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The 12 Imams - History & Politics

Akhlaq al-A’imma, Morals & Manners of the Holy Imams

The aim of this book is to present the perfect morals of the Holy Imams. Topics include their knowledge, worship, bravery, justice, chastity, humility and contentment.

Lantern of the Path

A collection of Hadith by the 6th Imam on knowledge, behavior, remembrance, prayer, and fear of God.

The Infallibles : Imam Muhammad Al Taqi (as)

Imam Muhammad Al-Taqi (as)

Name: Muhammad bin ‘Ali.

17,128 0

A Divine Perspective on Rights

A detailed commentary on the Treatise of Rights as narrated by our fourth Imam, Ali bin Husayn (as).

16,527 0

Imam ar-Ridha’, A Historical and Biographical Research

Biography of the 8th Imam (a), his characteristics, role, activities, works, counsels and select traditions (hadith). English translation of original Arabic by Yasin T. Jibouri.

Story of the Holy Ka’aba And its People

A detailed history of the Ka'ba, and each of the 14 Ma'sumin (Infallibles)

S.M.R. Shabbar 15,593 0

Hayat Al-Qulub Vol.3

Hayat Al Qulub the third volume deals with the topic of Imamate, the appointment of the Imam (a.s.), the inerrancy of the Imams and the obligation of the people to obey them.

Lady Fatima Masuma (a) of Qum

Lady Fatima Masuma (a) was the daughter of the 7th Imam, Imam Musa al-Kadhim (a), and the sister of the 8th Imam, Imam Ali al-Rida (a).

Masuma Jaffer 15,232 0

The Life of Imam Hasan Al-'Askari

This text contains a detailed biography of the life, lineage, and circumstances of our eleventh Imam [a].

The Life of Imam ‘Ali al-Hadi, Study and Analysis

A comprehensive and detailed biography and analysis of the life of our tenth Imam, Ali bin Muhammad al-Hadi [a].

The Emergence of Shi'ism and the Shi'ites

The relation between the ideological and the theological realms in Islam.

Imam Hasan bin Ali

Biography and character of the 2nd Imam (a).

11,421 0

Uyun Akhbar Ar-Ridha Volume 1

This is the first volume of the book Uyun Akhbar Ar-Ridha, which is not only a detailed account of the Biography of our Eighth Imam Abul Hassan Ali ibni Musa AR-Ridha a.s.

Shaykh as-Saduq 10,308 0

A Glance at Historiography in Shiite Culture

Shi'i historians throughout history and their works on the prophets, kalami, hadithi, and maqtal literature, cities and regions, and the 12 Imams.

History of Shi'ism: From the Advent of Islam up to the End of Minor Occultation

This text discusses how Shi'ism has been an integral and inseparable part of Islam from the time of the Holy Prophet (sa).

Sulh al-Hasan

Outstanding work on the difficult situation that faced Imam al-Hasan (a) during his Imamate, and the events and political attitudes that led to peacemaking, as well as the unfair accusations made a

Imam Hasan - The Myth of his Divorces

An explanation of the unjust accusations against the 2nd Imam (a), and the source and fallacy of these allegations.

The Life of Imam Zayn al-‘Abidin

The book is a biography of the sixth infallible and fourth Imam Ali Ibn Al-Husayn Zaynu'l-`Abidin known also as Imam As-Sajjad (as).

Imamate And Infallibility of Imams In The Qur’an

This text presents an eye opening read on one of the most important yet controversial topics within Islam, that being the important subject of Imamate and infallibility of the Imams (as).

Ridha Kardan 8,187 0

The Ahlul-Bayt; Ethical Role-Models

This book represents the excellence of the divine revelation as well as the wisdom of the Ahlul-Bayt (a) who progressed in the light of that revelation and understood its concepts to present it in

Beliefs: Twelve Successors

A brief text on the twelve successors of the Holy Prophet (saw) from the Shi'a and Sunni perspectives.

