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11 months ago

Feature: Listen to these dads

Podcast: What do we play with our kids?

The dadification of games continues. So we’re going full Dad this week on the RPS podcast, the Electronic Wireless Show, as we’ve been asked to talk about the games we play with our children. Alec’s daughter is excited by the unlockable characters in Rayman Legends (and she’s also strangely fascinated by Battletech). John’s son is a bit younger and likes to watch his dad diving…

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2 years ago

4 years ago

LEGO Duo: Avengers & Jurassic World Announced

The simultaneous announcement of two new LEGO games makes me suddenly pained that they don't let you mix-and-match parts from different games in the way one can with real LEGO [possibly the only capitalised brand name I'll respect -ed.]. Obviously I'll want to take the Black Widow from LEGO Marvel's Avengers over into LEGO Jurassic World to zap raptors with her Widow's Sting, and yes…

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6 years ago

Feature: Massively Multiplayer Minifigs

First Look: Lego Minifigures Online

Lego Minifigures Online is a functional title. This is a game in which tiny Lego humanoids have adventures together, in colourful worlds full of loot, quests and monsters. Funcom have a great deal of experience in the genre, but there will almost certainly be less decapitations and horrific conspiracies than in their previous massively multiplayer efforts. At a crowded and explosion-happy Gamescom, the sight of…

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Things that would happen in the best of all possible worlds: - Cats would empty their own litter trays - Israel and Palestine would mutually agree "screw it, let's have a fancy dress party instead" - People would read the article before commenting - McVities would bring back Marmite-flavoured Mini Cheddars - LEGO approves and manufactures this proposed FTL building set

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7 years ago

Box News: Portal Legos, Limbo Special Edition

Welcome to RPS' first (and probably only) edition of Box News, an attempt at providing fair and balanced coverage of that most marginalized of objects in this digital age - the box - on the first day to conveniently feature more than one box-based news item in 437 years. On today's show, we'll be bringing you up-to-the-minute analysis of the developing Portal Lego set situation…

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Go Minifigure: Funcom To Work On Lego MMO

The Secret World will be ready to reveal all of its enigmas soon enough but Funcom are already looking to the future, announcing that they are to begin work on another MMO. ...the company has signed a license agreement with the LEGO Group, one of the world’s most successful manufacturers of play materials, to develop a massively multiplayer online game based on the hugely popular…

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Lego Batman 2’s Dynamic Demo

No signal shone in the sky to announce the presence of a PC demo for Lego Batman 2 but I found it anyway, lurking over at the official website. The portion contained is the beginning of the game which means there's no chance to explore the Gotham hub, just a brick-bopping jaunt through the Man of the Year ceremony, where Bruce Wayne beats "some bald…

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Legollum, Legothmog, Legolas: Lego LOTR Confirmed

This is no surprise but confirmation comes that Lego Lord of the Rings will be released in the Autumnal phase of 2012. I was quite disconcerted when the Joker started talking in a video for the next Lego Batman, which looks quite superb, but the trailer for Lego of That Ring goes even further, re-enacting scenes from the film and using the dialogue right in…

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Lego League – Lego Batman 2: DC Super Heroes

All the heroes and villains are coming out to play in the cumbersomely titled Lego Batman 2: DC Super Heroes, or at least a great deal of the heroes and villains created or legally owned by one major comic book publisher. I'd go through the trailer and try to identify as many as I can but I'm already confused as to whether there are several…

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Just Lego: Lego Minecraft Is A Real Thing

Yes, it's real and it can be pre-ordered here for $34.99/£34.99. Lego Minecraft goes on sale in "selected" Lego shops in the summer, and gives you a chunk of the world to play with. The Minecraft range of Lego (and that's just Lego, LEGO) will feature Steve and a creeper, as well your standard world building blocks from the game - stone, sand, wood, and…

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Legolas At last: Lego Lord Of The Rings

While this isn't actually a game announcement as such, the confirmation that next summer is the summer of Lego Lord Of The Rings does rather suggest that there will be a Lego LOTR game. I'll be looking forward to Lego Ents, Lego Balrog, Lego Orks, Lego Eye Of Mordor, and, of course, Legolas. It also strikes me that the minifigs will need to be extra-mini…

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Beta Blockers: Minecraft Turns Lego

You know how Minecraft is a bit like the world's biggest and most elaborate Lego set? Except here you start with more green and brown blocks than even Simon Lego himself owns. Well, monolithic megacorp, Mojang, are discussing a deal with the Danish blockmasters to release official Minecraft Lego. They are only next door to the Swedish devs, after all. The news comes via Mojang…

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The Cubed Crusader: LEGO Batman 2?

Hooray! A Batman game that won't use the word 'bitch' every five seconds, though God only knows what all the cutsey, wordless Lego-dude chuntering really means. "Oh great Satan, dark lord of my heart, let me worship you, let me consume the souls of the innocent and strangle kittens in your honour" - that's what Lego Commissioner Gordon's really saying, I bet. So, Lego Batman…

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Dismantled: Lego Universe Closing

An increasing number of massively multiplayer games are offering free entry into their worlds but it stands to reason that, more often or not, gangs of salesman will be roaming inside, or at the very least there will be equivalent of concession stands littered about the place, stocked with pricey but powerful socks and the like. Lego Universe began offering a free trial back in…

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8 years ago

Bricking It: Lego Universe Getting Free Trial

Whenever another MMO announces that it's changing to a free to play subscription model, the sound of rapid intakes of breath can be heard throughout corridors of Castle Shotgun like some panicked zephyr. We just can't believe it. There's an alternate reality out there where all MMORPGs are free to play and it's trying to break into ours. Hot on the heels of the City…

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Lego Universe’s Space Ninjas Unmasked

Despite feeling a little lukewarm towards the release-month accomplishments of Lego Universe, we're still keen to keep an eye on it. And the game - which was fairly small on release - is expanding. The latest reveal shows off Crux Prime, which shows skeleton minfigs mining on asteroids, and which reportedly contains some kind of martial arts monastery where players can learn "Spinjitzu". This is,…

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Johnny Depp Is A Stud

From now on, RPS will be exclusively dedicated to revealing hitherto unsuspected man-crushes on celebrities and tracking their every movement, Perez Hilton-style. You're okay with that, right? Here we go: "Cube-faced, pencil-armed pin-up Johnny Depp took a break from being automatically cast in any and all Tim Burton films today to stroll down the Champs-Élysées whilst wearing a fetching distressed double-denim combo..." Ahahah. Just my…

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