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Levant, (from the French lever, “to rise,” as in sunrise, meaning the east), historically, the countries along the eastern Mediterranean shores. Common use of the term is associated with Venetian and other trading ventures and the establishment of commerce with cities such as Tyre and Sidon as a result of the Crusades. It was applied to the coastlands of Asia Minor and Syria, sometimes extending from Greece to Egypt. It was also used for Anatolia and as a synonym for the Middle or Near East. In the 16th and 17th centuries, the term High Levant referred to the Far East. The name Levant States was given to the French mandate of Syria and Lebanon after World War I, and the term is sometimes still used for those two countries, which became independent in 1946. An equivalent term, Al- Mashriq (“where the sun rises”) exists in Arabic.

This article was most recently revised and updated by Noah Tesch, Associate Editor.

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