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Azure DevOps Blog

DevOps, Git, and Agile updates from the team building Azure DevOps

Changes to Coded UI Test in Visual Studio 2019

We've been recommending for a while that customers use the open source tools Selenium and Appium tools, therefore the Visual Studio 2019 release marks their final deprecation.

We recommend using Selenium for testing web-applications and Appium with WinAppDriver for testing desktop (WPF, WinForms, Win32) and UWP apps. For testing Dynamics 365 apps, we recommend using the EasyRepro framework that is built on top of Selenium.

What’s new in Azure DevOps Sprint 149?

Sprint 149 has just finished rolling out to all organisations today and you can check out all the cool features in the release notes. Here is just a snapshot of some of the features that you can start using today.

Creating a UK hosted Azure DevOps organizationCreating a UK hosted Azure DevOps organization
Azure DevOps Now Available in the UK

At the Microsoft Reactor in London this morning, Donovan Brown announced that customers can now create Azure DevOps organizations and choose that their data will be hosted in the UK Azure geography.

Azure Boards Project Paper Cuts

We recognize that throughout the years, Azure Boards's workflows have accumulated smaller issues and usability nitpicks which have failed to become part of bigger product initiatives. This is where Project Paper Cuts comes in.

Admin & Licensing

Azure ExpressRouteAzure ExpressRoute
ExpressRoute for Azure DevOps

Today we are excited to announce that Azure DevOps is now available over Azure ExpressRoute. Customers who typically operate in the government and financial services sectors have requested this support because they want private connections that don’t go over the public Internet for security reasons. ExpressRoute also typically offers them more reliability, faster speeds, and lower latencies than typical Internet connections.

Using AzureAD identities in Azure DevOps organizations backed by Microsoft Accounts

Azure DevOps now supports AzureAD (AAD) users accessing organizations that are backed by Microsoft accounts (MSA). For administrators, this means that if your organization uses MSAs for corporate users, new employees can use their AAD credentials for access instead of creating a new MSA identity.

Revoking potentially impacted tokens from ESLint vulnerability

On the 24th of July 2018, we notified some customers via e-mail and on this blog about a planned action that we would start taking in relation to the malicious ESLint NPM package incident. This action is now underway.

Enabling administrators to revoke VSTS access tokens

As promised in the Protecting our users from the ESLint NPM package breach blog post last week, we have deployed new REST APIs to allow administrators of Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS) accounts to centrally revoke Personal Access Tokens (PAT) and JSON Web Tokens (JWT) created by users in their accounts.

If I am a VSTS Stakeholder, can I also be an Admin?

Today, we’re excited to announce that users with the Stakeholder access level can now be administrators in Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS). With these upcoming changes, Stakeholders can administer access levels,

VSTS Public Projects Limited Preview

Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS) offers a suite of DevOps capabilities to developers including Source control, Agile planning, Build, Release, Test and more. But until now all these features require the user to first login using a Microsoft Account before they can be used. 

Deadline extended for connecting VSTS accounts to AzureAD

On January 5, 2018, I announced that Visual Studio Team Services will no longer allow creation of new MSA users with custom domain names backed by AzureAD.  While most customers agree with the direction of this change,

Supporting AzureAD Conditional Access Policy across VSTS

In February 2017, VSTS announced support for Azure Active Directory Conditional Access Policy (CAP).  One caveat that was called out in that announcement was that alternate authentication mechanisms, such as personal access tokens,

VS Subscriptions and linking your VSTS account to AzureAD

A few weeks ago, I posted about a change coming to organizations managing their identities with Microsoft Accounts (MSAs); as of March 30th, you will no longer able to create new MSAs with a custom domain name that is linked to an Azure Active Directory tenant. 

VSTS will no longer allow creation of new MSA users with custom domain names backed by AzureAD

3-28-2018 UPDATE : The deadline listed below has been extended to the end of September.  Read my latest blog post for more information.
On September 15, 2016, the Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) team blocked the ability to create new Microsoft accounts using email addresses in domains that are configured in Azure AD.


Analytics For Azure DevOps Services is Now Generally Available

Analytics for Azure DevOps Services is Now Generally Available! Read this blog to learn more about the exciting features that you can start using!

Edit and Delete Discussion Comments on the Work Item

You can now edit and delete comments in your work item's discussion! Read this blog to learn more about the experience.

Azure Boards Project Paper Cuts

We recognize that throughout the years, Azure Boards's workflows have accumulated smaller issues and usability nitpicks which have failed to become part of bigger product initiatives. This is where Project Paper Cuts comes in.

New Basic Process Available in Azure DevOps

Our new Basic Process is now available in Azure DevOps. This process is light and simple so you can get started working immediately without having to understand any complex concepts. Give it a try today.