7,944 0

A Survey into the Lives of the Infallible Imams

This text provides a good analysis of the lives of the Infallible Imams while presenting the different methods, struggles, and circumstances of each Imam and how they may have acted similarly or di

The Spiritual Aspects of Hajj (Revised Edition)

The Spiritual Aspects of Hajj, A Translation of Imam Zayn al-ʿĀbidīn’s (ʿA) Discourse on Hajj with al-Shiblī (Revised Edition)

Taqwa (Piety) Advice of Ahl al-Bayt

Examples of Taqwa (Piety) in the Holy Quran and the Sunnah of Ahl al-Bayt (as)

The Fourteen Luminaries of Islam

Biography of Prophet Muhammad (S), Hadhrat Fatimah Zahra (as), and the Twelve Holy Imams (as)

Fascinating Discourses of the Fourteen Infallibles (a.s)

This book contains 560 Hadiths which covers many dimensions of the human life & for those seeking solution to the today's world problems.

Imam Hasan and Caliphate

The life of Imam Hasan (as) was both eventful and full of lessons, and yet the significance of his role seems to have been ignored, forgotten, or eclipsed by the extent of focus on Imam Husayn (as)

Imamate and The Imams

This book is written for the youth about the definition of Imamate and privileges of the Imams so that we may learn and follow the pattern of the infallible Imams (a.s.).

Ahl al-Bayt, The Celestial Beings on the Earth

A wonderful book that gives one a better understanding of the purified household of the Holy Prophet (S).

The Life of Imam Muhammad Al-Jawad

A research biography of the ninth Imam: Muhammad Ibn Ali, At-Taqi or al-Jawad (as) who has filled the world with his virtues, knowledge, asceticism and piety.

Uyun Akhbar Ar-Ridha Volume 2

This is the second volume of the book Uyun Akhbar Ar-Ridha, which is not only a detailed account of the Biography of our Eighth Imam Abul Hassan Ali ibni Musa Ar-Ridha a.s.

Shaykh as-Saduq 6,217 0

The Concept of Combat in the Life of Imams

In this text, Ayatullah Sayyid Ali Khamene'i analyzes the concept of war and combat in the lifes of the Infallible Imams and focuses on the precept and political stragedy of these honorable figures

Al-Imam al-Rida [a] and the Heir Apparency

A discussion of the role of the 8th Imam, Imam Ali ar-Rida, and the issues surrounding his nomination as heir to the Abbasid caliph Al-Mamun.

The Illustrious Period of the Imamate of Imam Zayn al-'Abidin

A biography of the life of the 4th Imam (a). Announcement of his Imamate, uniting the Muslim community, and teaching true Islam.

The life of Imam ‘Ali Bin Musa al-Ridha’

This is an inquiry into the life of Imam ‘Ali b. Musa’ al-Ridha’, the eighth Imam from the Household of the Prophet.

The Role of Holy Imams (a.s.) in the Revival of Religion Vol. 1

The series of lectures delivered by Allamah Sayyid Murtadha al-Askari on discussion of the principle matters concerning veracious Islam.

Revelation and Salvation Towards an Islamic View Of History

Revelation as a relationship of intense involvement of God in human history and of man in the divine challenge as God's viceregent (khalifa) in the earth.

The Life of Imam Muhammad ibn 'Ali al-Baqir

This book provides a detailed biography of the life of the fifth Imam, Muhammad Baqir (as): the splitter of knowledge.

The Scholarly Jihad of the Imams - 95 - 148 A.H

The period of the 5th and 6th Imams (a), the rise of the Abbasids, the prominence of the school of the Imam Ja'far as- Sadiq in the religious sciences, and its contributions to other branches of kn

The Role of Holy Imams (a.s.) in the Revival of Religion Vol. 2

The series of lectures delivered by Allamah Sayyid Murtadha al-Askari on discussion of the principle matters concerning veracious Islam.

The Role of Holy Imams (a.s.) in the Revival of Religion Vol. 3

The series of lectures delivered by Allamah Sayyid Murtadha al-Askari on discussion of the principle matters concerning veracious Islam.

