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WATCH: Ramaphosa says Mashaba is 'scared' of protesting Alex residents

2019-04-11 18:54

President Cyril Ramaphosa visited Alexandra in Johannesburg in his capacity as ANC president on Thursday, following last week's #TotalShutdown in the area.

Ramaphosa told the crowd that their message was very clear and it has reverberated throughout the country.

"You people of Alex are sick and tired. You want better service delivery. You want people who are going to serve you better so your lives can improve," he said.

He also told the crowd that a mayor should not be afraid of his people, making reference to mayor Herman Mashaba who has yet to visit the residents of Alexandra. 

Read more on:    anc  |  herman mashaba  |  cyril rama­phosa  |  johannesburg  |  protests  |  service delivery

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