New Advanced Text Editor on the Work Item Form in Azure DevOps

With the Azure DevOps Sprint 143 Update, we’re excited to announce the availability of our new rich text editor on the work item form in Azure Boards. The work item form can be accessed in Azure Boards from the work items hub,

Announcing new REST API’s for Process Customization

In the new 5.0 (preview) version we combined the two inherited REST API's under a single domain. Making it much easier to determine what REST API endpoints to use. What domain you need depends on the process model used by your projects.

New Work Hubs

In our recent post “New navigation for Visual Studio Team Services” we shared an early look at our plans for the upcoming year. For the Work hubs in VSTS, we’re investing in ways that address usability issues many of you have shared with us.

New Navigation for Visual Studio Team Services

I’m excited to share the new navigation we’re working on for Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS) to modernize the user experience and give you more flexibility. As Lori mentioned in her blog post,

Queries Hub Updates Generally Available

The New Queries Hub streamlines many of the existing features from the old hub and provides new capabilities to make it easier to get to the queries that are important to you.

Announcing the deprecation of the WIT and Test Client OM

Updated contents on April 2, 2018
Since the first version of Team Foundation Server (TFS) in 2005, we have provided a set of SOAP APIs for programmatic interaction with Work Items and Tests.

Azure & Cloud

Top Stories from the Microsoft DevOps Community – 2019.04.12

I’m back from a few weeks of travelling – a fun mix of conferences and holiday – and I’m happy to be home. I’m particularly excited that I’ll be here in England for the Global Azure Bootcamp in just a few weeks.

April Security Release: Patches available for Azure DevOps Server 2019, TFS 2018.3.2, TFS 2018.1.2, TFS 2017.3.1, and the release of TFS 2015.4.2

For the April security release, we are releasing fixes for vulnerabilities that impact Azure DevOps Server 2019, TFS 2018, TFS 2017, and TFS 2015. These vulnerabilities were found through our Azure DevOps Bounty Program.

Creating a UK hosted Azure DevOps organizationCreating a UK hosted Azure DevOps organization
Azure DevOps Now Available in the UK

At the Microsoft Reactor in London this morning, Donovan Brown announced that customers can now create Azure DevOps organizations and choose that their data will be hosted in the UK Azure geography.

March Security Release: Patches available for TFS 2018.3.2, TFS 2018.1.2, and TFS 2017.3.1

For the March security release, we are releasing a fix for a cross site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in release management (CVE-2019-0777). This impacts TFS 2017 and TFS 2018. We are releasing patches for TFS 2018 Update 3.2,

Announcing Azure DevOps Server 2019 RTW

Today, we announced the release of Azure DevOps Server 2019, the evolution of Team Foundation Server. This is the first release of our new brand and new navigation. You can read about the new features in our release notes.

Top Stories from the Microsoft DevOps Community – 2019.03.01

I don’t know why but it seems like some weeks are just busier than others for everybody. And y’all have obviously been busy, because this week I got so many notifications about Agile,

Create a CI/CD pipeline for your Azure IoT Edge solution with Azure Pipelines

Modern software moves quickly and demands more from developers than ever. New CI/CD tools can help developers deliver value faster and more transparently, but the need for customized scripts that address different kinds of edge solutions still presents a challenge for some CI/CD pipelines.

Top Stories from the Microsoft DevOps Community – 2019.02.15

I hope you had another great week – I certainly did! I had the good fortune to spend time building out some fun container-based Azure Pipelines builds for open source projects.

Using Azure DevOps from the Command Line

We're pleased to announce that we now have a public preview of Azure DevOps extension for the Azure CLI which is available cross platform. The extension allows you to experience Azure DevOps from the command line, bringing the capability to manage Azure DevOps right to your fingertips!

Microsoft DevOps blog has moved!

Today, the Microsoft DevOps blog has began moving to a new platform with a modern, clean design and powerful features that will make it easy for you to discover and share great content. Stay tuned for a follow-up post with links to other blogs plus FAQs in the next few hours!

Azure DevOps Server

April Security Release: Patches available for Azure DevOps Server 2019, TFS 2018.3.2, TFS 2018.1.2, TFS 2017.3.1, and the release of TFS 2015.4.2

For the April security release, we are releasing fixes for vulnerabilities that impact Azure DevOps Server 2019, TFS 2018, TFS 2017, and TFS 2015. These vulnerabilities were found through our Azure DevOps Bounty Program.

Announcing Azure DevOps Server 2019 RTW

Today, we announced the release of Azure DevOps Server 2019, the evolution of Team Foundation Server. This is the first release of our new brand and new navigation. You can read about the new features in our release notes.

