Raptorial birds (raptors and owls) have evolved talons and hooked bills for feeding on larger animals, and vultures have bare heads and tearing bills for feeding on carrion. Herons have spearlike bills and trigger mechanisms in the neck for catching fish, while kingfishers, terns, and boobies plunge into the water after similar prey. Long-billed waders probe for worms and other invertebrates. Of the many kinds of birds that feed on plant material, most use seeds, fruit, or nectar, which are high in food value; leaves and buds are eaten by fewer species. While some kinds of birds feed entirely on a single kind of food, others may take a wide range of foods, and many have seasonal changes in diet.

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