LTSE Student Success Student Equity and Wellbeing

Student Equity and Wellbeing

The Directorate of Learning, Teaching and Student Engagement has a broad mandate to ensure that social justice and principles of equity are embedded and actualised across the JCU community.  At the same time, we ensure an engaging and inclusive experience for JCU students.

In addition to the wider equity mandate, the Directorate has a specific operational mandate to deliver a range of student support services which, at their core, seek to improve student engagement by creating opportunities, building personal capacity and removing barriers for effective engagement in university life and the university experience.

Social justice and equity are at the core of the Directorate's being.  We aspire to create and support a university community that embeds and delivers opportunity for all and eliminates injustices at the individual, community and institutional level. This can be achieved by creating a culture that values and welcomes diversity as an opportunity for growth and enhanced humanity.

We develop, assist and celebrate the achievements of the university community as we continue to build a culture of 'welcomeness' and social justice, freedom from persecution, discrimination or harassment and the creation of opportunity for full participation for all to the best of their ability.

The Directorate encompasses a portfolio of student support services, including:

These services operate across both the Cairns and Townsville campus with a team of highly passionate professionals. It is widely appreciated that modernity has created a new set of challenges for those participating in higher education which require an equally innovative approach to assisting students to manage in their own unique ways. The service assists students with physical, mental health, emotional, personal and spiritual needs, and looks to capitalise upon the opportunities to expand the range of services to meet and assist with the wider challenges facing our students and building their capacity to proactively meet these challenges.

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