February Security Release: Team Foundation Server 2018 Update 3.2 Patch 1 is available

We announced the Azure DevOps Bounty Program a few weeks ago. We’re excited that this effort has already helped us on our mission to provide the highest level of security for our customers. Thanks to everyone who is participating in the Bounty program.

Updates to Java requirements for TFS Search

The search feature of Team Foundation Server (TFS) uses Elasticsearch, which depends on Java SE. Until now, Oracle Java SE was the supported version of JRE for TFS search. With the change in Oracle licensing terms, there will be no more “free public Java updates” and users are required to buy a subscription to continue to get JRE updates for commercial use.

Azure DevOps Server 2019 RC2 now available

Today, we released Azure DevOps Server 2019 RC2. This is our last planned prerelease before our final release of Azure DevOps Server 2019. RC2 includes some new features since RC1. You can upgrade from Azure DevOps Server 2019 RC1 or previous versions of TFS. You can find the full details in our release notes.

Team Foundation Server Security Updates

Today, we are releasing updates for a cross site scripting (XSS) vulnerability and an issue where in some instances task groups may incorrectly show variables that are marked as secret. Team Foundation Server 2017 and 2018 are impacted. We have released patches for TFS 2017 Update 3.1 and TFS 2018 Update 1.2. We have also released TFS 2018 Update 3.2, which is a full install that includes these fixes.

Azure ExpressRouteAzure ExpressRoute
Announcing Azure DevOps Server 2019 RC1

Yesterday, we announced Azure DevOps Server 2019 RC1. This is the evolution of TFS and the first release with our new brand and new navigation. We've added a ton of new features which you can read about in our release notes.

Security fixes for Team Foundation Server

Today, we are releasing a fix for a potential cross site scripting (XSS) vulnerability. This impacts Team Foundation Server 2017 and 2018. We have released patches for TFS 2017 Update 3.1, TFS 2018 Update 1.1, and TFS 2018 Update 3. We have also released TFS 2018 Update 3.1, which is a full install that includes this fix.

Azure DevOps Reporting – What reports do you want?

If you are using Azure DevOps – we want to hear what reporting metrics are important to you. We've authored a short survey to gather this data.

Team Foundation Server 2018 Update 3 and Update 1.1 are available

Last week, we released both TFS 2018 Update 3 and TFS 2018 Update 1.1. Update 3 is a roll up of bug fixes on top of Team Foundation Server 2018 Update 2. You can see a list of the bugs that were fixed in the release notes.


Approve Azure Pipelines deployments from Slack

Many of our customers use Slack channels to manage Azure Pipelines. Today, we're making it even easier for you, with a tighter integration that lets you be more productive - even when you're on the go!

Hosted Pipelines Announcements: VS 2019, Mojave, and more

Hosted Agents in Azure Pipelines are getting a Windows Server 2019 image with VS 2019 installed, macOS agents are upgrading to Mojave (OS X 10.14), and we share a few upcoming road map items!

Cross-Platform Container Builds with Azure Pipelines

This is a follow-up to Matt Cooper’s earlier blog post, “Using containerized services in your pipeline“. If you haven’t yet, I encourage you to read that post to understand the new container syntax in the pipeline definition.

Create a CI/CD pipeline for your Azure IoT Edge solution with Azure Pipelines

Modern software moves quickly and demands more from developers than ever. New CI/CD tools can help developers deliver value faster and more transparently, but the need for customized scripts that address different kinds of edge solutions still presents a challenge for some CI/CD pipelines.

Announcing launch of Azure Pipelines app for Slack

I am excited to announce the availability of the Azure Pipelines app for Slack. If you use Slack, you can use the Azure Pipelines app for Slack to easily monitor the events for your pipelines. Set up and manage subscriptions for completed builds, releases, pending approvals and more from the app and get notifications for these events in your Slack channels.

Adding caching to Azure Pipelines

For a long while, Azure Pipelines users have been asking to improve performance on the hosted build agents by adding caching for common scenarios like package restore. The issue came up in a recent popular Hacker News item, so we wanted to share an update.

Top 5 Open Source Features in Azure Pipelines

When I became a Program Manager, I gave up writing software for a living. So I did what many programmers do when faced with such a dilemma: I started working on open source software in my spare time. One of the projects that I work on is called libgit2.

Automating Releases in GitHub through Azure Pipelines

Do you own a GitHub repository? Do you create releases on GitHub to distribute software packages? Do you manually compile a list of changes to be included in release notes? If yes, you will be excited to know that you can now automate creation and modification of GitHub Releases directly from Azure Pipelines. This can be done through the GitHub Release task that is now rolled out to all users.