The Formation of the Jaʿfari Shiʿa Islamic School of Law from its Inception to the Occultation

The Formation of the Jaʿfari Shiʿa Islamic School of Law from its Inception to the Occultation

Afzal Sumar

Afzal Sumar 4,074 0

The Role of The Ahl Al-Bayt in Building The Virtuous Community Book One: Goals And Characteristics

An elaborate thesis on how the purified Ahlul Bayt played their role in the post Prophetic era in building a virtuous Community. The series is comprised of 8 volume set. vol.

The Role of the Ahl al-Bayt in Building the Virtuous Community Book Seven: The Ritual System of the Virtuous Community

An elaborate thesis on how the purified Ahlul Bayt played their role in the post Prophetic era in building a virtuous Community. The series is comprised of 8 volume set. vol.

The Role of the Ahl al-Bayt in Building the Virtuous Community Book Eight: The System of Devotional Acts of the Virtuous Community

An elaborate thesis on how the purified Ahlul Bayt played their role in the post Prophetic era in building a virtuous Community. The series is comprised of 8 volume set. vol.

The Role of the Ahl al-Bayt in Building the Virtuous Community, Book Five: The Economic System of the Virtuous Community

An elaborate thesis on how the purified Ahlul Bayt played their role in the post Prophetic era in building a virtuous Community. The series is comprised of 8 volume set. vol.

A Biography of Imam Ja‘far al-Sadiq (a)

This article offers a brief biography of the life of Imam Ja'far ibn Muhammad al-Sadiq, the sixth Imam, the distinctive features of his Imamate compared to other Imams, his educational achievements

The Life of Imam Musa Bin Ja’far Al-Kazim

This book tries to give its readers a full biography and overview of the life of Imam Musa al-Kazim, the Seventh Imam and the Ninth Infallible, peace be on him.

Story of the Sun: A Look at Imam al-Ridha Life

A brief account on the life and attributes of Eighth Holy Imam: ‘Ali Ibn Musa al-Ridha (as)

The Role of the Ahl al-Bayt in Building the Virtuous Community Book Six: The System of Social Relations of the Virtuous Community

An elaborate thesis on how the purified Ahlul Bayt played their role in the post Prophetic era in building a virtuous Community. The series is comprised of 8 volume set. vol.

The Bright Lights of Guidance

The present book is a collection of sermons delivered by the well known religious scholar Mr Hajj Sayyid Muhammad Ali ibn al-Ridha Khansary.

The Role of the Ahl al-Bayt in Building the Virtuous Community Book Two: General Rules and Fundamentals

An elaborate thesis on how the purified Ahlul Bayt played their role in the post Prophetic era in building a virtuous Community. The series is comprised of 8 volume set. vol.

The Role of the Ahl al-Bayt in Building the Virtuous Community Book Three: The General System of the Virtuous Community

An elaborate thesis on how the purified Ahlul Bayt played their role in the post Prophetic era in building a virtuous Community. The series is comprised of 8 volume set. vol.

The Role of the Ahl al-Bayt in Building the Virtuous Community, Book Four: The Security System of the Virtuous Community

An elaborate thesis on how the purified Ahlul Bayt played their role in the post Prophetic era in building a virtuous Community. The series is comprised of 8 volume set. vol.

Imam Sajjad’s Advice on Upbringing

In his advice to his son, Imam al-Sajjad emphasises on specific etiquette, good conduct, and various acts of worship.

Imams - Clear and Coherent Policy

Coherent methods and goals of all the Imams, despite the apparent differences in the methods in which they carried out their policies.

S.J Hussain 2,453 0

Imam Sadiq: Role Model for Humanity, Part 1

This article includes a brief biography of the life of Imam Sadiq, his revered conduct, and his deep knowledge in jurisprudence; it also delves into the state of the Shi'as during his time as well

The Social Dimensions of Wilayah

The following is a transcript of a lecture delivered by the respected scholar on June 4, 2009 on the occasion of the death anniversary of Imam Khumayni in Qom, Iran.

