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Global warming is shrinking glaciers faster than thought

2019-04-15 08:58

Earth's glaciers are melting much faster than scientists thought. A new study shows they are losing 369 billion tons of snow and ice each year, more than half of that in North America.

Singapore seizes more pangolin scales in week's 2nd bust

2019-04-12 10:11

Singapore has seized 14 tons of pangolin scales belonging to around 21 000 endangered mammals in the second such bust in less than a week.


BUST:  Over 12 tons of pangolin scales worth around $38.1m were seized and displayed in an undisclosed site in Singapore. (National Parks Board via AP)

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WATCH: Gobi the dog takes part in Paris marathon

2019-04-12 23:02

The story of how they met during a competition in China became a global bestseller and will be immortalised on the silver screen.

#StayOnTheGround: Swedes are opting for trains instead of planes in a new shaming trend

2019-04-11 09:04

Saddled with long dark winters at home, Swedes have for decades been frequent flyers seeking out sunnier climes, but a growing number are changing their ways because of air travel's impact on the climate.

Inside News24


WATCH: All out Kruger battle as buffalo fights lions and crocodile

2019-04-10 06:30

This buffalo knows the true definition of being stuck between a rock and a hard place.

Environmental groups to sue Shell over climate change

2019-04-09 11:22

Climate activists are planning to deliver a court summons to Shell in a court case aimed at forcing the energy giant to do more to rein in carbon emissions.

UNVEILED: Tsunami under the sea

2019-04-07 21:11

Tsunamis and tidal waves are often huge natural disasters, causing widespread damage and destruction. But really happens? WATCH NOW.

First Western Cape school goes solar through innovative programme

2019-04-10 17:37

Protea Heights Academy in Cape Town will be the first school in the Western Cape to have solar power installed, with no upfront or ongoing operational costs, accordinng to the Western Cape Education Department.

There's something wrong with dolphins in the Aegean Sea

2019-04-10 15:00

A Greek marine conservation group says it has seen a "very unusual" increase in Aegean Sea dolphin deaths over the past few weeks.

Komodo Island might be closing to tourists because humans can't have nice things

2019-04-10 10:30

After police busted a smuggling ring with 41 Komodo dragons, a proposal has been put forward to close the island to the public for a year.

WATCH: Hunting for black holes

2019-04-09 18:55

Videographic locating the global network of telescopes involved in the observation of the most powerful known forces in the universe: black holes.

Climate change will put 1 billion people at risk of exposure to disease-carrying mosquitoes

2019-04-09 11:49

Researchers report that the two most common disease-transmitting mosquitoes, plus more than a dozen others, could become larger threats as global warming progresses.

WATCH: Paleontologist discusses discovery of prehistoric whale fossil

2019-04-07 13:10

Olivier Lambert, paleontologist at the Royal Institute of Natural Sciences of Belgium, discusses the recent discovery in Peru of the well-preserved fossil of an amphibious four-footed ancestor of whales.

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