Include ServiceNow Change Management in Azure Pipelines

In DevOps ecosystem, choice of systems and collaboration between cross-functional teams is critical. Incidence response and change management are key DevOps activities. ServiceNow is a market leader for IT service management, and we are delighted that Azure Pipelines and ServiceNow have partnered together for an integration of Azure Pipelines with ServiceNow Change Management.

Azure DevOps Agents on Azure Container Instances (ACI)

This article provides a solution for running Azure DevOps agents (Build/Release agents) on Windows Server Core based containers, hosted on Azure Container Instances (ACI). A solution like this might be useful, when the default Microsoft-hosted agents don't fit your requirements, and you don't prefer using "traditional" IaaS VMs for running your self-hosted agents.


What’s new in Azure DevOps Sprint 149?

Sprint 149 has just finished rolling out to all organisations today and you can check out all the cool features in the release notes. Here is just a snapshot of some of the features that you can start using today.

Top Stories from the Microsoft DevOps Community – 2019.04.05

The big news this week is the launch of Visual Studio 2019. If you weren’t able to watch the video keynote live, don’t worry. It was all recorded for you so you can watch it on-demand.

Top Stories from the Microsoft DevOps Community – 2019.03.29

One of the embarrassing things that can happen to you when you travel a lot is that you start to forget what day of the week it is. When you fly out on a Sunday,

Top Stories from the Microsoft DevOps Community – 2019.03.15

I’ve been building tools for Azure DevOps for fifteen years and yes, in case you were wondering, saying that does make me feel old. But more importantly: I’m still learning new things about it that I didn’t know.

Top Stories from the Microsoft DevOps Community – 2019.03.08

It’s been a busy week here on the Azure DevOps team – we’ve been busy putting the finishing touches on Azure DevOps Server 2019 and getting it out the door. Azure DevOps Server is the new name for Team Foundation Server –

Top Stories from the Microsoft DevOps Community – 2019.02.22

Here in England, we’ve got some lovely spring-like weather coming for the weekend. I can’t wait to put the computer away, get the grill out and enjoy the sunshine. But before I unplug,

Welcome to the new DevOps blog!

And... the new DevOps blog is live! The blog has a new and improved look and functionality - easily share posts, follow authors and a fresh new look! Check it out and let us know what you think!

Announcing launch of Azure Pipelines app for Slack

I am excited to announce the availability of the Azure Pipelines app for Slack. If you use Slack, you can use the Azure Pipelines app for Slack to easily monitor the events for your pipelines. Set up and manage subscriptions for completed builds, releases, pending approvals and more from the app and get notifications for these events in your Slack channels.

Top Stories from the Microsoft DevOps Community – 2019.02.08

Happy Friday! I hope you've had a great feel full of finding bugs, improving performance and keeping your services online. Now that you're cruising into the weekend, it's a good time to take a moment and read up on the state of DevOps. Here's some great articles (and a podcast) that I found this week.

What’s new in Azure DevOps Sprint 146 Update

In this update, you can now simplify the organization of your work using the Basic process, wiki updates, and updates to Azure Pipelines. Check out the video to learn more about these features.


Creating a UK hosted Azure DevOps organizationCreating a UK hosted Azure DevOps organization
Azure DevOps Now Available in the UK

At the Microsoft Reactor in London this morning, Donovan Brown announced that customers can now create Azure DevOps organizations and choose that their data will be hosted in the UK Azure geography.

Cloud-based load testing service end of life

We plan on closing down the corresponding Azure DevOps cloud-based load testing service on March 31st, 2020.

Azure DevOps Roadmap update for 2018 Q4

In order to provide you with visibility into several of our key investments, we post quarterly updates to the roadmap on our Features Timeline page.

Navigation Update for Azure DevOps

Back in June of this year, we rolled out the first iteration of our new navigation model for Azure DevOps. We’ve spent the summer improving that experience based on the feedback many of you have provided. Thank you! Our next step is to move from the new model being a preview, to becoming the navigation for the product. In this post, I’ll walk through some of the key feedback we’ve addressed and lay out the schedule you can expect going forward.

VSTS and GitHub

Today, Satya announced the exciting news – our intent to acquire GitHub!
GitHub and Microsoft have been partnering on several levels for years. Specifically, the VSTS team has worked closely with GitHub on Git at a technical level and on other open source projects such as libgit2,

VSTS Public Projects Limited Preview

Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS) offers a suite of DevOps capabilities to developers including Source control, Agile planning, Build, Release, Test and more. But until now all these features require the user to first login using a Microsoft Account before they can be used. 

