Security operations that work for you

Photograph of two security professionals sitting in front of multiple large display monitors working
Every day, 3,500 Microsoft security professionals protect our customers. We use advanced AI to analyze 6.5 trillion global signals, detect and respond to threats.

Security powered by intelligence

The Intelligent Security Graph analyzes trillions of signals from a diverse set of sources. We use these insights to protect and strengthen our products and services in real-time.
Photograph of person sitting in front of a large curved monitor displaying information
Photograph of two people standing at a table and looking down at a large monitor displaying images

In-depth analysis from Microsoft security intelligence

The Security Intelligence Report presents analysis of the cyberthreat landscape from our unparalleled signals and global scale. Learn the latest security trends and recommendations for reducing risk.

Cyber Defense Operations Center

Security experts and data scientists in our Operations Center protect Microsoft’s cloud infrastructure and services, products and devices, and our own corporate resources from evolving threats.
Photograph of a person working at a desk in front of two large display monitors
Photograph of an IT professional standing in a data center

Microsoft Cybersecurity Solutions Group

Microsoft experts put our global experience into practice by working directly with customers to strengthen their resilience and help them recover from incidents.

How cloud security protects you from unseen threats

Our cloud-based machine learning and AI detect and stop millions of threats before they cause havoc. See how we neutralized Ursnif, a new attack against small businesses across the United States.
Photograph of a person in an office sitting at a desk looking at information on two large monitors
Photograph from satellite high above Earth

Microsoft Red Team

Highly specialized experts simulate breaches to continuously test and improve security.

Additional benefits of Microsoft security operations

Microsoft Security Response Center

We engage with the security research community to find and address vulnerabilities in our offering.

In-depth threat information

Stay current with our encyclopedia containing information about threat types and specific malware.

Submit files for malware analysis

Researchers will analyze your suspicious files to determine if they are safe or contain malware.

The cloud security advantage

Microsoft has decades of experience building enterprise software and running some of the largest online services in the world. We use this operational experience to ensure our cloud services have the highest level of built-in security.

Securing systems, applications, and data begins with identity-based access controls. Features such as single sign-on and multi-factor authentication are built into Microsoft business products and services. They help protect your organizational and personal information from unauthorized access while making it available to legitimate users whenever and wherever they need it.

Data is an organization’s most valuable and irreplaceable asset. Microsoft cloud services have many protections in place to prevent unauthorized access or leakage of data within a multi-tenant cloud environment. These include logical isolation with Azure Active Directory authorization and role-based control, data isolation mechanisms at the storage level, and rigorous physical security.  

Encryption serves as the last and strongest line of defense. Microsoft uses some of the strongest, most secure encryption protocols in the industry to safeguard customer data and help you maintain control over it.

The cloud enables Microsoft to take our signal, intelligence, and operational experience and use it to implement and continuously improve enterprise-grade threat protection. From Office 365 to Azure, the power of the cloud provides built-in protection for all of our products and services. 

Examples include:
- Exchange Online Protection’s deployment across a global network of data centers enabling email protection from multi-layered, real-time antispam to multi-engine antimalware protection.
- Microsoft Antimalware for Azure cloud services and virtual machines provides a real-time protection capability to identify and remove viruses, spyware, and other malicious software.

Auditing and logging of security-related events, and related alerts, are important components in an effective data protection strategy. Microsoft business services and products provide you with configurable security auditing and logging options to help you identify gaps in your security policies and mechanisms and address those gaps to help prevent breaches. Microsoft services offer some (and in some cases, all) of the following options: centralized monitoring, logging, and analysis systems to provide continuous visibility, timely alerts, and reports to help you manage the large volume of information generated by devices and services.

Microsoft Azure log data can be exported to Security Incident and Event Management (SIEM) systems for analysis. And Windows Server 2016 provides basic and advanced security auditing and integrates with third-party auditing solutions.

Security operations that work for you