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PICS: 2 buses ablaze in Cape Town

2019-04-25 17:40

A Golden Arrow as well as a MyCiti bus went up in flames on Thursday afternoon in Cape Town and officials are still investigating the circumstances that led to both fires.

Cushioned in the vicinity around Cape Town station, a Golden Arrow bus terminal was a hive of activity of a different kind, as commuters and passers-by stood around as firefighters contained the blaze.

The fire comes a week after a train was allegedly set alight just metres away at Cape Town station.

When News24 arrived at the scene, the fire had been completely contained. "Three fire engines, a rescue vehicle and 17 staff members were on the scene to battle the blaze," said City of Cape Town Fire and Rescue spokesperson, Jermaine Carelse.

"No injuries were reported and the cause of the fire is unknown." 

Operations continued as normal as firefighters contained the blaze.

Bus fire, Cape Town

The shell of a burnt out bus in the Cape Town CBD. (Kamva Somdyala, News24)

A few kilometres away, a MyCity bus was also alight in the center lane of Hospital Bend's inbound route, causing traffic disruptions.

"With the bus that we've got alight on the Hospital Bend ingoing, the N2 inbound at Hospital Bend is closed, all traffic is diverted onto the M3 outgoing... M3 incoming traffic is diverted onto Woolsack Drive where we have got that road closure," the city's safety and security director Richard Bosman said shortly after 17:00.


(Supplied by the City of Cape Town)

It is understood that the fire started in the engine compartment and quickly engulfed the entire bus. No passengers, including the driver, were on board.

On Sunday, News24 reported that five carriages from two train coaches were set alight at the train station.

The suspect, Thobela Xoseni, who was nabbed after being identified from CCTV footage, made a brief appearance at the Cape Town Magistrate’s court on Tuesday on a charge of malicious damage to property.

Xoseni will appear again on May 2.

Bus fire, Cape Town
Firefighters inspect the burnt out shell of a Golden Arrow bus in the Cape Town CBD. (Kamva Somdyala, News24)

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