Git & Version Control

Remediating the October 2018 Git Security Vulnerability

Today, the Git project has announced a security vulnerability: there is a security issue in recursively cloning submodules that can lead to arbitrary code execution. The Azure DevOps team encourages you to examine whether you are on an affected platform and, if so, upgrade your Git clients to the latest version.

Supercharging the Git Commit Graph IV: Bloom Filters

We’ve been discussing the commit-graph feature in Git 2.18 and how we can use generation numbers to accelerate commit walks. One area where we can get significant speedup is when presenting output in topological order.

Supercharging the Git Commit Graph III: Generations and Graph Algorithms

Earlier, we announced that Git 2.18 contains a new commit-graph feature, and we discussed the commit-graph file format. As shipped in Git 2.18, this file only speeds up commit walks by a constant multiple,

Supercharging the Git Commit Graph II: File Format

Earlier, we announced the commit-graph feature in Git 2.18 and talked about some of its performance benefits. Today, we’ll discuss some if the technical details about how the commit-graph feature works,

Supercharging the Git Commit Graph

Have you ever run gitk and waited a few seconds before the window appears? Have you struggled to visualize your commit history into a sane order of contributions instead of a stream of parallel work?

New Navigation for Visual Studio Team Services

I’m excited to share the new navigation we’re working on for Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS) to modernize the user experience and give you more flexibility. As Lori mentioned in her blog post,

Shift Left with SonarCloud Pull Request Integration

One of our DevOps “habits” is to Shift Left and move quality upstream.  Including additional validations earlier in the DevOps pipeline means identifying potential issues before they become a problem.  For teams using pull requests,

Announcing the DevOps Resource Center

One of the favorite parts of my job is curating a web site with the stories of how we work. Those experience reports and more of our guidance are now  consolidated at https://aka.ms/devops.

Release Flow: How We Do Branching on the VSTS Team

Whenever I talk to somebody about Git and version control, one question always comes up:
How do you do your branching at Microsoft?
And there’s no one answer to this question.

Announcement: Publish markdown files from your git repository to VSTS Wiki

Now you can publish markdown files from a git repository to the VSTS Wiki. Developers often write SDK documents, product documentation, or README files explaining a product in a git repository.

Open Source

Blocking malicious event-stream and flatmap-stream packages

We are making a change to Azure DevOps to block the harmful flatmap-stream 0.1.0 package and the versions of event-stream newer than version 3.3.4 which make use of the flatmap-stream package.

New Advanced Text Editor on the Work Item Form in Azure DevOps

With the Azure DevOps Sprint 143 Update, we’re excited to announce the availability of our new rich text editor on the work item form in Azure Boards. The work item form can be accessed in Azure Boards from the work items hub,

Supercharging the Git Commit Graph IV: Bloom Filters

We’ve been discussing the commit-graph feature in Git 2.18 and how we can use generation numbers to accelerate commit walks. One area where we can get significant speedup is when presenting output in topological order.

Supercharging the Git Commit Graph III: Generations and Graph Algorithms

Earlier, we announced that Git 2.18 contains a new commit-graph feature, and we discussed the commit-graph file format. As shipped in Git 2.18, this file only speeds up commit walks by a constant multiple,

Supercharging the Git Commit Graph II: File Format

Earlier, we announced the commit-graph feature in Git 2.18 and talked about some of its performance benefits. Today, we’ll discuss some if the technical details about how the commit-graph feature works,

Supercharging the Git Commit Graph

Have you ever run gitk and waited a few seconds before the window appears? Have you struggled to visualize your commit history into a sane order of contributions instead of a stream of parallel work?

VSTS Public Projects Limited Preview

Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS) offers a suite of DevOps capabilities to developers including Source control, Agile planning, Build, Release, Test and more. But until now all these features require the user to first login using a Microsoft Account before they can be used. 

How to Contribute to Git (on Windows)

Git was originally designed for Unix systems and still today, all the build tools for the Git codebase assume you have standard Unix tools available in your path. If you have an open-source mindset and want to start contributing to Git,

Microsoft’s Performance Contributions to Git in 2017

Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS) hosts the largest Git repository in the world: the Windows source code. Keeping a primary copy of the code available in the cloud and having it be performant while being updated by over 4000 users at the same time is a monumental achievement,

Remembering How We Should Manage Open Source

A DevSecOps best practice is root cause analysis, so that we can learn from live site incidents and prevent their recurrence. Equifax made news recently with the exfiltration of data from half the US population.

Package Management

Adding caching to Azure Pipelines

For a long while, Azure Pipelines users have been asking to improve performance on the hosted build agents by adding caching for common scenarios like package restore. The issue came up in a recent popular Hacker News item, so we wanted to share an update.

