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Myers, David N., editor. “The Legacy of MLK: January 15, 1982.” The Eternal Dissident: Rabbi Leonard I. Beerman and the Radical Imperative to Think and Act, 1st ed., University of California Press, Oakland, California, 2018, pp. 54–59. JSTOR, Accessed 11 Aug. 2020.
The Legacy of MLK: January 15, 1982. (2018). In Myers D. (Ed.), The Eternal Dissident: Rabbi Leonard I. Beerman and the Radical Imperative to Think and Act (pp. 54-59). Oakland, California: University of California Press. Retrieved August 11, 2020, from
"The Legacy of MLK: January 15, 1982." In The Eternal Dissident: Rabbi Leonard I. Beerman and the Radical Imperative to Think and Act, edited by Myers David N., 54-59. Oakland, California: University of California Press, 2018. Accessed August 11, 2020.

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