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Balaclava-clad gunmen kill two in 'underworld' shooting

2017-06-28 21:21
Two men were killed in a shooting, said to be linked to an underworld turf war, outside a Pinelands shopping centre on Wednesday evening. (Supplied)

Two men were killed in a shooting, said to be linked to an underworld turf war, outside a Pinelands shopping centre on Wednesday evening. (Supplied)

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Cape Town – Two men have been killed in Pinelands in a shooting said to be linked to an escalating underworld turf war.

Several sources with inside knowledge said two suspects, dressed in black and wearing balaclavas, opened fire on the duo outside a popular shopping centre in the area late on Wednesday.

It is understood the two men who were killed were in a white BMW.

One of those killed was believed to be the second-in-command of a prominent gang leader based in the northern suburbs.

However, this information was not officially confirmed.

Police did not immediately respond to an email query on the matter on Wednesday night.

An underworld turf battle over the lucrative nightclub security industry has been playing out in Cape Town, leading to several shootings.

Businessman Nafiz Modack is said to be heading a new underworld faction, which is effectively hijacking the control of club security from an older, more established grouping.

The takeover has resulted in several shootings.

On May 8 alleged Sexy Boys gang leader Jerome Booysen was wounded in a shooting in Elsies River.

He was wounded in the neck and shoulder.

Sources said he had been on his way to visit another man, who was also shot, in the Cravenby area.

Read more on:    cape town  |  crime

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