Getting started with Universal Packages

At the end of last sprint we flipped the switch on a new feature for Azure Artifacts called Universal Packages. With Universal Packages teams can store artifacts that don’t neatly fit into the other kinds of package types that we support. A Universal Package is just a collection of files that you’ve uploaded to our service and labelled with a name and version.

Revoking potentially impacted tokens from ESLint vulnerability

On the 24th of July 2018, we notified some customers via e-mail and on this blog about a planned action that we would start taking in relation to the malicious ESLint NPM package incident. This action is now underway.

Package Management adds nuget.org upstream source

Until now, we’ve focused on making Package Management in Visual Studio Team Services and Team Foundation Server the best place to store your private NuGet and npm packages, but we haven’t focused as much on the packages you use from public sources like NuGet.org.

VSTS is now a Symbol Server

As far back as 2012, Visual Studio Team Services and Team Foundation Server users have been asking for a Symbol Server. Symbols are crucial to debugging Windows applications, esp. applications written in native languages like C and C++,

Using the latest NuGet in your build

NuGet (both the command-line tool and the accompanying tools built into Visual Studio) continues to iterate rapidly and add support for new .NET Core and .NET Standard target frameworks, among other improvements.

Visual Studio Team Services demonstrates how Microsoft Loves Java

To demonstrate our continued commitment to support Java developers and their full lifecycle DevOps needs with Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS) and Team Foundation Server (TFS), I want to share some of our recent and exciting Java-related feature announcements.

Inside Visual Studio Team Services: Summer Interns and Package Management

Each month, we bring you the insiders view into Visual Studio Team Services – how the product is developed, how we dogfood it and use it every day, who are the people behind it and tips and tricks on becoming a power user
This month,

Versioning NuGet packages in a continuous delivery world: part 3

This is the third and final post in a series covering strategies for versioning a NuGet package. If you missed part 1 or part 2, you should read those first. Today’s post walks through a specific workflow that Git users could adopt,

Versioning NuGet packages in a continuous delivery world: part 2

This is part 2 in a series of blog posts covering strategies for versioning a NuGet package. If you missed part 1, pick it up here. Today’s post talks about future improvements we’d like to make to the versioning and releasing flows.


Analytics For Azure DevOps Services is Now Generally Available

Analytics for Azure DevOps Services is Now Generally Available! Read this blog to learn more about the exciting features that you can start using!

Test Analytics in Azure Pipelines is now at your fingertips

Keeping the pipeline healthy and making it effective is KEY to your DevOps ongoing journey. Some time back we introduced Analytics in Azure Pipeline with Top failing tests report to help you do just that.

Analytics will be available on TFS 2019 RC1 – Want to help us test it?

Analytics is the new reporting platform for both Team Foundation Server (TFS) and Azure DevOps. Analytics will be available with TFS 2019 RC1, which should be available later this year. We are looking for TFS customers who are planning to install RC1 when its released and would be willing to participate in a test program for Analytics.

Azure DevOps Reporting – What reports do you want?

If you are using Azure DevOps – we want to hear what reporting metrics are important to you. We've authored a short survey to gather this data.

Team Foundation Server (TFS) Reporting – Which reports do you use?

If you are using Team Foundation Server (TFS) and SSRS Reporting today, we want to hear from you! We want to know which of the TFS Reports we offer today are most valuable to you.

Analytics Private Preview for Customers on TFS 2018 Update 2

Analytics is the new reporting platform for both Team Foundation Server (TFS) and Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS). We are starting a Limited Private Preview of Analytics for TFS 2018 Update 2 in preparation for a full release in TFS 2019.

Make your Visual Studio Team Services dashboard part of your conversation in Microsoft Teams

Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS) Dashboards help keep track of your project and drive collaboration with your team. Starting today, you can bring your VSTS dashboards right where the conversation is happening in Microsoft Teams (MS Teams).

Revoking potentially impacted tokens from ESLint vulnerability

On the 24th of July 2018, we notified some customers via e-mail and on this blog about a planned action that we would start taking in relation to the malicious ESLint NPM package incident. This action is now underway.

Dashboard Updates Generally Available

We’re excited to announce updates to the new dashboard experience. This new experience lets you:

Easily switch between your team’s dashboards
Fine tune team permissions on individual dashboards
Find and favorite the dashboards you need

It is now generally available for VSTS customers and coming to TFS in the next major version.

Power BI and VSTS – Integration made easy

We are excited to announce an easy-to-use solution for integrating Power BI with VSTS Analytics. You don’t have to know how to write OData queries anymore!
Our new feature Analytics views makes getting VSTS work tracking data into Power BI simple,


Using AzureAD identities in Azure DevOps organizations backed by Microsoft Accounts

Azure DevOps now supports AzureAD (AAD) users accessing organizations that are backed by Microsoft accounts (MSA). For administrators, this means that if your organization uses MSAs for corporate users, new employees can use their AAD credentials for access instead of creating a new MSA identity.

