Popular battle royale title PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds has been banned in Nepal because its violent gameplay is having a negative impact on the country's children, per a report from Reuters.

The Himalayan nation's federal investigation authority has decreed that all internet service providers, mobile operators, and network service providers should block streaming of the game, which has been the case as of this Thursday.

"We have ordered the ban on PUBG because it is addictive to children and teenagers," deputy director at the country’s telecoms regulator Nepal Telecommunications Authority Sandip Adhikari told the aforementioned source.

Adhikari admits there have been no reports of any incidents stemming from PUBG but did reveal that parents are worried about their children being distracted from their studies and other routine chores. And, following an investigation ordered by the Nepalese government, it was determined that the game has been a source of addiction for local kids.

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This all comes in the wake of The Duke of Sussex, Prince Harry, calling for Fortnite, a similar title, to be banned.

"That game shouldn't be allowed," he said at a YMCA event in west London, ahead of the UK's Gaming Bafta Awards earlier this month. "Where is the benefit of having it in your household?

"It's created to addict, an addiction to keep you in front of a computer for as long as possible. It's so irresponsible.

"It's like waiting for the damage to be done and kids turning up on your doorsteps and families being broken down."

Prince Harry also asserted that social media is "more addictive than alcohol and drugs."

Fortnite has come under intense scrutiny from medical personnel in the US as of late and a recent report revealed that a young boy went as far as taking a hammer to the windshield of his parents' car because he believed that the device he used to play the game was locked in there.

“They are not sleeping. They are not going to school. They are dropping out of social activities," Dr. Michael Rich, director of the Clinic for Interactive Media and Internet Disorders at Boston Children's Hospital claims. "A lot of kids have stopped playing sports so they can do this."

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