Welcome to the National Library of Australia. We have a fabulous collection of items stored here for you to use. Including newspapers, maps, photographs, diaries, music and oral histories. And because this is a reference library the items are almost always available.

So how do you access our collection? You need one of these [library card]. This is your key to using items in our collections. Get one through the website or from a staff member

Browse the catalogue, choose your desired item and hit the request this button. Enter your card details and you're done. You can request things online from home and come in later to the library to view them. They will be kept for you for seven days. Or if you're in the library you can order right here through the catalogue. Then just relax and the library staff will retrieve your items within about forty five minutes. Plenty of time to visit the cafe, take in a special exhibition or browse our bookshop.

Our staff will send your choice to one of our reading rooms where you can use it. If you need help with this or any other services in the library ask one of our staff.

Come see us soon. The National Library of Australia. A home for Australia's stories.