Introducing Search service authentication to make communications with TFS more secure

Basic authorization is now enabled on the communication between the TFS and Search services to make it more secure.

A Microsoft DevSecOps Static Application Security Testing (SAST) Exercise

Static Application Security Testing (SAST) is a critical DevSecOps practice. As engineering organizations accelerate continuous delivery to impressive levels, it’s important to ensure that continuous security validation keeps up. To do so most effectively requires a multi-dimensional application of static analysis tools. The more customizable the tool, the better you can shape it to your actual security risk.

Revoking potentially impacted tokens from ESLint vulnerability

On the 24th of July 2018, we notified some customers via e-mail and on this blog about a planned action that we would start taking in relation to the malicious ESLint NPM package incident. This action is now underway.

Enabling administrators to revoke VSTS access tokens

As promised in the Protecting our users from the ESLint NPM package breach blog post last week, we have deployed new REST APIs to allow administrators of Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS) accounts to centrally revoke Personal Access Tokens (PAT) and JSON Web Tokens (JWT) created by users in their accounts.

Protecting our users from the ESLint NPM package breach

On the 12th of July 2018, malicious code was detected in two popular open-source NPM packages, eslint-scope (version 3.7.2) and eslint-config-eslint (version 5.0.2). As a result, developers who downloaded and installed these packages may have had credentials stored in their .npmrc file compromised.

If I am a VSTS Stakeholder, can I also be an Admin?

Today, we’re excited to announce that users with the Stakeholder access level can now be administrators in Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS). With these upcoming changes, Stakeholders can administer access levels,

Remediating the May 2018 Git Security Vulnerability

The Git community has disclosed an industry-wide security vulnerability in Git that can lead to arbitrary code execution when a user operates in a malicious repository. This vulnerability has been assigned CVE 2018-11235 by Mitre,

VSTS Public Projects Limited Preview

Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS) offers a suite of DevOps capabilities to developers including Source control, Agile planning, Build, Release, Test and more. But until now all these features require the user to first login using a Microsoft Account before they can be used. 

Deadline extended for connecting VSTS accounts to AzureAD

On January 5, 2018, I announced that Visual Studio Team Services will no longer allow creation of new MSA users with custom domain names backed by AzureAD.  While most customers agree with the direction of this change,


Changes to Coded UI Test in Visual Studio 2019

We've been recommending for a while that customers use the open source tools Selenium and Appium tools, therefore the Visual Studio 2019 release marks their final deprecation.

We recommend using Selenium for testing web-applications and Appium with WinAppDriver for testing desktop (WPF, WinForms, Win32) and UWP apps. For testing Dynamics 365 apps, we recommend using the EasyRepro framework that is built on top of Selenium.

Cloud-based load testing service end of life

We plan on closing down the corresponding Azure DevOps cloud-based load testing service on March 31st, 2020.

Test Analytics in Azure Pipelines is now at your fingertips

Keeping the pipeline healthy and making it effective is KEY to your DevOps ongoing journey. Some time back we introduced Analytics in Azure Pipeline with Top failing tests report to help you do just that.

New Navigation for Visual Studio Team Services

I’m excited to share the new navigation we’re working on for Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS) to modernize the user experience and give you more flexibility. As Lori mentioned in her blog post,

DevOps for IoT with Win10 IoT Core, UWP, and VSTS

We often get asked how to do CI/CD for IoT apps using Win10 IoT Core. If you’ve been considering or using Win10 IoT Core, then read on.
The Visual Studio Test Platform that ships with Visual Studio 15.6 RTW now supports Testing on Win10 IoT Core.

MSTest V2: in-assembly parallel test execution

MSTest V2 v1.3.0 Beta2 now supports in-assembly parallel execution of tests – the top most requested/commented issue on the testfx repo.
The feature can dramatically reduce the total time taken to execute a suite of tests.

How to perform Lab management operations in Build and Release.

As you are already aware, we announced the plan for deprecating XAML builds sometime back.
TFS 2018 RC1 is now available and with that XAML builds are no longer supported. Consequently, 

Upgrade to MSTest V2!

MSTest V2 has crossed 1 Million downloads. Congratulations! Hats off to the community! MSTest V2 is seeing robust usage. We ourselves use it heavily. If you are still using an earlier version of the MSTest framework,

Visual Studio Test Platform – upcoming changes to data collectors

Having executed a test – at a minimum – we want to know the outcome. But beyond that, we may want to know more. Data collectors and loggers are the key extension mechanisms intended to provide this and other such details for rich reporting.

