Nothing beats a calm, quiet day farming slimes on the Far, Far Range in Slime Rancher. However, if you're going to be a Slime Rancher of any worth, you have to keep an eye on what slimes you should house on your farm and which you should stay away from.

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There are multiple factors to consider, such as how much value their plorts have on the Plort Market, how much of a danger they present to your person, and how adorable they are. Read on if you want a quick rundown of the worst and best pure-form slimes to have on your ranch.

Updated July 25, 2021 by Amanda Hurych: Updates to the core Slime Rancher experience have given players more Slimes to care for. New expansions have also provided new areas to explore. With so much fresh content available, it might be hard to keep up on which Slimes should have a priority place on your farm. Here is a ranking of every base-type Slime in the game. Not included are Largo Slimes, which are combinations of regular Slimes, Feral Slimes, which are hostile versions of regular Slimes, or Gordo Slimes, which are singular Slimes that do not function like regular Slimes.


21 The Tarr

Tarr Slimes are the absolute worst. They rot nearby fruits and vegetables, and they create more of themselves just by existing near other slimes. Tarr Slimes are created when a Largo Slime (a mix of two kinds of slimes) eats a plort that is not of either of its kinds. The only way you can get rid of the Tarr is by splashing it with water. They produce nothing of value and are a danger to your ranch.


20 Glitch Slime

Glitch Slime from Slime Rancher

Glitch Slimes spawn in the Slimeulaltion area, and while they are adorable, glitchy things, they are not as valuable as you might think at first. Glitch Slimes can be hard to locate because they have a mischievous habit of disguising themselves as other Slimes. They do not eat real food (since they are a part of the Slimeulation), so they do not produce Plorts. They are a hassle to wrangle, though their habit of duplicating and disappearing make them fun to chase.


19 Pink Slime

A group of pink slimes

We don't mean to bash on the Pink Slime, but they are the most common type of slime on the Far, Far Range. The best thing about them is that they can eat any type of food, be it fruit, vegetable, or meat.

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However, the default value for Pink Plorts is only seven Newbucks. They are cute, though.

18 Rock Slime

These vegetarian slimes are a common sight, right up there with the Pink Slimes. A major difference between a Pink Slime and a Rock Slime is that a Rock Slime can hurt you. They have a tendency to roll around, hitting your rancher with their rocky tops. These painful bumps come at the default cost of fifteen Newbucks per Rock Plort.


17 Phosphor Slime

Phosphor Slimes are the cutest slimes your rancher can meet in the dead of night. They don't appear out in the day, so if you want to house them on your ranch, you need a shaded area like a cave. Phosphor Slimes only like fruits, and their plorts have a starting value of fifteen Newbucks.

16 Tabby Slime

As their name suggests, Tabby Slimes come in the form of a very rotund cat. These feline slimes are some of the most common slimes found in the Far, Far Range. They only eat meat, so if you want to keep a few on your ranch, be sure to make a Hen Hen coop, too. Tabby Plorts are only fifteen Newbucks, but they sure do make up for that with their adorable little ears.


15 Quicksilver Slime

Quicksilver Slime from Slime Rancher

Quicksilver Plorts can make you a fortune if Mochi Miles decides to pay you a decent amount for them. However, you are subject to her prices because she is the only one who will sell off Quicksilver Plorts; the Plort Market won't touch them. Though they might drop high rewards, dealing with Quicksilver Slimes is an exorbitant problem. They feed on electricity, and if they are overfed, they burst out a static discharge that can hurt you.

14 Rad Slime

Rad Slimes eat vegetables and have plorts that have a default value of 30 Newbucks. However, keeping a Rad Slime can be a dangerous prospect for a slime rancher. Rad Slimes emit a radioactive aura that can damage you over time. Luckily, this aura is easily visible and therefore easily avoidable.


13 Honey Slime

Honey Slimes look so sweet, you just want to plop them in your mouth and eat them like candy. Don't do that. They pop out Honey Plorts that cost 30 Newbucks, with no added danger to your rancher.

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However, be wary of other slimes near your precious Honey Slimes. Their Honey Plorts are not wanted solely for their market value.

12 Fire Slime

Fire Slimes can give you Fire Plorts, which earn your rancher a whopping 50 Newbucks per plort. However, Fire Slimes are such a hassle to maintain. You can't house them close to other slimes, and they only eat ash.

That means you have to purchase an incinerator for your Fire Slimes to feed properly. Their plorts also have to be kept on fire for them to have any value.


11 Puddle Slime

Puddle Slimes subsist on water, so the only thing you need to feed and house them is a body of water. After that, it's just a simple matter of collecting their Puddle Plorts and exchanging them for Newbucks. Their starting value is 45 Newbucks, which isn't bad given how little you have to do to care for these guys.

10 Boom Slime

As their name implies, Boom Slimes have a tendency to go boom. They explode with any sort of contact.

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These explosions do not harm the Boom Slimes, but it can damage your rancher if you're not careful. Consider buying a music box to soothe their frazzled nerves. Their plorts give you 30 Newbucks.


9 Crystal Slime

Like the Rock Slimes, Crystal Slimes have sharp outcroppings on their heads that can hurt a careless rancher. They also like to make crystals grow near their pens. However, their Crystal Plorts have a default value of 60 Newbucks. Keep feeding them veggies, and you'll find yourself rolling in Newbucks.

8 Saber Slime

Saber Slime from Slime Rancher

Saber Slimes live in The Wilds, and the starting price for their Plorts is 60 Newbucks. Like Tabby Slimes, they have a diet of meat, and they are fairly easy to care for. They can leap incredibly high heights though, so it is definitely a worthy investment to build a pen for them with high walls and a ceiling.


7 Mosaic Slime

Mosaic Plorts have a starting value of 75 Newbucks. Keeping Mosaic Slimes on your ranch, however, is a strenuous exercise. They produce glints of light from their bodies that can ignite the ground around them in flames. Also, since they're so shiny and dazzling, other slimes can't help but be drawn toward them...and their fires.

6 Quantum Slime

Quantum Slimes are cute, looking similar in color to Honey Slimes. They do have a habit of teleporting exactly where you don't wan them to. They like to eat fruits, and their favorite food is the Phase Lemon. If you keep a close eye on them and feed them when it looks like they're about to teleport, you should be able to manage just fine.


5 Hunter Slime

It is difficult to find Hunter Slimes on the Far, Far Range since they have the ability to turn invisible. If you explore your surroundings carefully, you might be able to catch their large, glowing eyes peering out at you in midair.

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Hunter Plorts go for 60 Newbucks on the market, and since they're so rare, it's likely they will keep that value if you don't inundate the market with them.

4 Tangle Slime

Tangle Slimes get really uppity when they're not fed on time, and when a Tangle Slime gets uppity, it lets the whole ranch know. It emits a burst of pollen that will cause other slimes to become agitated. A Tangle Slime can also use underground vines to steal food from outside its pen. Those 75 Newbucks from their Tangle Plorts better be worth it.


3 Dervish Slime

Glass Desert

Chaos reigns on a ranch when a Dervish Slime gets loose. They create mini-twisters that propel them up in the air and suck up objects on the ground. If you are hungering for those Newbucks from their Dervish Plorts, try housing them as far as possible from your other slimes. In case of an outbreak, you'll be glad of the space.

2 Lucky Slime

Lucky Slimes are rare, feline-looking slimes that do not poop out plorts like other slimes do. Instead, they shoot out Newbucks. If you spot one in the wild, try feeding it some Hen Hens. If you're lucky, the Lucky Slime will shoot out some coins for you to gather.

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