Allamah al-Hilli on Imamate in his Kashf al-Murad, Part 4

This part of the text expands on the proofs for his authority over the companions that qualify him for leadership such as his extraordinary courage, deep insight, matchless asceticism and devotion,

Allamah al-Hilli on Imamate in his Kashf al-Murad, Part 1

This is a chapter on the responses to objections raised against Imamate from prominent scholar Allamah Hilli's Kashf al-Murad, expanded on from Nasir al-Din al-Tusi's Tajrid al-I'tiqad - The first

History of the Shi‘a in the Time of Imam Sajjad (a) Part 1

Imam Ali ibn al-Husayn was a living embodiment of ‘Ashura as he witnessed his father, brothers, and companions cruelly massacred on the plains of Karbala.

Allamah al-Hilli on Imamate in his Kashf al-Murad, Part 2

The previous part of this series displayed the responses to objections raised against Imamate from prominent scholar Allamah Hilli's Kashf al-Murad, expanded on from Nasir al-Din al-Tusi's Tajrid a

History of the Shi‘a in the Time of Imam Sajjad (a) Part 2

In this part, Imam Sajjad’s devotional and political activities are examined in terms of his efforts to enjoin good and forbid evil, divulge the Umayyad’s crimes, and resist against oppressive rule

The Qur’an in the Words of Imam Sajjad

This article offers a collection of sayings by Imam Zain al-Abideen al-Sajjad, the fourth Shi'a Imam, regarding various aspects of the Qur'an in his supplication "Upon Completing a Reading of the Q

Imam Sadiq’s Contribution to the Scientific Movement in the Early Period of Islam

This article focuses on Imam Ja'far al-Sadiq 's role in developing this scientific movement, offers an account of the number and religious denominations of his students and narrators, and reveals t

Imam Sadiq: Role Model for Humanity, Part 2

This part of the series continues with material on Shi'a jurisprudence according to Sunni narrations, the Imam's hadith collections, his debates, and his political confrontations given the pressure

Allamah al-Hilli on Imamate in his Kashf al-Murad, Part 3

This part of the text expands on the proofs for his authority over the companions that qualify him for leadership such as his extraordinary courage, deep insight, matchless asceticism and devotion,

History of the Shi'a in the Time of Imam Baqir

This paper is a translation of Chapter Eight of The History of Shi‘ism, vol. 1: The Period of Shi‘a Imam’s Presence, Qum: 2005, Hawzah wa Daneshgah and Samt Publishers.

Allamah al-Hilli on Imamate in his Kashf al-Murad, Part 5

This part of the articles series expands on Imam Ali’s close relationship to the Prophet, expounds on well-known hadiths on the Imam’s faith and merits, and his immeasurable services to Islam.

Foremost in Faith

A Collection of Lectures delivered by Maulana Syed Mohammad Jaffer Zaidi Shaheed concerning the high status of the Prophet (S) and his Ahlul Bayt (as) in the Light of Traditions and various Ayat f

Imam al-Hadi: Torch-Holders of Guidance Series

This article is a short biography of Imam al-Hadi, the tenth of the Twelve Imams whom are the spiritual and political successors to the Prophet Muhammad.

Jafar Anwari 1,126 0

The Life of Imam Ja’far Al-Sadiq

The book summarises the life of the sixth Imam, a most prominent character, who benefited the human kind with his highly new scientific achievements, his instructions in the acts of worship and tra

Imam Jawad: A Blessed Newborn

This article is a short biography that offers a glimpse of Imam Muhammad ibn ‘Ali ibn Musa's – also called al-Jawad (‘the generous’) and al-Taqi (‘the pious’)- life: his Imamate, marriage, offsprin

Migration of Lady Fatima Al-Ma’sumah to Qum

This article addresses the political and social conditions of the time of Imam al-Ridha and the reasons for Lady Ma’sumah’s migration from Medina to Qum-Iran.

All Solutions are with the Prophet’s Progeny

In this text, the author Al-Tijani Al-Samawi tries to present the idea that a contemporary Muslim, who lives in the civilization of the twentieth century and faces different challenges, cannot abid

The Coins of Victory

From the series "With the Infallibles" - Based on the life-story of his eminence Imam Muhammed Baqir (p.b.u.h )