The TestContainer Capability

Updating off pre-RTM bits once RTM ships ought to be routine. But if you have not already done so in the case of the .NET Core based Test projects, let me give you a reason to do so.


Using containerized services in your pipeline

Azure Pipelines has supported container jobs for a while now. You craft a container with exactly the versions of exactly the tools you need, and we'll run your pipeline steps inside that container. Recently we expanded our container support to include service containers: additional, helper containers accessible to your pipeline.

Azure ExpressRouteAzure ExpressRoute
ExpressRoute for Azure DevOps

Today we are excited to announce that Azure DevOps is now available over Azure ExpressRoute. Customers who typically operate in the government and financial services sectors have requested this support because they want private connections that don’t go over the public Internet for security reasons. ExpressRoute also typically offers them more reliability, faster speeds, and lower latencies than typical Internet connections.

Top Stories from the Microsoft DevOps Community – 2018.10.19

It's another Friday, and I've spent another week talking to customers about their DevOps journey. And it's another week of amazing content about DevOps on the Microsoft cloud from the community.

Top Stories from the Microsoft DevOps Community – 2018.10.12

I'm back! One of the great privileges of my job is that I get to spend a lot of time talking to customers about DevOps. But that often means a lot of time on the road, and stepping away from drinking at the firehose of great content coming from the Azure DevOps community. But now that I'm back in the office, I've found a great bunch of DevOps links.

Remediating the October 2018 Git Security Vulnerability

Today, the Git project has announced a security vulnerability: there is a security issue in recursively cloning submodules that can lead to arbitrary code execution. The Azure DevOps team encourages you to examine whether you are on an affected platform and, if so, upgrade your Git clients to the latest version.

Getting started with Universal Packages

At the end of last sprint we flipped the switch on a new feature for Azure Artifacts called Universal Packages. With Universal Packages teams can store artifacts that don’t neatly fit into the other kinds of package types that we support. A Universal Package is just a collection of files that you’ve uploaded to our service and labelled with a name and version.

Analytics will be available on TFS 2019 RC1 – Want to help us test it?

Analytics is the new reporting platform for both Team Foundation Server (TFS) and Azure DevOps. Analytics will be available with TFS 2019 RC1, which should be available later this year. We are looking for TFS customers who are planning to install RC1 when its released and would be willing to participate in a test program for Analytics.

Using AzureAD identities in Azure DevOps organizations backed by Microsoft Accounts

Azure DevOps now supports AzureAD (AAD) users accessing organizations that are backed by Microsoft accounts (MSA). For administrators, this means that if your organization uses MSAs for corporate users, new employees can use their AAD credentials for access instead of creating a new MSA identity.

Navigation Update for Azure DevOps

Back in June of this year, we rolled out the first iteration of our new navigation model for Azure DevOps. We’ve spent the summer improving that experience based on the feedback many of you have provided. Thank you! Our next step is to move from the new model being a preview, to becoming the navigation for the product. In this post, I’ll walk through some of the key feedback we’ve addressed and lay out the schedule you can expect going forward.

Azure DevOps Reporting – What reports do you want?

If you are using Azure DevOps – we want to hear what reporting metrics are important to you. We've authored a short survey to gather this data.


Announcement: Publish markdown files from your git repository to VSTS Wiki

Now you can publish markdown files from a git repository to the VSTS Wiki. Developers often write SDK documents, product documentation, or README files explaining a product in a git repository.

Link wiki pages and work items, write math formulas in Wiki, Keyboard shortcuts and more…

Happy new year to all Wiki lovers. We are learning a lot with each passing day and in this blog I will share our learning and value that we delivered in the past few sprints.

Announcing public preview of Wiki search

Search wiki pages
Over time as teams document more content in wiki pages, finding relevant content becomes increasingly difficult. To maximize collaboration, you need the ability to easily discover content across all your projects.

Wiki* to turn Wiki & many exciting features

It has been 3 months since Wiki went live and thanks to your feedback, we believe this is the right time to remove preview tag from Wiki.
Wiki* will be Wiki in the coming days.

Wiki supports HTML tags, anchor links, and much more

It has been exactly 2 months since Wiki went live on VSTS. Wiki is also available in TFS 2018 RC1 now. We have received tons of great feedback and we also learnt a lot from usage patterns.

Announcing public preview of Wiki in Visual Studio Team Services

Last updated 1/4/2017: Wiki was released to all in October. Read more.
Each project in Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS) now supports its own Wiki. Now you can conveniently write pages that help your team members and other users understand,